Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Global Communication Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Communication - Term Paper Example Gannon further explains that use of cultural metaphors makes it easy for an individual to comprehend the differences in cultures. For example, the Japanese Garden acts as a metaphor, which depicts the culture in Japan. In both modern and traditional settings, men have always grouped themselves into different regions, currently known as countries. Every country has its own unique practices best presented by various cultural metaphors. In addition, cultural metaphors have various advantages such as offering an in-depth understanding of a country’s culture. In that view, one may have the opportunity to witness experiences, which may include seeing the practical bit of a people’s culture. When an opportunity for cross-cultural interaction appears, cultural metaphors can prove to be of significant use as they may provide a deep understanding as to why people are doing things in a certain manner (Gannon, and Pillai, 2009). Subsequently, this understanding makes interaction sm ooth and fruitful. In addition, this understanding may prove to be of essence where global communication is bound to take place as it gives rise to peace among individuals from different countries that have different cultural practices. The US and Poland both present two countries that have different cultural beliefs and practices. They each bear different metaphors to distinguish them. In Poland, a significant metaphor found virtually in all the towns is the village church. The village church is a symbol representing Poland’s peasant roots, Catholicism, which is a religious belief highly upheld in Poland’s culture, and the foreign power that was dominating them a while back. Poland’s choice of the exterior and interior looks of the church is a form of another cultural metaphor of the Polish. This is so because the looks are unique and present a product of the many years Poland underwent foreign domination. It is also worth noting that the Polish churches are st rategically located as they stand at the central part of the village. Concurrently, we find US having different cultural practices from those in Poland. For example, in the United States of America, different religions dominate the towns and cities. Moreover, the churches do not have a particular site that defines them. However, the United States of America has its own cultural metaphors, starting from its distinct colorful flag, which is a symbol of the unity of the states within the continent of North America. It is also notable that the Polish are high-context speakers on comparison to the Americans. Currently, the Polish culture is diverging from its roots, a change that to Poles has a negative effect; however, others feel that it will bring about positive changes. A change in the role of Polish church is one of the changes Poland’s culture is facing. At first, the church acted as a central figure within the towns but currently there is a large-scale project, which involv es building churches all over Poland’s countryside. Over the recent years, people have lost touch with the church; this presents another cultural change among the Poles. Prior to this sudden change people viewed the church as a haven of resisting communism, however, it now disregards what the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Essay Example for Free
Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Essay On August 5, 2010, employees of Minera San Esteban Primera woke up, stretched out, bathed, ate breakfast, and walked around their assuredly modest homes. They said their casual goodbyes to family as they headed off to yet another dark day at work deep in the San Jose copper mine in northern Chile. Little did they know it would be the last time for nearly two months they would see the light of day. These same blessings of life they most likely took for granted earlier that day to be able to stretch out, to bathe, to eat, and to walk around in the comfort of their own homes would be taken from them unexpectedly later that same day. Some time around the miners lunch time on August 5, 2010, the upper galleries of the private copper mine collapsed trapping the miners. Many on the outside feared the worst. After all, when the collapse occurred the miners should have been in or near the hazard zone on their way out for their lunch break. Furthermore, with limited necessities such as food, water, and oxygen it was unknown whether the miners could have survived. Liliana Ramirez, the wife of one of the oldest minders trapped, said she had faith all along that they were still alive and that she knew that her husband would never let his fellow workers perish (Hughes, 2010). Families of the missing miners, like Liliana Ramirez, started gathering and camping out at the mines surface since the collapse was first disclosed. Finally, 17 days after the collapse occurred, on August 22, 2010, the 33 trapped miners were discovered alive and doing considerably well. Drilling probes discovered the refuge area located 2,297 feet underground (Hughes, 2010). At that time loved ones were able to send inspirational, encouraging, and heart-felt messages down through the probes to their trapped miners. The miners were able to inform those above how they were faring. Upon hearing of her husbands well being, Liliana Ramirez said her message was that she wished him the strength to resist until they can be rescued, and that she loved him (Hughes, 2010). Over the next two months, the miners trapped nearly half a mile below the surface endured trying circumstances. Food supply was extremely limited. Water was obtained from the mines storage tanks that survived the collapse. Sugars, water, and liquid nutrients were sent down to the trapped miners from the surface via tiny bore holes (Barrionuevo, 2011). Risks of additional cave-ins were always present. In fact, just days after the initial search and rescue efforts had begun a second cave-in occurred suspending relief efforts for several hours (Weik, 2010). After nearly two months of being fed by a virtual umbilical cord, overcoming claustrophobia, and wondering if theyd ever see their friends and family again, late in the evening of October 12, 2010, the first miner ascended to the surface and to safety. One by one the remaining 32 miners were lifted through the rescue shaft and were greeted by cheers, hugging, crying, and feelings of elation. The story of the trapped Chilean miners (which actually consisted of 32 Chileans and one Bolivian) was a story that gripped the world. More than 1,400 journalists were present to witness the final rescue operation (Barrionuevo, 2011). Seemingly every race, color, tongue, and ethnicity was engaged one way or another, hoping and praying for a positive outcome. Amid all of the news-worthy stories that capture the audiences attention with their negative trauma-like effect the story of the trapped and rescued Chilean miners stands out. This was a story that united nations. This was a story that was bigger than the color of ones skin, the language one speaks, or the country one calls home. This was a story about the love of mankind, about teamwork, about sacrifice, and about the basic struggle for survival. Final score: Mankind-1, Adversity-0. References Barrionuevo, A. (2011). Chile Mining Accident (2010). http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/c/chile_mining_accident_2010/index. html Hughes, H. (2010). 33 Trapped Chilean Miners Found Alive, But Could Be Stuck 4 Months. http://abcnews. go. com/International/33-trapped-chilean-miners-found-alive-stu k-months/story? id=11457872 Weik, J. (2010). Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. Metal Bulletin Daily, (224), 65. Memo to Families of Employees of Minera San Esteban Primera To Whom It May Concern, As President and CEO of this company I feel a personal responsibility to each and every one of our employees as well as to the welfare of their families. It is with deep concern for each of them and for each of you that I write this memo to inform you of a developing situation. Mid-day today (August 5, 2010) there was an accident in the San Jose mine. The upper galleries of the mine collapsed. 3 of our miners are still unaccounted for. We want to assure you that we are doing everything within our means and ability to expedite relief efforts. At this time of unprecedented disaster we pray for you as well as for the miners. If you have a loved one that may have been stationed in the San Jose mine today we have posted (and will update and maintain) a list of those miners that have been accounted for as well as a list of unaccounted miners on our website. We will not stop, we will not rest, until every miner has been accounted for. Thank you for your prayers and for your cooperation in any relief efforts that are being coordinated.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay -- Sir Gawain Green Knight Essay
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight tells the tale of one of King Arthur’s bravest and noblest knights, Sir Gawain. The author spins this magical tale of heroism and adventure over the course of one year. During this year, the hero Sir Gawain undergoes a serious alteration of character. When Bertilak enters King Arthur’s court as the mysterious green knight, he sets Sir Gawain’s destiny in motion. Change, especially spiritual transformation, is a common thread running through the poem. The poet depicts Bertilak as somewhat Godlike, and Bertilak plays a significant role in Sir Gawain’s spiritual transformation, through which he becomes more like Christ. Bertilak first introduces himself by making an astonishing entrance into King Arthur’s court. The poet describes the appearance of the Green Knight thus: â€Å"†¦There hurtles in at the hall-door an unknown rider, / One the greatest on ground in growth of his frame: / †¦Half a giant on earth I hold him to be†(l. 136-140). His forcefulness and size are the aspects of him that the poet first describes; however, the fact that the huge knight is entirely green from head to toe amazes the court more. The author notes that, â€Å"Great wonder grew in hall / At his hue most strange to see, / For man and gear and all / Were green as green could be†(l. 147-150). The color green here may symbolize spiritual growth, although green sometimes suggests evil in literature. The Green Knight was especially fascinating because his physical appearance, as well as his apparent immortality demonstrated that he had supernatural qualities, and therefore was not entirely of this world. Throughout Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the poet port... ... depicted Bertilak, sometimes the Green Knight, with Godlike characteristics and supernatural qualities. At different times in the poem, Bertilak represents the wise, just, godly master of the castle, and is sometimes transformed into the mystical Green Knight. Both characters are essential for Sir Gawain’s transformation, which Bertilak manipulates freely. In a Christ-like sacrifice, Sir Gawain learns of his weaknesses, and experiences the process of spiritual absolution. In this poem, Bertilak, whom the author has granted supernatural characteristics, facilitates Sir Gawain’s spiritual journey for truth and complete transformation. Works Cited â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.†The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Ed. Alfred David, James Simpson. Vol. A. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.: 2006. 3 vols. 162-213.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Equality diversity and inclusion in dementia Essay
The term consent capacity means for an adult to have the ability to understand information relevant to making an informal or voluntary decision. A wide range of diseases, disorders, conditions and injuries can affect a person’s ability to understand and give consent to information that has been relayed to them. Informed consent is a phrase often used in law to indicate that the consent from the individual meets the certain minimum standards. In order to give informed consent the individual concerned must have adequate reasoning faculties and be in possession of all relevant facts at the time that the consent is given. Impairments to reasoning and judgment which may make it impossible for someone to give informed consent include such factors as basic intellectual or emotional immaturity, high levels of stress such as post-traumatic stress disorder or as severe mental retardation, severe mental illness, intoxication, severe sleep deprivation, Alzheimer’s disease, or being in a coma. Questioning and challenging decisions that are made by others this would depends on the mental capacity of the individual you want to support. First, you would obtain their permission and then you must get them to explain as exactly as possible what help they reckon they need. Then you can offer further information, suggestions, and a plan to challenge such decisions. You could offer to be their spokesperson if they weren’t confident enough to speak out, or to accompany them to any hearing or appointment. However if the person is mentally impaired, you would have to get their signed permission to speak and act on their behalf before any health or social care workers would listen to you because of issues of confidentiality, you either have to be next of kin, or obtain powers of attorney or guardianship. How identity, self-image and self-esteem are linked is that self-esteem is how much you value yourself, in an ideal world this would be an equal to anyone purely on the basis of being human. Self-Image is the spinoff of countless self-esteem choices, and is basically your mental image of you as you are, usually not accurate. Identity is linked with this because everyone has their own identity and this is unique to each person. People’s identity is built up on their self-image and self-esteem. Every part of your life is influenced by your state of wellbeing. These factors enhance person’s wellbeing; a happy relationship with a partner, enjoyable and fulfilling career, a good network of close friends, a supporting family, enough money, regular exercise, a balanced diet and fun hobbies and leisure. There is lots of different uses for risk assessments for example there will always be a risk assessment carried out and the start of the day or the start of a shift, this is normally and formal risk assessment. You will also risk assess things as you are getting on with your work for example if there is an object in the middle of your path you will may move it out of the way or to the side so you and others can get past safely, these risk assessments you may not realise that you are doing them because they just seem obvious and come so easy to you. You may also risk assess whether people that are in your care are not likely to get injured or lost by contractors that are also using the facilities. Every individual has rights of their own choices and decisions weather it is putting them at risk, this is why risk assessments are carried out to make sure the risks that the individual are willing to take is kept down to the lowest risk. As a carer you have responsibilities to make sure you and your service user are kept out of risks and danger. Risk assessments need to be regularly revised because peoples abilities change which could mean that they can no longer use stairs so you will have to risk assess what may happen if they were to use the stairs and how to prevent them from being at any danger. You also have to risk assess your ability to carry out some activities. So they need to regularly revised because you never know when an environment is going to change.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mandatory Sentencing
Many changes have occurred over the past three decades with regards to the sentencing systems from both the state and federal levels. In 1975, all states and also the federal system principally relied on an indeterminate sentencing system that accorded judges wide discretion with respect to sentencing and gave parole boards practically unchecked discretion regarding the release of prisoners (Tonry & Hatlesad, 1997). All jurisdictions placed great emphasis on the philosophy of tailoring sentences to reflect offenders’ characteristics. This strategy represented an attempt to achieve the rehabilitation of the offender. That uniform response to sentencing has disappeared; in the year 2000, there is no common philosophy or common sentencing practices across jurisdictions in America (Tonry, 1999). All states, however, have adopted statutes requiring mandatory minimum prison sentences for certain violent, drug, and property offenders. The result has been increased sentence lengths (and numbers of admissions to custody) for a wide range of offenses. This, in turn, has led to overcrowded prisons across the country. Mandatory Sentencing Despite many legislative changes regarding specific crimes, 30 states still rely primarily on an indeterminate sentencing system which incorporates parole release (Tonry, 1999). Fourteen states have eliminated early release at the discretion of a parole board for all offenders, and many more states have substantially reduced â€Å"goodtime†credits, by which prisoners may earn their early release (Ditton and Wilson, 1999). Some jurisdictions have attempted to structure sentencing through the use of presumptive or voluntary sentencing guidelines. Several states have made a conscious effort to avoid populist punitive policies by requiring legislators to consider the impact of a law on criminal justice resources. For example, before approving legislation, Louisiana legislators must consider an impact statement on how a mandatory sentencing bill would affect jury trials, plea bargaining, overcrowding in prisons, and the corrections budget (DiMascio, 1997). In stark contrast to the federal sentencing guidelines, eight states have adopted â€Å"front-end resource matching†; the resources required for the implementation of a sentencing law must be approved before the sentencing law is enacted. This focus on resource matching may create more rational sentencing and allow legislators some breathing space in which to resist intense public pressure arising from high-profile cases (Frase, 1995, p. 179). These efforts, however, are infrequent, and policies reflecting penal populism still carry the day more often than not in contemporary America. Criminal Control Truly, the complexity of the criminal justice problem is such that issues like the etiology of crime and the impact of drug addiction on criminal behavior may never be completely understood. Because of this, there is much room for the purveyors of scientific snake off to sell their wares to an unsuspecting public. Proponents of the various programs that are engineered as solutions to such problems as recidivism and crime prevention are so diverse in their political philosophies and theoretical schools as to cause the head to reel. Still, the public demands that there be answers, and politicians have mandated that they be found – and they have been. Bureaucrats and academics, professional consultants and political activists, government commissions and high-powered think tanks have all been analyzing data and constructing better programs for the alleviation of crime. Each of the many camps that have sprung up around this industry has a particular theory to espouse and a specific agenda to promote. Most of them have budgets, jobs, and political turf to protect. And whether one is trying to deflect attention away from the failure of law enforcement and its allies or pursuing failure as a means of promoting a political agenda of scapegoating the poor, nothing will achieve the goal better than the latest and most fashionable pseudoscientific technique for reducing crime. Evaluating the Criminal Justice Policy Criminological research, just as any other body of scientific knowledge, can serve ideological or bureaucratic ends just as readily as it can serve the advancement of positive social goals. Indeed, this is the entire point of Jeffrey Reiman's Pyrrhic defeat theory. By selectively collecting and analyzing some data while ignoring others, one can frequently arrive at whatever conclusion will support the practitioner's or researcher's favorite theory. At the very heart of Reiman's assessment of the American system of justice is the contention that the police focus on street crime while ignoring white-collar and corporate crime. He notes, for example, that while 9,285 members of the work force lost their lives due to crime in 1972, 100,000 of them died as the result of occupational hazards (Reiman 1979, p. 66). It is Reiman's contention that many of the latter deaths were preventable, and thus were tantamount to negligent homicides. It is no wonder, then, he contends, that corporate interests use their influence to ensure that no legislation that would make such negligence prosecutable comes into being while, at the same time, supporting the aggressive pursuit of street gangs, burglars, and robbery suspects. Samuel Walker and the Criminal Justice Policy Samuel Walker does an excellent job of illustrating the impact of ideology on criminology and the American system of justice. In his book Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs, he describes what he refers to as the conservative theology (pp. 17-19) and the liberal theology (pp. 19-20) of crime control: â€Å"Conservative crime control theology envisions a world of discipline and self-control; people exercise self-restraint and subordinate their personal passions to the common good. It is a place of limits and clear rules about human behavior. The problem with criminals is that they lack self-control†(p. 17). So goes Walker's account of the stance of the right. He goes on to asses the position of the left on issues of crime as well: â€Å"Liberal crime control theology views the world as a large and idealized school. It explains criminal behavior in terms of social influences. People do wrong because of bad influences in the family, the peer group, or the neighborhood, or because of broader social factors, such as discrimination and lack of economic opportunity. The liberals' solution to crime is to create a different set of influences. Rehabilitation involves shaping the offender in the direction of correct behavior†(p. 19). Samuel Walker and the Mandatory Sentencing Having set the stage, Walker goes on to explain that each of these camps has set upon a quest for its own brand of success. He describes the liberal push for reforms in the area of corrections as â€Å"the story of a continuing search for the Holy Grail of rehabilitation†(p. 19). As for the conservative tendency to equate deterrence with parental discipline, he tells us that â€Å"The real world, unfortunately, does not work like family discipline†(p. 18) Walker then supports these characterizations of the liberal and conservative schools of criminology by debunking several of the programs the two sides support and the claimed successes for each. One example used by Walker is that of the mandatory sentencing programs so near and dear to the hearts of law-and-order conservatives. The state of New York's 1973 drug law mandating lengthy prison terms is one of those examined. The law provided that convicted heroin dealers would serve minimum, mandatory prison terms ranging from one year to life for minor offenders, and fifteen years to life for major offenders (those who either sold an ounce of heroin or possessed two ounces of the substance). It was found, however, that between 1972 and 1976, â€Å"the overall percentage of arrests leading to conviction fell from 33.5 to 20 percent†(Walker 1994, p. 92). Walker points out that members of the â€Å"courtroom work group†(p. 48) (prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys) were able to evade the intent of the law by selectively charging and dismissing the offenders. Although he concedes that there was some modest success, in that the rate of incarceration did go up for those who were convicted, the effect of the law was essentially nullified (p. 92). The claim that mandatory sentencing program are, by and large, not successful is further supported by the experiences of both the state of Florida and the federal system. Even though Florida passed mandatory sentencing laws in 1975 and 1988, no significant impact on sentencing practices has resulted. Walker again points out that such factors as judicial discretion and â€Å"good time†reduction of prison terms effectively negated the laws' impact as an effective tool for reducing crime (pp. 87-88). The story for the federal system is similar, though it must be conceded that the length of prison terms for those convicted did increase. Walker points out that this served to greatly increase the prison population and add to overcrowding. At the same time, however, correctional officials employed a greater use of â€Å"good time†programs in an effort to ease these conditions. The result is that whatever benefit might have been realized has again been negated (p. 95). An example of how Samuel Walker explains the failure of the left to come up with the right answers to the question of how to control crime is found in his account of the Martinson Report. This 1974 criminological report by Robert Martinson resulted from a review of all of the evaluations of correctional programs that were available in English-language publications between 1945 and 1967. Walker informs us that most of this universe of data was eliminated as not bun scientifically valid, for the Martinson team found that they were lacking such vital research components as control groups or drew â€Å"questionable conclusions from the data†(p. 209). The upshot of the study was that although Martinson did find some positive results from correctional rehabilitation, he also stated that â€Å"with few and isolated exceptions, the rehabilitative efforts that have been reported so for have had no appreciable effect on rehabilitation†(pp. 208-209). Follow-up studies of the type conducted by Martinson, Walker indicates, have resulted in similar findings, fueling a long-term debate on the efficacy of rehabilitation programs. Samuel Walker makes it clear that practitioners and researchers alike are guilty of wishful thinking and of stacking the deck in favor of their individual arguments. Time and again he demonstrates that many of the so-called successes in rehabilitation have been invented rather than achieved. Closer attention to ethical decision making might have served to advance the state of criminology in these instances, just as it might aid in achieving a more effectively run police department. A brief look at two of Walker's examples will be illustrative. Diversion is one of the programs Walker examines, and he chooses the Manhattan Court Employment Project as an example (p. 212). In this program employment services were provided to underemployed and unemployed defendants-not facing homicide, rape, kidnapping, or arson changes. Such persons were granted a delay of prosecution and could have their cases dismissed if they secured stable employment. A program evaluation conducted shortly after the project was initiated gave it high marks, including a 48.2 percent success rate and a very low cost. Later, however, another study found that recidivism was not abated and that the cost figures were misleading. Walker explains that this was due to the â€Å"net-widening syndrome,†(p. 213) a situation in which low risk offenders who would otherwise have their cases dismissed were selected for inclusion in the diversion program. The result, of course, is a skewing of statistics and the incurring of a cost that would otherwise not have been necessary. â€Å"The net-widening phenomenon suggests that the ‘old' diversion did a better job,†writes Walker (p. 214). Walker notes that what he means by this is that district attorneys who declined to prosecute and police officers who elected not to arrest offenders for minor violations of the law did a far more cost-effective and less intrusive job of diversion than did the Manhattan Court Employment Project. Walker also takes a look at intensive probation supervision (IPS), another of the many fads to hit the rehabilitation scene. In IPS programs, probationers are closely supervised with a great number of contacts between the client and the probation officer, frequent testing of drugs, and generally much tighter restrictions on behavior and movements. Not all that surprisingly, Walker finds that such programs are not new. As evidence of this he cites the San Francisco Project, an IPS program that was put into place during the 1960s. The San Francisco Project, a federal program of intensive probation supervision, was subjected to systematic evaluation at the time. Control groups were set up, reports Walker, for the purpose of comparing the new intensive measures with more traditional and less restrictive ones. The evaluators learned that there was â€Å"no significant difference in the recidivism rates of offenders in the various groups†(p. 214). Walker points out that there are similar findings in studies of the newest wave of IPS programs. Evaluations recently conducted in California, New Jersey, and Georgia are equally disheartening. â€Å"IPS suffers from both confused goals and exaggerated promises,†he writes (p. 220). Conclusion After all, a question still remains as to what are we to make of all of these? Confusion and a seemingly endless series of fits and starts appear to constitute our best effort at finding a solution to crime and violence. Samuel Walker provides us with a very solid explanation in his book as he goes about the task of illustrating the significant issues that encompass the current criminal justice policy. References DiMascio, W. M. (1997). Seeking justice: Crime and punishment in America. New York: Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. Ditton, P. M., and D. J. Wilson (1999). Truth in sentencing in state prisons. Bureau of Justice Statistics: Special Report (NCJ 170032). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice. Frase, R. S. (1995). State sentencing guidelines: Still going strong. Judicature. 78(4): 173–179. Reiman, Jeffrey (1979). The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Tonry, M., and K. Hatlestad, eds. (1997). Sentencing reform in overcrowded times: A comparative perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. Tonry, M. (1999). The fragmentation of sentencing and corrections in America. National Institute of Justice: Research in Brief. NCJ 175721. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. Walker, Samuel (1994). Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs: A Policy Guide. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.  Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Anthrax Vaccination Program Essays - Vaccines, Anthrax, Free Essays
Anthrax Vaccination Program Essays - Vaccines, Anthrax, Free Essays Anthrax Vaccination Program On May 18, 1998, Secretary of Defense William Cohen approved a plan to vaccinate all U.S. service members for anthrax. This plan has caused a fierce ethical debate over the legitimacy of this vaccination. The Department of Defense claims the vaccination is completely safe and has been in use for decades. Some doctors dispute this claim, and contend the vaccination may not be effective against weapon versions of anthrax. Many service members have refused the vaccination and have either separated or faced formal punishment for their decision. The Bioport Corporation of Lansing Michigan is the only company that produces the anthrax vaccine. According to a Phoenix Times article, the original Bioport plant had to be demolished due to quality control problems. A new plant was built, but it also failed FDA inspections in December of 1999. Subsequently, the process of administering the vaccination to all service members has been suspended. The vaccination is currently administered only to personnel deploying to high threat areas of the world. The Joint Staff has designated Korea, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen, and Israel as high-threat areas. The immunization is administered in a series of six shots over an eighteen-month period, with annual boosters. The following analysis will contain a brief discussion about both sides of this issue. To understand why the Department of Defense feels it is essential to take such precautions, it is first necessary to have some understanding of what anthrax is. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia defines anthrax as a contagious disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. There are three types of anthrax diseases. The first is cutaneous anthrax, which is caused by contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. The second type is gastrointestinal anthrax, which is caused by ingestion of contaminated meat. The last type is inhalation anthrax, which is the type used in biological weapons. It is caused by the inhalation of anthrax spores and it is the most deadly type of the disease. One of the most effective defenses against inhaling the deadly spores is a properly worn gas mask. The DOD fears that by the time an attack is detected, it will be too late to don protective clothing. Theory suggests that immunization may be the o nly chance of surviving an attack. With so many biological weapons in production, one may wonder why bother with a vaccination that is only going to protect personnel against one type of weapon. The DOD feels that anthrax spores are the top choice in biological weapons for germ warfare. They say it is one of the most effective biological weapons because it is almost always deadly if not treated early. In addition, it is relatively simple to manufacture in large quantities with only a basic knowledge of biology. The spores can be stored for long periods with no deterioration, and it can be delivered easily using missiles, rockets, artillery, bombs or sprayers. Once the weapon has been dispersed, there are virtually no indications of exposure. The vapor is odorless, colorless, taste-free and leaves no cloud. DOD claims there is no effective treatment once exposure has occurred. They suggest antibiotics will suppress infection, but only if they are administered within 48 hours of exposure. They also claim unprotected ind ividuals have a 99% chance of death after exposure. The Secretary of Defense has stated that it would be derelict l to send troops into one of the high threat areas without this vaccination. Other senior officers have frequently used the analogy It would be like sending troops into harms way without a helmet or flack vest. This theory brings up a question about whether the vaccination is safe and effective. DODs point of view suggests the vaccine is safe and will work. Their anthrax web site uses the reasoning that we already receive vaccines to protect against typhoid, yellow fever and many other diseases, so it makes sense to protect ourselves against this killing disease which can be used as a weapon. The vaccine was developed for human use in the 1960s and approved by the FDA in 1970. DOD states that it has been routinely administered to
Monday, October 21, 2019
Love Song to a Dictionary
Love Song to a Dictionary Love Song to a Dictionary Love Song to a Dictionary By Maeve Maddox Most writers of English in every part of the world acknowledge the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as a reliable reference to settle questions of spelling, pronunciation, and usage. Today computers are used to organize, store, and supplement the online Second Edition of the OED at the rate of 4,000 new words a year. But the OED had its beginnings long before computers made the lexicographers work easier. It took 120 keyboarders working six years to key in the more than 350,000,000 handset characters of the First Edition from which the Second Edition derives. The First Edition, compiled and printed the old-fashioned way, required numerous editors, thousands of volunteer readers, millions of slips of paper, and 70 years to achieve completion. But these are nothing but dry statistics. For a glimpse of the human side of the mighty OED, read Simon Winchesters The Professor and the Madman. Subtitled A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary, Winchesters book is an instructive example of narrative nonfiction as well as a fascinating read. It tells the story of James Murray (the professor) and W.C. Minor (the madman). Murray took over the editorship of the OED in 1879 and remained at the job until his death in 1915. He guided the dictionary from A-T. Minor was a former American army doctor incarcerated from 1872-1910 in the Broadmoor hospital for the criminally insane. He contributed thousands of the quotations that illustrate usage in the OED entries. Minor killed an Englishman, but escaped execution by reason of insanity. Because of his personal wealth and usually mild behavior, he was given special privileges, such as having two rooms in a cell block with a pleasant view. He fitted one of the rooms as a library and collected old books. When Professor Murray sent out a call in 1879 for volunteers to contribute illustrative quotations to the OED, Minor responded. He applied himself to a systematic reading regimen and earned Murrays attention and respect. Winchesters embroideries and speculations are sometimes a little over the top. He waxes romantic as he commiserates with Minors victims and speculates on the possible causes of Minors mental condition. Overall, however, The Professor and the Madman is an excellent use of research to create a non-fiction book that is hard to put down. It casts a reference book we take for granted in a new light. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidAcronym vs. InitialismPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Solar Flares Work and the Risks They Pose
How Solar Flares Work and the Risks They Pose A sudden flash of brightness on the Suns surface is called a solar flare. If the effect is seen on a star besides the Sun, the phenomenon is called a stellar flare. A stellar or solar flare releases a vast amount of energy, typically on the order of 1 Ãâ€" 1025 joules, over a broad spectrum of wavelengths and particles. This amount of energy is comparable to the explosion of 1 billion megatons of TNT or ten million volcanic eruptions. In addition to light, a solar flare may eject atoms, electrons, and ions into space in what is called a coronal mass ejection. When particles are released by the Sun, they are able to reach Earth within a day or two. Fortunately, the mass may be ejected outward in any direction, so the Earth isnt always affected. Unfortunately, scientists arent able to forecast flares, only give a warning when one has occurred. The most powerful solar flare was the first one that was observed. The event occurred on September 1, 1859, and is called the Solar Storm of 1859 or the Carrington Event. It was reported independently by astronomer Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. This flare was visible to the naked eye, set telegraph systems aflame, and produced auroras all the way down to Hawaii and Cuba. While scientists at the time didnt have the ability to measure the strength of the solar flare, modern scientists were able to reconstruct the event based on nitrate and the isotope beryllium-10 produced from the radiation. Essentially, evidence of the flare was preserved in ice in Greenland. How a Solar Flare Works Like planets, stars consists of multiple layers. In the case of a solar flare, all layers of the Suns atmosphere are affected. In other words, energy is released from the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. Flares tend to occur near sunspots, which are regions of intense magnetic fields. These fields link the atmosphere of the Sun to its interior. Flares are believed to result from a process called magnetic reconnection, when loops of magnetic force break apart, rejoin and release energy. When magnetic energy is suddenly released by the corona (suddenly meaning over a matter of minutes), light and particles are accelerated into space. The source of the released matter appears to be material from the unconnected helical magnetic field, however, scientists havent completely worked out how flares work and why there are sometimes more released particles than the amount within a coronal loop. Plasma in the affected area reaches temperatures in the order of tens of million Kelvin, wh ich is nearly as hot as the Suns core. The electrons, protons, and ions are accelerated by the intense energy to nearly the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation covers the entire spectrum, from gamma rays to radio waves. The energy released in the visible part of the spectrum makes some solar flares observable to the naked eye, but most of the energy is outside the visible range, so flares are observed using scientific instrumentation. Whether or not a solar flare is accompanied by a coronal mass ejection is not readily predictable. Solar flares may also release a flare spray, which involves an ejection of material that is faster than a solar prominence. Particles released from a flare spray may attain a velocity of 20 to 200 kilometers per second (kps). To put this into perspective, the speed of light is 299.7 kps! How Often Do Solar Flares Occur? Smaller solar flares occur more often than large ones. The frequency of any flare occurring depends on the activity of the Sun. Following the 11-year solar cycle, there may be several flares per day during an active part of the cycle, compared with fewer than one per week during a quiet phase. During peak activity, there may be 20 flares a day and over 100 per week. How Solar Flares Are Classified An earlier method of solar flare classification was based on the intensity of the HÃŽ ±Ã‚ line of the solar spectrum. The modern classification system categorizes flares according to their peak flux of 100 to 800 picometer X-rays, as observed by the GOES spacecraft that orbit the Earth. Classification Peak Flux (Watts per square meter) A 10−7 B 10−7 – 10−6 C 10−6 – 10−5 M 10−5 – 10−4 X 10−4 Each category is further ranked on a linear scale, such that an X2 flare is twice as potent as an X1 flare. Ordinary Risks From Solar Flares Solar flares produce what is called solar weather on Earth. The solar wind impacts the magnetosphere of the Earth, producing aurora borealis and australis, and presenting a radiation risk to satellites, spacecraft, and astronauts. Most of the risk is to objects in low Earth orbit, but coronal mass ejections from solar flares can knock out power systems on Earth and completely disable satellites. If satellites did come down, cell phones and GPS systems would be without service. The ultraviolet light and x-rays released by a flare disrupt long-range radio and likely increase the risk of sunburn and cancer. Could a Solar Flare Destroy the Earth? In a word: yes. While the planet itself would survive an encounter with a superflare, the atmosphere could be bombarded with radiation and all life could be obliterated. Scientists have observed the release of superflares from other stars up to 10,000 times more powerful than a typical solar flare. While most of these flares occur in stars that have more powerful magnetic fields than our Sun, about 10% of the time the star is comparable to or weaker than the Sun. From studying tree rings, researchers believe Earth has experienced two small superflares- one in 773 C.E. and another in 993 C.E. Its possible we can expect a superflare about once a millennium. The chance of an extinction level superflare is unknown. Even normal flares can have devastating consequences. NASA revealed Earth narrowly missed a catastrophic solar flare on July 23, 2012. If the flare had occurred just a week earlier, when it was pointed directly at us, society would have been knocked back to the Dark Ages. The intense radiation would have disabled electrical grids, communication, and GPS on a global scale. How likely is such an event in the future? Physicist Pete Rile calculates the odds of a disruptive solar flare is 12% per 10 years. How to Predict Solar Flares At present, scientists cannot predict a solar flare with any degree of accuracy. However, high sunspot activity is associated with an increased chance of flare production. Observation of sunspots, particularly the type called delta spots, is used to calculate the probability of a flare occurring and how strong it will be. If a strong flare (M or X class) is predicted, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues a forecast/warning. Usually, the warning allows for 1-2 days of preparation. If a solar flare and coronal mass ejection occur, the severity of the flares impact on Earth depends on the type of particles released and how directly the flare faces the Earth. Sources Big Sunspot 1520 Releases X1.4 Class Flare With Earth-Directed CME. NASA. July 12, 2012.Description of a Singular Appearance seen in the Sun on September 1, 1859, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v20, pp13, 1859.Karoff, Christoffer. Observational evidence for enhanced magnetic activity of superflare stars. Nature Communications volume 7, Mads Faurschou Knudsen, Peter De Cat, et al., Article number: 11058, March 24, 2016.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Economic Distribution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Economic Distribution - Assignment Example oping countries, such as China, which find themselves in the midst of a transition phenomenon marked by a significant shift from a predominantly labor intensive agricultural economy with considerable industrial and services sectors to a more industrialized one, must ensure that such rural urban migration is not obstructed by regressive policies, and is in fact preferably encouraged. The critical problem discussed in this article is the high rates of abortion in India. Medical termination of pregnancy is one of the most discordant and poignant concerns faced by Indian policymakers in recent times, a fact which is highly disturbing yet barely unanticipated, particularly if viewed against India’s cultural background which tilts largely in favor of a male child. Policy makers must therefore strive to implement stringent measures to make such clinical facilities effective, safe, affordable and easily accessible to the citizens. Appropriate steps must be taken to ensure availability of health insurance covers, expand the accessibility and availability of contraceptives, develop and implement policies to cover women from economically poor backgrounds, safeguard the feasibility of the national family planning health center system, and take measures specifically directed at poor women and teenagers, where the incidences of unwanted pregnancies and lack of availab ility of medical facilities are the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Ethical Issues in OB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethical Issues in OB - Essay Example Besides reputational loss, these frauds and/or scandals have caused significant financial impact on their businesses resulting in their closure. Hence, it is extremely important for organizations to formulate strong ethical principles and practices, which need to be followed by the organization, its leaders and its employees. In fact, ethical standards/principles promote the organization and its products/services to a large extent. Therefore, organization’s success largely depends upon its ethical standards besides other factors related to business and its management. Moreover, ethical standards form the guiding principles for various managerial decisions that get stuck in different types of dilemmas. Ethics involves moral issues and choices and deals with right and wrong behavior (Luthans, 1998; p.72). This behavior is with respect to employees, managers, organizations to the environment etc. The most significant role in maintaining ethical standards is played by members in t he leadership positions. Ethical behavior is demonstrated by the leaders in maintaining business ethics on a regular basis. For people in the leadership role, their character is extremely important to make an impact. This character is judged based on their actions and not words. Hence, ethical behavior becomes all the more important for leaders. In her article in the Forbes, Chairman of the board at Deloitte & Touche, Sharon Allen (2007) puts it, â€Å"ethical leadership counts--on the job and everywhere else that our employees and fellow citizens watch, assess and ultimately transform the examples of leaders into actions of their own.†This clearly exemplifies what kind of impact leaders can have on their followers through ethical behavior. Further Allen (2007) explains that behavior of leaders give their followers clues about their personal value systems and set an example for the behavior that is considered as right. If leaders expect their followers to exhibit and adhere to specific business behavior, then such behavior has to be demonstrated by the leaders. If they lack or fail to do so, then followers will emulate their leaders’ behavior, even if unethical. Recently, the New York Times reported internal charges levied against one of the union leaders of the Service Employees International Union for improper usage of funds official funds, which was not accounted for in the right manner. This report stated, â€Å"The charges accuse Mr. Raynor of falsely stating that he had 10 meals, costing $186 to $275, with a male union lawyer instead of the person he had actually dined with: Alex Dagg, a female executive vice president of Workers United and one of its Canadian directors. The charges call for ousting him from his Workers United and S.E.I.U. posts, and state that he had falsified union records and made improper personal expenses†(Greenhouse, 2011, March 30). This charge is a serious offence because the union leader falsified organiza tion’s money and also provided misleading information. If this behavior is ignored, then it might encourage sequence of such behaviors, which his followers too might adopt. In order to promote ethical behavior, organizations adopt ethical practices such as organizational values and ethical standards in all actions and communicating the same to its employees through various media. Ethical standards have to pertain to
Marketing Planing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marketing Planing - Essay Example It is expected your report demonstrates strong evaluative style you should draw on the relevant theories covered within the course (course book attached) you must relate your answer to your chosen organization ( eg : Barclay's, HSBC U.K etc) Harvard referencing Stlye This paper is aimed at looking at how the recent credit crunch is affecting banks and how this in turn affects international business. The paper argues from a marketing point of view. Here the paper looks into how marketing can help restore confidence and competitive advantage into some of these troubled banks. The recent credit crunch in the U.S is a cause for concern for governments, regulatory bodies, businesses, individuals, stock markets, etc. This issue is affecting world trade in that it is currently making it difficult for banks to provide loans to businesses given the significant losses encountered so far as following prior sub-prime mortgage lending. The first part of the paper looks into the institution in question. Here our institution under case study is the Barclays bank. The first part of the paper discusses the various ways through which Barclays bank could be affected by the crisis. The second part of the paper discusses the role of marketing towards restoring a com petitive advantage and creating value for Barclays bank. The last part of the paper presents the conclusion and recommendation. Bar... The last part of the paper presents the conclusion and recommendation. 1.1 Overview of the institution under case study -Barclays Bank Barclays PLC (Barclays) is an international and major player in the world financial system. It is headquartered in the United Kingdom, a global financial services provider and is engaged in retail, commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services. (Report 2008). The bank is present in Europe, United States, Africa and Asia using different strategies with respect to different markets. According to an independent analyst review, the Company operates in business segments: For example, UK Retail Banking, Barclays Commercial Bank, Barclaycard, Global Retail and Commercial Banking (GRCB)-Western Europe, GRCB-Emerging Markets, GRCB-Absa, Barclays Capital, Barclays Global Investors and Barclays Wealth (Company's Report 2008). Today, Barclays Plc is listed in major stock exchanges in the world such as the London, the Tokyo and the New York etc. Barclays Plc has consolidated its position through a series of mergers and acquisitions. For example, according to the company's web page, in November 2008, Barclays PLC announced that it has completed the purchase of the Italian residential mortgage business of Macquarie Group Limited. According to the company's (2008) report, Barclays PLC was ranked as the 25th largest company in the world according to Forbes Global 2000 (2008 list) and the fourth largest financial services provider in the world according to Tier 1 capital ($32.5 billion). It is the second largest bank in the United Kingdom based on asset size, although its
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and Essay
How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion in england - Essay Example This is done through a number of methods through which they aim to the impact of these two dilemmas until hopefully they can be wholly eradicated from the community (Payne, 2011). Poverty can be defined as a state of meager means whether it is economically or in references in life (Cree, 2010). Social exclusion refers to the act of locking out the less privileged from things that they should be able to enjoy alongside everyone else mainly due to their social status. There are various methods that individuals who are involved in community social work have implemented in order to erase these two issues from the society (that is poverty and social exclusion). These methods are meant to handle the key cause of the problems so as to ascertain that they eradicated completely (Popple & Leighninger, 2008). Some of these methods include: Social workers often hold training sessions on various business subjects in underprivileged areas in a bid to provide them with means and ideas with which they will be able to support themselves with (Stepney & Popple, 2008). Teaching individuals skills such as carpentry and how to efficiently run a business will ensure that are able to improve their economic situation in the long run and is better than simply offering money which may be spent leaving them in the same place once it is over (Pierson, 2010). The main reason behind social exclusion can be said to the structure of various policies that have been set in place to only benefit the financially stable and thus it is important for such policies to be changed (Grinnell & Unrau, 2008). However, many of those suffering from social exclusion are not aware of this and thus there is a need for individuals to step up and fight for their rights on behalf of this population which is a task that social groups have taken upon themselves. A large number of the people who utilize public utilities
Leadership Analysis Paper (Ray Kroc,Mcdonalds Founder) Essay
Leadership Analysis Paper (Ray Kroc,Mcdonalds Founder) - Essay Example He ensured the growth and consistency of production in the company. Notably, McDonalds is the world's largest chain of restaurants based in San Bernardino, California with its first restaurant starting in 1955. The company continued to open other restaurants all over the world where it sells the same brand and quality of the world’s favorite foods, which include Fries and Chicken, Big Mac sandwich, and Nuggets. Today, McDonalds is the world’s leading foodservice retailer. The leadership case of Ray Kroc relates to me since I also worked for McDonalds and I could use his leadership style in my position. Abstract Leadership is one of the dominant aspects in modern life. There are different forms and levels of leadership and thus it is not easy to define leadership. However, leadership involves the ability to establish a long-term policy and influencing others towards the realization of that policy (Bennis, 2009, p.1-8). Leadership requires leadership skills which are eith er taught or acquired and may have formal powers to exercise their mandate. Notably, leadership is very subtle in any organization and the leaders have unique responsibilities over their followers (Bennis, 2009, 147-149). This paper will analyze the leadership practices of Ray Kroc who was the founder of the McDonalds. In doing this, the paper will rely on theories covered in this course. Chapter 1: Introduction Ray Kroc was an American entrepreneur whose name is very dominant in the restaurants industry because he was synonymous in propelling McDonald’s to international success where it is now the world's largest chain of restaurants. Ray Kroc was born in Oak Park, Illinois, on October 5, 1902 (Mattern, 2011). Ray Kroc grew and spent the greater part of his life in Oak Park, Illinois. He dropped out of school at an early age 15 years to become a Red Cross ambulance driver in World War I after lying about his age to become an ambulance driver at 15 (Mattern, 2011). After the World War 1, Kroc tried various career options, which included selling paper cups, plying piano, and being a DJ on a local Oak Park radio station (Mattern, 2011). At 20 years of age, Kroc got married. He started selling cups during the day for Tulip Cup Company in 1922 and plays the piano on the radio at night. He worked as a sales representative for 17 years where he rose to become the Tulip’s Midwest sales manager (Mattern, 2011). In this position, Kroc acquired the exclusive rights to a new milkshake machine that could make five milkshakes at once and promoted it across the United States (Mattern, 2011). He got big orders for the new milkshake machine and because of the savings he got from the sales, Kroc approached the McDonald brothers to start a number of restaurants. As a result, he opened two restaurants in Illinois when he was fifty-two years old (Mattern, 2011). He consequently bought the McDonald’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and Essay
How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion in england - Essay Example This is done through a number of methods through which they aim to the impact of these two dilemmas until hopefully they can be wholly eradicated from the community (Payne, 2011). Poverty can be defined as a state of meager means whether it is economically or in references in life (Cree, 2010). Social exclusion refers to the act of locking out the less privileged from things that they should be able to enjoy alongside everyone else mainly due to their social status. There are various methods that individuals who are involved in community social work have implemented in order to erase these two issues from the society (that is poverty and social exclusion). These methods are meant to handle the key cause of the problems so as to ascertain that they eradicated completely (Popple & Leighninger, 2008). Some of these methods include: Social workers often hold training sessions on various business subjects in underprivileged areas in a bid to provide them with means and ideas with which they will be able to support themselves with (Stepney & Popple, 2008). Teaching individuals skills such as carpentry and how to efficiently run a business will ensure that are able to improve their economic situation in the long run and is better than simply offering money which may be spent leaving them in the same place once it is over (Pierson, 2010). The main reason behind social exclusion can be said to the structure of various policies that have been set in place to only benefit the financially stable and thus it is important for such policies to be changed (Grinnell & Unrau, 2008). However, many of those suffering from social exclusion are not aware of this and thus there is a need for individuals to step up and fight for their rights on behalf of this population which is a task that social groups have taken upon themselves. A large number of the people who utilize public utilities
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Analysis of an organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of an organization - Assignment Example The major sponsors of Trinity Health are the Catholic Church, under the auspices of the Catholic Health Ministries. This was an organization created for purposes of overseeing the management and administration of Trinity Health, and the healing ministry of the church. One of the tangible assets of the organization is the number of its employees, who are many and diverse. Trinity Health is an organization that employs more than 89,000 people, at different hospitals and health care center operated and managed by the company. This is beneficial to the company, mainly because the people employed are diverse, and they come with different skills, experiences, and culture which may be beneficial to the company (Hernandez, 2012). Furthermore, because of this diversity in its workforce, the company manages to get the right workers, who understand the language preferences, cultural beliefs, traditions, values and health practices of the various communities that the agency serves, and hence use this knowledge to develop policies and services that would help in catering for these needs (Zuckerman, 2009). Because of this diverse workforce, the organization will manage to be innovative, hence develop solutions that can satisfy the needs of the community that it serves (Zuckerman, 2009). For any organization to succeed, and obtain a strategic advantage, satisfaction of the needs of its customers is the key (Moseley, 2009). In the medical and health care field, there is a constant change in the needs of customers, and this is because of the emergence of new diseases, ailments, or medical conditions (Hernandez, 2012). Therefore, the best way of efficiently diagnosing and treating these diseases is through coming up with new medical practices and solutions. It is difficult to achieve this situation without being innovative. An important intangible asset is goodwill. Because of the large size of the organization, the company has
Monday, October 14, 2019
Germany was to blame for the outbreak of the First World War Essay Example for Free
Germany was to blame for the outbreak of the First World War Essay Germany was to blame for the outbreak of the First World War do you agree? I do not agree fully that the Germans were to blame for the outbreak of war. German intentions were not to start a war, however there are a few events where they unintentionally helped to escalate the situation. There is no doubt that they did help to escalate the situation between Serbia and Austro Hungary. In this essay I will be arguing that Germans did not cause the outbreak of the war. I will be doing this by discussing the blank cheque, the Schlieffen plan, the September programme, the actions of the Kaiser and the actions of Bethmann Hollweg. Many historians argue that because Germany pre-planed for war that when the chance of war arose they obviously provoked it. The evidence for this argument is the Schlieffen plan, it was a military strategy devised in 1882 as a means of coping with a two front war. Some people argue that the Schlieffen plan is the first traceable reason why the war started. However this is hardly true the Schlieffen plan was drawn up because of the increasing pressure Germany was under because of the triple Entente. Germany was after all geographically in bad position on one side they had France and on the other Russia, to make this situation worse France and Russia were allied. Therefore it is not surprising that a plan was created in case a war with the both countries was to occur. A war such as this would have to be fought on two fronts so to be able to fight a war like this on side would have to be disabled quickly. The Germans plans to get to Paris in 6 weeks is seen to be an aggressive tactic that is why some people see the Schlieffen plan as a plan to expand Germany if war was to break out. It is clear this is not the case, the Schlieffen plan was a defensive strategy designed to help Germany to come with a war on two fronts. The Schlieffen plan can hardly be seen as the Germans planning for war because other nations had simial plans such as Russia who had to stick to their plans so completely that hey had to declare war on Germany. An argument has been put forward that Germany declaring war on France is proof that the Schlieffen plan was a form of expansion for Germany and that that it was not a defensive plan. However this is hardly true, Germany declared war on France because Russia had declared war on them and Russia and France were allies. So to Germany I was natural that France would join the war because of the alliance system. Russia also did the same when the Tsar was told that he could not mobilise against Austria alone because the plans were for a war with Austria and Russia. The September programme drawn up by the chancellor of Germany, Bethmann Hollweg is seen as another piece of evidence suggesting that Germany had planned the war. The September programme was a document that set out Germanys war aims, including a list of territorial acquisitions. This is seen to be incriminating because it was written so soon after war broke out. However Bethmann Hollweg was under a lot of pressure from military who needed to know their objectives. It should also be considered that the German army had been mobilised for a few months so plans for the army had to be drawn up. Some people argue that because the September programme was released so quickly that these objectives must have been premeditated. This is not completely true, it was important for the germens to think quickly what they were going to have to achieve in the war after all they were fighting on two fronts. Some of the objective might have been premeditated but these were probably defensive ones thought up long ago. It is clear to see that Bethmann Hollweg was caught between the Kaiser and Moltke. Bethmann Hollwegs behaviour is often criticized during the July crisis. It is Bethmann Hollwegs actions that are used as the argument against him. However what he did can be seen as a gamble that went horribly wrong. Bethmann was not consulted on the blank cheque but did back it. Some people argue that Bethmann wanted to manipulate Russia into mobilising against Germany so they didnt look as if they started the war. This is untrue because instead Bethmann thought that he could keep the Balkan war localized. The evidence for this argument is that Bethmann thought that Russia would not help Serbia if a war happened because the Tsar would not lend his support to royal assassins. Bethmann also felt that Russia was not military or financially ready for a war. Germanys mobilisation against Russia was only meant to deter Russia from war not to provoke them into war that is where Bethmanns gamble failed. The blank cheque is seen as confirming Germanys guilt in starting the First World War. The blank cheque is another example of a mistake made by Germany. The Kaiser gave unconditional support to Austria, this was done because Germany felt isolated by the triple entente and wanted to make it clear to Austria that their alliance was strong. However as professor Rohl argues the Kaiser was a very unstable man. There is a lot of evidence to support this argument such as when the Kaiser decided to change is mind about the blank cheque but then was convinced by his wife to be a man. The Kaiser was heavily influenced by others and there are many examples, such as the first Moroccan crisis where he was pushed by Bulow and Holstein into provoking the French. The blank cheque is greatly misunderstood the vague phasing used is open to interpretation. The historian Gerhard Ritter argues that Germany sought to deter Russia from war, not to provoke conflict with her. The blank cheque like the September programme is seen as evidence that Germany had wanted a war for some time but really they have both been misinterpreted. The real nation that was to blame for the outbreak of war was Austro-Hungary who even after finding no evidence that linked the assassins to any terror groups in Serbia and after Serbia agreed to their ultimatum still invaded their country. This is really the behaviour of a nation with war on their agenda. Austro-Hungary it can be said had to avenge the death of Franz Ferdinand. Russia too could have avoided war but much like the Kaiser the Tsar kept on changing his mind. In conclusion from the evidence above it can be seen that everyone muddled into war and that no one power is to blame. The September programme and the Schlieffen plan which are seen to highlight German guilt, do not and are actually defensive precautions not premeditated plans for war. Bethmann Hollweg and the Kaiser both were trying to achieve the same objective but were both communicating very well. The nations involved in the July crisis can be blamed for standing by their alliances instead of sorting out the situation. Germany did contribute to the mix up between nations in the Balkans and for inciting Austro-Hungary however they are not ultimately to blame for the outbreak of war.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Secret trusts in Blackwell v Blackwell
Secret trusts in Blackwell v Blackwell For the prevention of fraud equity fastens on the conscience of the legatee a trust which would otherwise be inoperative: in other words, it makes him do what the will has nothing to do with, it lets him take what the will gives him, and then makes him apply it as the Court of Conscience directs, and it does so in order to give effect to the wishes of the testator, which would not otherwise be effectual per Viscount Sumner in Blackwell v Blackwell [1929] A.C. 318, 335. Discuss this view explaining the practical and legal problems the approach creates, the nature of the fraud, and whether it is a sufficient justification for the acknowledgment of both fully secret and half secret trusts. Let us commence with a brief examination of the factual circumstances which occurred in this case: A testator, by a codicil, bequeathed a legacy of  £12, 000 to five persons ‘to apply for the purposes indicated by me to them. Prior to the execution of this codicil, the terms of the trust were communicated to the legatees and the trust was accepted by them. The beneficiaries were the testator’s mistress and her illegitimate son. The plaintiff sought from the courts a declaration that no such valid trust in favour of the objects had been created on the ground that parole evidence was inadmissible to establish such a trust. Approaching this factual situation as a probate lawyer, one would not be criticised for suggesting that the trusts in question were invalid for failure to comply with the formality requirements of s9 of the Wills Act 1837, which require a will, â€Å"or any other testamentary disposition†, to be in writing, signed by the testator and two witnesses. Viscount Sumner in Blackwell v Blackwell[1] however did find that these trusts were valid, in spite of this statute: The above excerpt, from the dicta of Viscount Sumner in Blackwell v Blackwell, argues that the enforcement of a semi-secret trust does not in fact contravene the aforesaid statutory provision. Viscount Sumner reasons that the trust in question is in fact created inter vivos, and as such operates outside of the will; the testator communicated the trust to the proposed trustees who accepted it, the trust becoming fully constituted upon execution of the will and transfer of the trust property to these trustees. In this way, he argues that enforcement of the trust is not due to the will document itself, rather the previous agreement made between the trustees and testator; secret trusts therefore operate outside of the will itself and as such are not subject to the formality requirements contained in s9 of the Wills Act 1837: the whole basis of secret trusts, as I understand it, is that they operate outside the will, changing nothing that is written in it, and allowing it to operate accor ding to its tenor, but then fastening a trust on to the property in the hands of the recipient.[2] Viscount Sumner therefore argues that the enforcement of semi-secret trusts should be governed by trust law and not through the rules of probate. This conclusion is certainly neat, and prima facie, does seem to satisfy the concerns of the probate lawyer, but if Viscount Sumner’s argument is to be accepted, and we are to submit to the notion that the applicable principles to be applied to the above facts lie within the sole jurisdiction of trust law, then surely we could expect that there would be a vast body of case law which we could rely upon to support his argument. The truth however is that, despite its beauteous simplicity, there are real legal problems in reconciling this theory with our orthodox principles of trust law; the permission of a trust, which purports to bind after-acquired property, is irreconcilable with the established trust law rule that it is impossible to declare an immediate trust of future property[3], or a trust which binds such property whenever in is received[4]. These are not minor concerns, nor the only concerns: Critchley[5] argues that this viewpoint is also flawed in that Viscount Sumner has confused the notions of â€Å"outside the will†with â€Å"outside the Wills Act†, incorrectly relying on the reasoning in the case of Cullen v Attorney General for Northern Ireland[6], which was a decision relating to tax statutes rather than to the formal requirements of the Wills Act, and was as such within an entirely different legal context On top of this, Pearce and Stevens[7] convincingly argue that the case of Re Maddock[8] is wholly inconsistent with Viscount Sumner’s view: In this case, a testatrix, by her will, left her residuary estate ‘absolutely’ to X whom she appointed one of her executors. By a subsequent memorandum communicated to X during her lifetime, she directed X to hold part of the residue upon trust for named beneficiaries. There were insufficient assets to pay the debts of the estate. The legal issue was whether or not the secret beneficiaries took their interest subject to the payment of the debts. Cozens-Hardy LJ argued that â€Å"†¦the so called trust does not affect property except by reason of a personal obligation binding the individual devisee or legatee. If he renounces or disclaims, or dies in the lifetime of the testator, the persons claiming under memorandum can take nothing against the heir at law or next of kin or residuary devisee or legatee.†Viscount Su mner’s reasoning however suggests that since the trustee takes as trustee on the face of the will, the trust should not fail in the ways suggested by Cozens-Hardy in the above dicta. The legal problems and inconsistencies with Viscount Sumner’s justification must lead us to the conclusion that such trusts cannot be accounted for under the rules of inter vivos trusts; we must therefore accept that their existence does in fact mark a departure from the Wills Act 1837. This does not mean that such a view is necessarily unjustified and outside the scope of Equity’s jurisdiction; after all, Equity is the ‘court of conscience’, and as the age old maxim states ‘Equity will not allow a statute to be used as an engine of fraud’. Therefore, if it can be demonstrated that the permission of semi-secret trusts is preventing such fraud, then, despite the legal problems and inconsistencies discussed above, we may still be able to find adequate justification for the existence of such trusts. As Vaughan Williams L.J. asserted, in the case of Re Pit Rivers [1902][9], â€Å"†¦the court will never give the go-by to the provisions of the Wills Act by enforcing any one testamentary disposition not expressed in the shape and form required by the Act, except in the prevention of fraud.†Clearly therefore, whether or not this justification will apply to any given case depends upon which definition of ‘fraud’ is subscribed to in that case. In McCormick v Grogan[10], the ‘fraud’ being protected was that of the secret trustee: it is only in clear cases of fraud that this doctrine has been appliedcases in which the Court has been persuaded that there has been a fraudulent inducement held out on the part of the apparent beneficiary in order to lead the testator to confide to him the duty which he so undertook to perform. The protection of this type of fraud has been held out, and confirmed in subsequent cases, to be the traditional justification for the existence of the doctrine of secret trusts. However, in the case of semi-secret trusts [such as the type of trust at issue in the case of Blackwell v Blackwell] such fraud is not possible; the face of the will makes it quite clear that the secret trustee is not to take the property beneficially, a nd should the contents of the trust be denied by that trustee, the property would return to the estate by way of resulting trust. And yet in cases involving half-secret trusts, we can still see the courts employing justification-arguments based on fraud. In such cases, a wider conception of ‘fraud’ has been employed; â€Å"it is not the personal fraud of the purported legatee, but a general fraud committed upon the testator and the beneficiaries by reason of the failure to observe the intentions of the former and of the destruction of the beneficial interests of the latter.†It was this argument put forward in the case of Riordan v Banon[11]: â€Å"it appears that it would also be a fraud though the result would be to defeat the expressed intention for the benefit of the heir, next of kin or residuary donee,†and it was this passage which was cited by Hall V.C. in the case of Re Fleetwood[12], a case which was relied upon by Viscount Sumner in the formulation of his judgement: â€Å"It seems to me that, apart from legislation, the application of the principle of Equity in Fleetwood’s case†¦ was logical, and was justified by the same considerations as in cases of fraud and absolute gifts. Why should equity forbid an honest trustee to give effect to his promise, made to a deceased testator, and compel him to pay another legatee, about whom it is quite certain that the testator did not mean to make him the object of his bounty?†Challinor[13] argues that the ‘fraud theory’ has been extended in an artificial way in order to encompass a justification of half-secret trusts and the modern case law. A huge flaw exists in making such an extension; she argues that equity’s willingness to respect a testator’s wishes where that testator has not met the formality requirements as stipulated by s9 of the Wills Act is inconsistent with its approach to other commonplace situations in which a testators wishes are not respected by Equity in the same way: for example, â€Å"purported beneficiaries under ineffective wills are routinely deprived of property which testators or settlers would desire them to have, simply because wills and trusts have not been put into effect in the proper manner.†She argues that the traditional equitable maxim that â€Å"equity will not permit a statute to be used as an engine of fraud†must be adapted to something more like â€Å"equity will not allow a statute to be used so as to renege on a promise†if it is to fit within the situations envisaged in Blackwell v Blackwell. The effect of such a mild form of fraud theory is to shift the focus â€Å"onto potential, rather than actual, wrongdoing†¦ the policy aim underlying it is thus proactive (or preventative) rather than reactive (or curative).†In conclusion therefore, Viscount Sumner’s view as to the enforcement of secret and semi-secret trusts is one which creates a number of practical problems. It gives testators a valid reason for not observing the statutory formalities normally applicable in making a will. These statutory formalities are in place for the very purpose of preventing personal fraud, and in light of this, it seems odd that Viscount Sumner should support a view which in itself gives testators the option of bypassing these precautions and thus increasing their risks to such fraud, especially in light of the fact that the underlying justification in his viewpoint is one of ensuring that the testator’s true intentions are honoured. I must therefore conclude that in light of its legal problems and inconsistencies, the artificial nature of the ‘fraud’ it seeks to prevent, the practical problems which arise as a result of acknowledging such trusts, the view expressed by Viscount Sumner in the case of Blackwell v Blackwell does not provide a sufficient justification for the acknowledgment of both fully secret and half secret trusts. Bibliography Critchley, Instruments of Fraud, Testamentary Dispositions, and the Doctrine of Secret Trusts (1999) 115 L.Q.R. 631 Pearce Stevens, The Law of Trusts and Equitable Obligations (2nd ed., London, 1998) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 2005. â€Å"DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF SECRET TRUSTS†Emma Challinor Moffat, Trusts Law Text and Materials 3rd ed Footnotes [1] [1929] A.C. 318, 335 [2] Megarry V.C in Snowden, Re [1979] 2 All E.R. 172 at 177, expressing the same viewpoint as Viscount Sumner in Blackwell case [3] Williams v C.I.R. [1965] N.Z.L.R. 395 [4] Permanent Trustee Co v Scales (1930) 30 S.R. (N.S.W.) 391 [5] Critchley, Instruments of Fraud, Testamentary Dispositions, and the Doctrine of Secret Trusts (1999) 115 L.Q.R. 631 at 635 and 641 [6] Cullen v Attorney-General for Ireland (1866) L.R. 1 H.L. 190 at 198, per Lord Westbury. [7] Pearce Stevens, The Law of Trusts and Equitable Obligations (2nd ed., London, 1998), p.222 [8] Maddock, Re [1902] 2 Ch. 220 [9] Pit Rivers, Re [1902] 1 Ch. 403 [10] McCormick v Grogan (1869) L.R 4 H.L. 82 at 89 [11] (1876) 10 Ir. Eq. 469 [12] (188) 15 Ch.D. 594 at 606-607 [13] Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 2005. â€Å"DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF SECRET TRUSTS†Emma Challinor
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Stephen Cranes The Open Boat and Jack Londons To Build A Fire Essay
Stephen Crane's The Open Boat and Jack London's To Build A Fire Stephen Crane’s short story, â€Å"The Open Boat†speaks directly to Jack London’s own story, â€Å"To Build A Fire†in their applications of naturalism and views on humanity. Both writers are pessimistic in their views of humanity and are acutely aware of the natural world. The representations of their characters show humans who believe that they are strong and can ably survive, but these characters many times overestimate themselves which can lead to an understanding of their own mortality as they face down death. In â€Å"To Build A Fire†, the main conflict throughout is man versus nature although it would be inaccurate to say that nature goes out of its way to assault the man. The fact of the matter is, nature would be just as cold without the man's presence regardless of him being there .The environment as a whole is completely indifferent to the man, as it frequently is in naturalist literature. The bitter environment does not aid him in any way, and it will not notice if he perishes. In the same way, the dog does not care about the man, only about itself. Ironically enough though, as the man was dying he was getting upset toward the dog because of its natural warmth, the instincts that it had, and its survival skills and those were the elements that the man lacked for survival. It is ironic that the man had to die in order to find out that man's fragile body cannot survive in nature's harsh elements, regardless of a human’s natural over-confidence and psychological strength. The protagonist of the story, who is purposely not given a name, as the idea that the environment will determine his fate rather than his free will. The Man is forced to accept that he is not invinc... ...nd they are simply along for the ride. Stephen Crane’s â€Å"The Open Boat†and â€Å"To Build a Fire†by Jack London are both naturalistic tales that portray the universe as a somewhat indifferent being that could not care less for the any of the men in either story. The irony is biting, yet completely subverts the ideals and values that humanity generally holds of being superior and invincible in the world. Works Cited Gurian, Jay. "The Romantic Necessity in Literary Naturalism: Jack London." American Literature: 112-20. Print. London, Jack. "To Build a Fire, by Jack London." The World of Jack London 2012 ®. Web. 02 May 2012. . Pizer, Donald. "Jack London's "To Build a Fire": How Not to Read Naturalist Fiction." Philosophy and Literature 34.1 (2010): 218-27. Project Muse. Web. 1 May 2012. .
Friday, October 11, 2019
N. J. Ask
N. J. Ask is a state assessment of students in various fields. It is a foundation for excellence and proficiency. Following its establishment to meet the requirements of the no child left behind act. It is a state assessment of student’s achievement in language arts, math and science. It replaces the elementary school proficiency assessment. The Grade 5 test format is specifically designed to serve as â€Å"off-grade†assessments in New Jersey. NJ PASS is modeled on the existing New Jersey Assessment of skills and knowledge (NJASK). Therefore, the format of the interim assessments is very similar to those. Combining multiple choice items and constructed response items, all designed to the CCCS. There is one open ended writing task for grade 5 and every other grade. Those interim assessments consist of items from Riverside publishing’s secure pool of items field tested in New Jersey but previously used on any commercial form of NJ PASS. NJ Ask Grade 5, test format employs an assessment center which is an integrated system of exercises designed to generate behaviors similar to those required for success in a target job. These behaviors are usually measured in simulations that are similar to those activities performed in a given job. Each activity measures and mirrors a different aspect of the job performance in those activities and observed by evaluators who are trained to be fair and objective. They compare each participant’s performance to predetermined performance guidelines to determine who will perform effectively in a particular job. Furthermore, a distinct examination is developed for the title, Deputy Fire Chief. The test consists of four scenario – based oral exercises. Each scenario is developed to stimulate tasks and assess knowledge, skills and abilities that incumbents or supervisors of incumbents deemed important to job performance. Usually, the scenario oral exercises cover four topics areas which include; incident command; non-fire, Administration, supervision, and incident command; fire. As a reader, the fifth grade students are able to synthesize details in order to make connections and generate new ideas. The student utilizes literary elements and authors purpose to analyze text. And as an advanced writer, the student establishes and maintains a strong focus and elaborates supporting details to convey ideas effectively. The student includes narrative techniques using fluid transitions, strong appropriate word choice and sentence variety to purposefully engage the reader.  This is what the grade 5 students are taught to do, sufficient and effective for their level. They do it sufficiently and effectively. PART 2 The New Jersey core curriculum content reflect the belief that all students can and must learn enough to assume their role as concerned citizens, equipped with necessary information and decision making skills. This is achieved through a constructive and sequential objections and test alignment. The test dates for the examination is usually sent via mail approximately two weeks before test date. Candidates usually receive a notice which shows the date, time, location and room which they should report for examination. For purpose of clarity and transparency candidates are to bring the notification card, two forms of identification and two pencils to examination center. And the examination format is usually in accordance with the core curriculum content standards of NJ for grade 5. In fact, the examination is held at a central location. PART 3 Assessment techniques are techniques used for students to simply ease and facilitate their learning process. Among the numerous assessment techniques include; A case for reading: the format is to introduce the students censorship and how challenges to books occur then invites them to read a challenged or banned book and decide for themselves what should be done with this book at school by writing a persuasive essay explaining their perspectives. This assessment exposes the kids to issues of censorship and challenged or banned books they critically evaluate books based on relevancy, biases and errors also to develop and support a position on a particular book by writing a persuasive essay about their chosen title. Persuasive writing is an important skill that cannot be taught too early but writing an argument can seem intimidating to elementary students. This task encourages students to use skills and knowledge they may not realize they already have. Students are then asked to choose their own persuasive piece to analyze and learn some of the definitions associated with persuasive writing. I believe this technique helps the students to work cooperative groups to brainstorm ideas and organize them into a cohesive argument to be presented to the class and to analyze the works of others to see if it contains effective persuasive techniques. Searching for Gold is an assessment technique which the real Gold is the enquiry skills and content area skill knowledge that students develop. In small groups, students create a project to aid in their oral representation of their researched topic. Once research is complete, each group teaches the rest of the class what they have learned through an activity of their choice. Ideally this assessment technique will by all means help the students to work in cooperative groups, develop presentation materials using visual aids, deliver oral presentations to teach others about their topics, select research topics based on interest and so on. Developing, writing, and evaluating persuasive speeches, is one of the objectives of an assessment technique tagged â€Å"Vote for me†By using the relevant examples of political campaigning. This technique teaches students the characteristics of effective persuasive speech writing and oral argument. By studying an online tutorial and looking at examples, students learn what makes a strong speech. A second online tool helps them learn how to formulate a persuasive argument. Students then apply this information in two ways; by writing their own speeches and by evaluating others. Although students are writing speeches to be delivered orally, they practice skills needed for all effective writing. In the context of voting, an assessment is made by asking â€Å"what is voting†. With an eye on creating a graffiti-wall manual at the end of the unit students listen to information read around from a variety of sources as well as read from fiction and non-fiction books. Students participate in an ongoing exploration of information from current sources including child-oriented web-sites, newspapers and orally in writing. This less on touches on the history of voting as a civil right, and current elections while asking students to explore the difference between fact and opinion. This exercise will enable the students write an opinion essay about their favorite candidate, share prior knowledge about elections, discuss information about the voting process, as presented by a variety of text sources read with partners, participate in creating a graffiti-wall mural on the topic of voting. On the whole, the assessment techniques of course will enhance better learning capacity and development mentally. PART 4 In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students who are receiving special education services must participate in each subject area of a statewide assessment with the following exception: â€Å"if the nature f the students disability is so severe that the student is not receiving instruction in any of the knowledge and skills measured by the statewide assessment and the student cannot complete any of the questions on the assessment in a subject area with or without accommodations the student shall participate in a locally determined assessment of student progress (New Jersey administrative code chapter 6a:14-4.11(a)2). Also decisions about participation and accommodations/modifications are made by the individualized education program or 504 team. Information about test content and item types from specifications booklets can be used to make this determination. Furthermore, any accommodation or modifications of test administration procedures for students eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) or eligible under section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973 must be specified in the students IEP or 514 accommodation plans. In all students for modifications under section 504 may not be classified but do have a permanent or temporary impairment in a major life function-Performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing and speaking.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Computerized Data Acquisition of a Second Order Reaction Essay
The rates at which reactions occur depend on the composition and the temperature of the reaction mixture. Usually the rate of reaction is found to be proportional to the concentrations of the reactants raised to a power.1 There are many reactions that have a rate law in the form of: (1) v = k[A]a[B]b According to reference1 the power to which the concentration of a species (product or reactant) is raised in a rate law of this nature is the order of the reaction with respect to that species. In equation (1) first order with respect to [A] and first order with respect to [B]; however, the overall reaction is the sum of the individual orders. Thus we have a second order reaction. In this experiment a hexacyanoferrate(III) ion ([Fe(CN)6]3-) oxidizes ascorbic acid (C6H8O6) by the following reaction: (2) 2[Fe(CN)6]3- + C6H8O6 = 2[Fe(CN)6]4- + C6H6O6 + 2H+ The reaction above is of a first order reaction at room temperature with respect to individual reactants; therefore the reaction stoichiometry and rate law at time t are: (3) aA + bBproducts and (4) -d[A] = k[A] [B] where [A] represents the concentration of ascorbic acid and [B] represents the concentrations of [Fe(CN)6]3- at time t. For this experiment we will use an integrated rate law in the form of: (5) ln [A] = b [A]0 – a [B]0 kt + ln [A]0 where [A]0 and [B]0 are the initial concentrations of C6H8O6 and [Fe(CN)6]3- and a=1 and b=2. From equation (5), it is possible to calculate the second-order rate constant k by plotting ln [A]/[B] against time (find slope of line where b=2 and a=1). EDTA in this experiment is used as a masking agent to hide metal ions that would normally interfere with the analysis in this reaction. Thus the absorbance of [Fe(CN)6]3- at time t is given by: (6) Absorbance = 1012 [Fe(CN)6]3- The oxidation of C6H8O6 by [Fe(CN)6]3- involves a mechanism that consists of 3 steps.2 In the first step, the ascorbate ion (AH-) is rapidly formed by ionization of the ascorbic acid. (7) AH2 AH – + H+ Following the ionization is the slow rate-determining step, the oxidation of the ascorbate ion to an ascorbate free radical (AH∙): (8) [Fe(CN)6]3- + AH-[Fe(CN)6]4- + AH∙ During the final step, an electron is rapidly transferred from the ascorbate free radical to the hexacyanoferrate(III) anion, producing dehydroascorbic acid (A): (9) [Fe(CN)6]3- + AH- [Fe(CN)6]4- + A + H+ The slow rate-determining step is an ionic reaction between [Fe(CN)6]3- and AH-. According to reference3, the specific rate constant of an ionic reaction in aqueous solution depends on two factors: the ionic strength I of the solution and on the charges ZA and ZB of the ionic species reacting to for the activated complex. (10) log k = log k0 + 1.02ZAZB I1/2 Experimental All reagents in this experiment were of reagent grade. Mass measurements were taken on a Shimadzu Libror AEG-120 analytical scale with an uncertainty of  ±0.0001. Manual data acquisition was taken with a Barnstead/Turner SP-830 spectrophotometer and a stopwatch. The computerized data acquisition was completed by a Cary 50 Bio. The experiment began by preparing four solutions of 1 x 10-3 M of K3Fe(CN)6 with varied concentrations of NaNO3: 0.025 M, 0.05 M, 0.1 M and 0.2 M. This was completed by dissolving 0.0329245 ( ±0.001) g of K3Fe(CN)6 with the specified concentrations of NaNO3 and deionized water in a 100 mL volumetric flask. A 25 mL aliquot of each solution was transferred into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and the temperature of the aliquot was recorded. Next, a 500 mL 2.5 x 10-4 M solution of ascorbic acid was prepared by using a standardized 0.01 M HNO3 solution dissolved in 0.005 g of EDTA and deionized water. A 25 mL aliquot was transferred into each of the four 100 mL beakers by using a 25 mL pipet. The spectrophotometer was set to 418 nm and the absorbance reading was zeroed by using deionized water as a standard. The ascorbic acid in the beaker was poured into the K3Fe(CN)6 solution and the timer was immediately started. The Erlenmeyer flask was swirled for 2-3 seconds before pouring the reacting mixture into a 1-cm cuvette. The cuvette was conditioned with the reacting solution 4 times before being placed into the sample holder of the spectrophotometer. An absorbance reading was taken at 30 seconds and every 30 seconds thereafter for a total of 6 minutes. The same process was implemented with the Cary 50 Bio except that each sample was analyzed by the computer for 7 minutes and 53 seconds. Data/Results
Mcdonald’s Practices/Operations in Turbulent Environment
McDonald’s strategic plan is called ‘plan to win’ which helps McDonald’s to be the best fast food restaurant chain rather than the biggest fast food restaurant chain. (kspain, 2008) In turbulent environment, McDonald’s tries to achieve high performance by applying the 5 P’s: people, product, price, promotion, and place or distribution. Product involves both intangible and tangible offerings of the business which customer can see, feel, taste or smell. (Kukreja, 2011) Next, price consists of all the costs of production and delivery of the product or service. Then, promotion comprises all the types and manner of communication that companies use to make products or services known to the customer. Finally, place or distribution is the channel that connects the products or services to the consumers. McDonald’s focuses primarily on its people or focusing on maintaining and improving employee satisfaction in order to maintain good relationship between the employees and the customers. In order to improve employee satisfaction, McDonald’s uses flexible schedules for the employees to fit their working schedule into the way they live their life. McDonald’s also uses celebrating diversity in their hiring way to combining their ideal work force with different people from different backgrounds with different interests. (Mcdonalds, 2011) Besides that, McDonald’s also simplifies the restaurant environment for their staff and customers in a faster speed. To enhance the relationship between employees and the customers, McDonald’s ensures their staffs are friendly and as well as fast with hospitality training. Finally, McDonald’s also provides cost-efficient, relevant training for their world-wide workforce and provide career opportunities for people to achieve their potential. In the product strategy, McDonald’s offered a wider variety of food. McDonald’s strategic planning focuses on breakfasts, chicken, beverages and convenience. The Southern Style Chicken Biscuits are launched for breakfast in McDonald’s. However, the Southern Style Chicken Sandwiches are launched for lunch and dinner. McDonald’s introduced new hot specialty coffee offerings on a market-by-market basis in their beverages business. Besides that, McDonald’s also offered burgers-and-fries instead of just offering snack foods and desserts. Despite of negative image of McDonald’s for the unhealthy food, McDonald’s offers oatmeal and salads to replace high calorie breakfast sandwiches for somewhat healthier options. Lastly, the Happy Meal is one of the good product strategies which aim kids providing kid’s favorites such as small French fries and chicken nuggets along with a small toy. ECUATORIALL, 2012)These planning enables McDonald’s to satisfy customers’ desire for food that fit into today’s lifestyle. For the price strategy, McDonald’s had introduced value meal for their customers. The value meal allows customers to buy a sandwich, French fries, and beverages at a discount price when purchased together. McDonald’s restaurant offer seven to twelve value meals for the lunch and breakfast menu. McDonald’s also offers a dollar menu which consisting many individual items costing only $1. 00 each. investopedia, 2009) Other than that, some of the individual franchise owners offer daily specials of special menu items with lower price such as Big Mac Mondays. These helps McDonald’s to offer affordable prices to customers and also to be profitable for the company. McDonald's spent huge amount of money on promotion which is presented in marketing, leadership and trust. McDonald’s focuses primarily on targeting the children. With this, McDonald’s offers happy meals which targeted children by giving along the small toys with the meals. ECUATORIALL, 2012) McDonald’s also offers various schemes for winning prices by giving lucky draws and also scratch cards when an order is placed on various mean combos. On the other hand, McDonald’s also does its promotion by advertising to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. They do their promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of McDonald’s are â€Å"You Deserve a break today, so get up and get away- To McDonald’s†, â€Å"Aap ke zamane mein ,baap ke zamane ke daam†, â€Å"Food, Folks, and Fun†and â€Å"I’m loving it†. (scribd)
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