Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Utilitarianism V. Kantianism Essay Example For Students
Utilitarianism V. Kantianism Essay Ethics can be defined as â€Å"the conscious reflection on our moral beliefs with the aim of improving, extending or refining those beliefs in some way.†(Dodds, Lecture 2) Kantian moral theory and Utilitarianism are two theories that attempt to answer the ethical nature of human beings. This paper will attempt to explain how and why Kantian moral theory and Utilitarianism differ as well as discuss why I believe Kant’s theory provides a more plausible account of ethics. Immanuel Kant’s deonotological ethical theory assesses if actions are moral based on the person’s will or intention of acting. Kant’s theory can be categorized as a deonotological because â€Å"actions are not assessed to be morally permissible on the basis of consequences they produce, but rather on the form of the agent’s will in acting,†(Dodds, Lecture 7) therefore his actions are based on duty and not consequential. Kantianism is based on three principles: maxims, willing, and the categorical imperative. Kant states that a maxim is a †general rule or principle which will explain what a person takes himself to be doing and the circumstances in which he takes himself to be doing it†(Feldman, 1999, 201). We will write a custom essay on Utilitarianism V. Kantianism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It is important that this principle be universalisable and that the maxim can be applied consistently to everyone that encounters similar situations, therefore willed as a universal law. The second aspect of Kant’s theory is willing. This involves the agent consistently committing oneself to make an action occur. He states that, â€Å"In general, we can say that a person wills inconsistently if he wills that p be the case and he wills that q be the case and its impossible for p and q to be the case together†(Feldman, 1999, 203). The last aspect of Kant’s theory is the categorical imperative. The importance of the categorical imperative is that one must act in such a way that they can will that the maxim behind one’s actions can be conceived as part of the universal law. The maxim has to be consistent and able to be applied to every situation, for every person. The other main point of Kantian moral theories are the differences between imperfect and perfect duties. Perfect duties are those duties that one must always perform in a particular situation, whereas imperfect duties are those that one must perform only when the situation arises. Utilitarianism is another theory in which its main objective is to explain the nature of ethics and morality. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which is based upon utility, or doing that which produces the greatest happiness. According to a utilitarian the morality of act is found just if the consequence produces the greatest overall utility for everyone. However, if the greatest possible utility is not produced, the action is then morally wrong. This view says that a person should act as to produce the greatest overall happiness and pleasure for everyone who may be directly or indirectly affected by the action. Therefore, a utilitarian would require that for every action the corresponding consequences for every action should be thoroughly weighed and alternatives proposed before deciding whether or not to perform such an action. Kantian moral theory and Utilitarianism are similar in the respect that they both attempt to explain how one can go about acting ethically, however they differ in areas of measuring morality and their usage of rules. Both Kant and Mills measure morality in different ways. Kantianism says that an act is deemed moral for two reasons: if it done for the sake of duty and if its maxim can be willed as a universal law. If one completes an action based on their duty to perform, they do the right thing because it is what they feel they ought to do as their duty. Therefore, this act would be considered morally just. .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .postImageUrl , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:hover , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:visited , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:active { border:0!important; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:active , .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6 .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0dff61bd2505323a8b2e958266b775f6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Taming Of The Shrew 2 Essay Utilitarianism, on the other hand, would only see the act as morally permissible if the consequences of that action produce maximum utility and happiness for all involved. The two theories also differ in the ways in which rules are applied. Kantian moral theory values the universal law and maxims as its guide for how people should act in a given situation. Maxims â€Å"describe some general sort of situation, and then propose some form of action for the situation. To adopt a maxim is to commit yourself to acting in the described way whenever the situation in question arises.†(Feldman, 1999, 202) Maxims are also used consistently throughout and therefore are a valued guide because they apply universally. For example, Kant made a moral rule for lying which says that if one person can make a lying-promise, then it should be said that everyone can do the same and therefore it being a universal law trust would be self-defeating. By saying that it is not a perfect duty to lie, the universal law or rule, states that no one can under any circumstance can lie. Kant has also developed similar moral rules for rusting of talents, helping others in distress, and suicide. Kantianism can therefore be seen as a rational and logical theory in which decisions can be made. In comparison, Utilitarianism has no universal set of rules on to which morality is based; therefore they judge each situation individually. Because of this, in weighing consequences to determine if an action will maximize utility this can become a lengthy, time-consuming process. Not to mention the fact that you will never clearly know if your decision will in effect truly promote the most utility. In assessing the two moral theories, I believe that Kantianism provides a more plausible account of ethics even though from the outside it seems as though Utilitarianism would be the more ethical theory because it looks to maximize utility. Utilitarianism refers to moral theories which maintain that an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable. Therefore, correct moral conduct is determined solely by analyzing an actions consequences. Utilitarianism requires that we first tally both the good and bad consequences of an action; we then determine whether the total good consequences outweigh the total bad consequences. If the good consequences are greater, then the action is morally proper. If the bad consequences are greater, then the action is morally improper. It seems as though this process is more subjective and can not be universally applied whereas Kantianism can be. Also, one’s person determination of what produces the greatest utility may not be consistent with another person’s, therefore this theory is inconsistent and a universal law cannot be applied from it. Kantianism is by far more consistent of a theory and can be universally applied to all beings. It is more plausible because even if the consequences of performing an action aren’t necessarily the best, the agent is still obligated to perform the action because it is there duty to do so. Therefore, ethically and morally they are doing the right thing. In conclusion, this paper has discussed two main theories regarding the ethical behavior of human beings. Kantianism is a theory based on duties, maxims, willing and the categorical imperative. Utilitarianism is based on the concept that we ought to do whatever produce the greatest overall utility and this will be the morally right action. Both theories, although similar in some ways, possess clear differences. Kantianism focuses on the motivation of actions, has clear and distinct set of universal rules, and is morally logical. On the other hand, Utilitarianism relies on the consequences of an action, has no set universal laws as each action is assessed on an individual basis, and morality is based on the results of the assessment. Because of these reasons, I believe that Kantianism is the more ethically plausible theory of the two. Philosophy
Sunday, November 24, 2019
7 tips to not letting work take over your life
7 tips to not letting work take over your life In this age of leaning in and working whatever hours it takes to get ahead, it can be increasingly easy to forget to take time for yourself. Doing anything but work can actually seem like laziness or self-indulgence- especially when it looks like everyone else is still working furiously while you’ve taken off for the day. However, burnout is real. If you’re not operating at full capacity because you’re mentally and physically exhausted, your work and personal life will suffer. The key is to find a good balance between your hard work and your outside life. Here are a few strategies on how to do just that.1. Keep one day meeting-free.Lots of companies establish one day a week as â€Å"meeting-free,†where no one is allowed to schedule any kind of mandatory group gathering. If your company doesn’t do this, suggest it to your manager. Setting aside one work day that’s just for you to actually work will do wonders for your productivity. Youâ₠¬â„¢ll get more done during the day and take home less work (and stress) at night.2. Work from home if possible.If telecommuting is an option for you at your job, take advantage of it. If it isn’t yet, have a conversation with your boss. Even one day or half day a week can help keep you grounded and give you that little bit of extra space that keeps you centered.3. Protect your time away from the office.If you do have to take work home, make sure you set strict time limits for yourself, so it doesn’t eat up all of your out-of-office time. Triage the important stuff. Respond only to the most critical emails, then leave the rest for when you’re back at your desk. And unless it’s truly an emergency, try to make it a policy not to respond to work emails at all over the weekends. Your weekend time is your own.4. Fit in exercise.Build this into your work day, with something as simple as a half-hour walk during your lunch break. If that isn’t possible, bu ild an hour or two a week into your weekly routine. Exercise will keep you healthy, sharp, young, and full of endorphins. You can’t really afford not to find the time, so go ahead and make sure you do- your body and your brain will thank you. Taking care of your body takes care of so much else.5. Make family a priority.The people you love and who love you in your life aren’t expendable, and your job should know that. If emergencies come up, show up. Make time to be there for the people that you love as a rule, not as an exception.6. Take vacation.Seriously. Vacation and personal time exist for a reason. Take every day you are allowed. You’re supposed to use these days, and you (and your boss) will be glad you did. Your work and attitude will definitely improve after taking a break.7. Schedule blank time.Instead of scheduling yourself to the gills, from your alarm going off in the morning until bedtime, make sure you block off time in your schedule when you donâ €™t have anything to do- not even family obligations or doctors appointments. Let your brain really an truly relax, and it will stay sharp and creative.You might not be able to give yourself a full half-hour or hour every day, but you can try. Even just twenty minutes to sit quietly and meditate or take a walk can make all the difference in your attitude and your health.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Communication Tool and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Communication Tool and Report - Essay Example I chose to create the communication message board because patients who cannot talk often find it very difficult to be understood. The nursing staffs often find it challenging to understand what the patients who cannot talk really want. Therefore, the communication message board â€Å"talk†for the people who cannot talk (b-independent, 2014). This method of communication is relevant to the nursing field because communication with the patients is a vital component of the profession. The nurse and patient can create mutual understanding through communication. However, some people may not verbally communicate due to illnesses like stroke, neurodegenerative diseases or tubes inserted in their throats to clear passageways. These people can still communicate using non verbal communication such as communication boards. The communication tool designed is accessible inwards particularly those comprised of people who are experiencing difficulties in talking. The nurse on duty can easily get it from a specific position within the ward. This communication tool is necessary because it helps to make the job of the nurse quite easy as well as to help the patient who cannot talk express themselves. Signs are very important in such a scenario since the nurse and the patients can be in a position to mutually understand each other. The nurse can be in a position to understand the needs of the patients which helps to reduce negative impacts such as frustration on their behalf when dealing with restless patients. If I were to re do the task, I think I would try to device an electronic gadget that is comprised of all letters of the alphabet such that the patient can type what he or she wants. Based on the presumption that many people can read and write, I would try to create a device that makes it possible for the patients to create sentences about what they may require at a particular time. The advantage of this is related to precision. The
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Service Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Service Management - Assignment Example The author illustrates the relationship between the named variables using two case studies. The conclusion was that cultural differences between the tourist and the operator greatly influence the supply chain management in this industry. As such, training was needed in order to enhance the cultural skills of the tourism operator in order to improve the process (Koblun, 2011). Basically, this article is trying to point out the fact that cultural greatly influences the tourism industry. This is true especially in the 21st century where various cultures are converging together due to globalization effects (Reisinger, 2009). It is also true that the best way to improve performance is through training as it will enhance intercultural communication skills that can be used in the supply chain management (Wahab, 2001). From the presented data, the confirmed link from the service performance network includes leadership-strategy-process-services-customer satisfaction-retention and loyalty-financial performance. However, a link that involves staff satisfaction and anything related to the consumers such as retention loyalty and attraction have not yet been confirmed (Johnston, Clark & Shulver, 2012). All this comes due to the positive linear correlations between sales per square meter, share of grocery budget, customer satisfaction and customer referral. All these show that customer loyalty and customer satisfaction is high. The same also illustrates that service value and output quality is high. The named organization has a reputation based on excellent services, which is the reason why customer satisfaction and referral is high. Nevertheless, there is a negative linear correlation between employee turnover, referral, satisfaction, style of supervision and operating ratio. Since these are indicators of employee loyalty, employee service capability and employee
Sunday, November 17, 2019
FedEx's best Customer Services Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
FedEx's best Customer Services Practices - Essay Example As the report declares FedEx was able to develop crucial customer value by making every courier transaction easy and fast, not only in terms of package deliveries but in terms of the comprehensive service to customers – from point of contact, point of sales to the actual client involvement in the delivery process. The move was borne out of the company’s experience in regard to the amount and sheer quantity of paper work that clients and FedEx employees alike must deal with – from the package forms, billing paper work and customer statements. The entire process became so tedious that it already became a burden. FedEx invested an exorbitant amount of money to computerize its operation and integrate the internet in its overall business strategy. This paper stresses that the system automatically calculates whether commitment to the customer was met by comparing ship date and service type to delivery date and time. In FedEx’s website, for instance, a customer can login to his account and access learn where his or her package, with several best practices options such as a link to an online customer service support. The goal is to create appropriate tools that enable front-line employees to improve their personal performance using the information in FedEx’s vast databases. This process is also characterized by the system’s capability to aggregate information according to location, geographic unit.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Factors Effecting Literacy Development
Factors Effecting Literacy Development This essay looks at the development of Literacy from birth to school age including speaking, listening, viewing, reading and writing. It examines how hearing impairment relates to a childs overall Literacy development. Literacy is commonly considered the ability to read and write at a designated level of proficiency. But is more precisely defined as a technical capability to decode or reproduce written or printed signs, symbols, or letters combined into words. Traditionally, literacy has been closely associated with the alphabet and its role in written communication. However, it has become increasingly common to refer to different forms of literacy, such as computer, mathematical, or graphic literacy. Many experts believe that people need a combination of many different forms of literacy in order to meet the demands of modern day life. There are five developmental stages in a growing childs life. It all starts at birth, which is known as infancy, it lasts until age 2. Then there is early childhood which is from ages 2-6, and then comes middle childhood which is from 6-10 years old. Early adolescence is the next stage which spans from 10-14 years old and then late adolescence which is from 14-18 years old. The two stages that stand out most in development to me are middle childhood and late adolescence. From the earliest age in middle childhood to the oldest age in late adolescence, there is an eight year gap. There is so much growing done in between these two stages that the transition is truly remarkable. Emergent Literacy begins in the very early stages of childhood, and is the beginning of Literacy development, involving such activities as reading from pictures and writing with scribbles. Reading a book from memory while turning the pages of the book, develops a childs understanding of books and stories, as well as giving them a sense of accomplishment and pride, and is an important step towards becoming an independent reader. From the day children are born they require a form of communication in order to function adequately in society. A pre-speech baby will use gestures and expressions and babblings to interact with others. A toddler will participate in turn taking to satisfy a need or want. The more pre-schoolers participate in the world, the more they discover that language is useful. The First six years of childrens lives play a crucial part in their development. During this time, childrens brains develop at a astonishing rate. Parents and other family members play a key role i n early development, as their childrens first and most important teachers. Early Literacy development is not considered as teaching a child to read in a formal way, its about helping children to make sense of their world by developing strong oral language skills. Its about valuing home language and culture as building blocks, allowing children to explore the world of literacy. Its about providing lots of positive interactions between childrens older peers and parents. In addition to an environment which is rich in Literacy resources and models language and Literacy for young children to copy. The NWT Literacy council suggests it was generally considered that literacy development belonged mostly in schools, whilst children learnt to read and write. The formal teaching of writing and reading still happens at school, but Literacy doesnt begin when children start to learn the letters of the alphabet, or write their name, or go to school. The foundation for Literacy development begins much earlier- some people say it starts in the womb. The development is acquired thorough children interacting with adults and older children. Also through a childs play and experiences with Literacy resources such as stories, songs, rhymes, crayons, pens and paper. Children with a hearing impairment range from those with a mild hearing impairment to those who are profoundly deaf. They cover the whole ability range. Hearing impairment may be due to conductive or sensory-neural problems. Four categories are generally used: mild, moderate, severe and profound. In education, pupils are considered to have a hearing impairment if they need hearing aids, adaptations to the environment or particular teaching strategies in order to access the curriculum. Serious hearing lost occurs in about two per thousand of the population pg 1 (D, Goldstein) Briggle, S (2005, p.69) makes the point that literacy development for children who have hearing impairment is a multifaceted issue. Within Literacy development there any many parallels to hearing children, as well as some elements which are unique to children who are hearing impaired. It is well recognized that hearing is critical to speech and language development, communication, and learning. Children with listening difficulties due to hearing impairment or auditory processing problems continue to be an underidentified and underserved population. The earlier hearing impairment occurs in a childs life, the more serious the effects on the childs development. Similarly, the earlier the problem is identified and intervention begun, the less serious the ultimate impact. There are four major ways in which hearing impairment affects Literacy development in children. Firstly causing a delay in the development of receptive and expressive communication skills. Language deficit causes learning problems that often result in reduced academic achievement. Communication difficulties can often lead to social isolation, poor self-concept and may impact the childs ability to make choices. Vocabulary also develops more slowly in children who have a hearing impairment. Children with hearing impairment are able to learn concrete words like cat, jump, five, and red more easily than abstract words like before, after, equal to, and jealous. They also have difficulty with function words like the, an, are, and a. The gap between the vocabulary of children with normal hearing and those with hearing impairment widens with age. Children with hearing impairment are not able to catch up without appropriate early intervention. Children with hearing impairment also have difficulty understanding words with multiple meanings. It is common for children with hearing impairment to comprehend and produce shorter and simpler sentences than children with normal hearing. Children with hearing impairment often have difficulty understanding and writing complex sentences, such as those with relative clauses or passive voice. Children with hearing impairment often cannot hear word endings such as -s or -ed. This can lead to misunderstandings and misuse of verb tense, pluralisation and possessives. Children with hearing impairment often cannot hear quiet speech sounds such as s, sh, f, t, and k and therefore do not include them in their speech. Therefore, speech may be difficult to understand. Children with hearing impairment may not hear their own voices when they speak. They may speak too loudly or not loud enough. They may have a speaking pitch that is too high. They may sound like they are mumbling because of poor stress, poor inflection, or poor rate of speaking. Lastly, children with hearing impairment have difficulty with all areas of academic achievement, especially reading and mathematical concepts. Children with mild to moderate hearing impairments, on average, achieve one to four grade levels lower than their peers with normal hearing, unless appropriate management occurs. Children with severe to profound hearing impairment usually achieve skills no higher than Ks3/4, unless appropriate educational intervention occurs early. The gap in academic achievement between children with normal hearing and those with hearing impairment usually widens as they progress through school. The level of achievement is related to parental involvement and the quantity, quality, and timing of the support services children receive. By the age of three years the average normally hearing child has a vocabulary of approximately 1,000 words (Bond, D. 1981p.g 19) Children learn this language from what they hear and by the age of three master many grammatical elements of language. The hearing impaired child may not have the advantage of comforting and reassuring sounds within their environment, unless directly directed towards them. Even with the assistance of hearing aids and recent technology advances many hearing impaired children report listening unpleasant. Research into Childrens language acquisition in recent years has provided detailed information on the way in which sentence structures and grammatical systems develop within language. Language acquisition is essentially creative; that is, children deduce for themselves the rules which govern the production and comprehension of language Davison, M. Pg25 The second important factor is that all children learning English seem to follow a very similar pattern of development. In every child there are differences in the rate of acquisition and the precise order in which new structures are required, although there is a clear developmental trend in the way children develop and this can be used when assessing an individual childs language In order to support the development of literacy the government have implemented both initiatives and frameworks. The department for education have introduced and implemented the National Strategy; within this is the Primary Framework for Literacy. The framework is the guideline for all aspects of teaching and literacy development in schools. The National Strategy, which is now part of the Primary National Strategy, has been in place since 1998. In March 2006, Jim Rose released the Independent review of teaching of early reading. This report outlined the principles of high quality work within a language rich curriculum that gives rise to high standards of reading and writing. The Rose report outlined two obvious but linked procedures involved in teaching children to read, the ability to recognise words and the comprehension of language. The Rose review had a huge impact on the teaching of literacy, influencing positively both planning and teaching significantly.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Administrative Ethics – Paper 3
Administrative Ethics Paper HCS/335 December 19, 2011 Administrative Ethics Paper There are many factors that are affecting our everyday lives but none as important as the ethics of healthcare. Healthcare is one of the largest personal care services provided in our civilization today. In order to provide this type of care adequate and qualified personnel must have access to personal information both medical and at times non-medical. Preserving patient confidentiality has become more increasingly difficult to do. The desire to guard patient privacy is apparent with all the legal ramifications imposed by the federal and state laws. I will be discussing the ethical and legal issues of healthcare while stating the responsibilities and facts that could lead to solutions. According to â€Å"American Medical Association†(1995-2011), â€Å"The U. S. Constitution defines a physician’s legal obligation to their patient(s) by federal and state law, regulation, and by the court although access to patient information has become more accessible†(Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs). In 1996 Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and was recently amended under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act ( â€Å"AmericanCollege of Healthcare Executives†, 2009). HIPAA was to put safety measures to shield a patient(s) health information and keep it private. In February of 2009 on the 17th, President Barak Obama authorized the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with the objective to support the acceptance of electronic medical records (EMR) by physicians and medical facilities. The law symbolizes a reassurance to privacy by giving them actionable remedies in an event that their personal private medical records are misused or abused (â€Å"ResourceLibrary: The CBS Interactive Business Network†, 2002). The lack of safeguards for patients and their information is a big disadvantage because physicians, medical facilities, and patient(s) have oncerns as to whether or not their information will be protected and stay private. Health information being used electronically has increased medical access as well as transmission between health data and other physicians allowing admission to all a patient’s medical information in their network if needed. The expansion of technology in the healthcare industry has helped to give better patient care to ensure healthier and more productive people I society but the challenge comes into play with respecting and honoring a patient’s confidentiality. Doctor’s have always been obligated to keep their patient’s information private by not divulging and medical or personal information exposed by the patient or ascertained by the physician while treating the patient. According to â€Å"American Medical Association†(1995-2011), †the purpose of a physician’s ethical duty to maintain patient confidentiality is to allow the patient to feel free to make a full and frank disclosure of information to the physician with the knowledge that the physician will protect the confidentiality nature of the information disclosed†(Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs). Sustaining a patient’s medical and personal information is a legal obligation as well as the ethical sense of duty. The American College of Healthcare Executives feels that besides following HIPAA and all applicable state and federal laws, healthcare executives should also have a ethical and moral duty to respect privacy and protect the security of patients’ medical records. Doctors, nurses, and anyone that may come in contact with a patient’s records should become familiar with the laws involving the obligation to maintain confidentiality because any breach of confidentiality no matter how small can result in misappropriates, a lawsuit and/or disciplinary action. The HIPPA privacy protection in its present state is inadequate because it allows the sale of patient information to third parties without written consent even though there are consequences for it. The American Recovery Reinvestment Act has begun to stipulate some safety by making a cutoff point for use of information for promotion and fundraising and for the sale of records. According to â€Å"AmericanCollege of Healthcare Executives†(2009), â€Å"As patient advocates, executives are required to guarantee their organization acquire appropriate patient authorization to give personal information or follow the correct procedures as carefully characterized in the policies and relevant laws in such cases for when the elease of information without consent is indicated†(Health Information Confidentiality). In conclusion with all the different and new technology in society today everyone more so doctors and medical personnel are extremely cautious about relinquishing and personal patient information regardless if it is to a another doctor or family. Every physician and medical facility must make every effort to guarantee the patient’s information will remain con fidential regardless of how it is kept in a file or electronically. Technology will progress as the years get older and so will the rise on patient information being misused. Technology can improve the quality of care by all means but while it is improving care it also needs to be steps and measures taken to improve the patient’s privacy and confidentiality of their medical information. References AmericanCollege of Healthcare Executives. (2009). Retrieved from http://www. ache. org/policy/hiconf. cfm American Medical Association. (1995-2011). Retrieved from http://www. ama- assn. org/ama/pub/about-ama/our-people/ama-councils/council-ethical-judicial affairs. page ResourceLibrary: The CBS Interactive Business Network. (2002). Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1272/is_2689_131/ai_92691019/? tag=content;col1
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Rainbow Troops Movie Review
‘Laskar Pelangi': The audacity of hope Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) is a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular Indonesian novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie follows a group of 10 schoolboys and their two inspirational teachers as they struggle with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast of Sumatra. The film is the highest grossing in Indonesian box office history[1] and won a number of local and international awards. The Rainbow Troops was a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular Indonesian novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. The movie, set in the 1970s, The Rainbow Troops, set on Belitong Island, Indonesia, tells the story of a tight-knit group of students and their teachers fighting for education and dignity, even as they face continual hardship. Fabulously rich in natural resources, Belitong is also home to chronic poverty and educational discrimination. This amazing story tells of a persistent young teacher and her tireless efforts to fight for her ten students†right to an education. Together, they take the reader on a journey through the beauty of childhood friendship, the inspiration of love, and the power of education. The students†magnetic personalities and unflagging determination are sure to inspire. Here is a movie adapted from a best-selling Indonesian novel. It took 40 days of filming on Belitong Island, Bangka-Belitung province, involving 12 local actors, and reportedly cost Rp 8 Billion. With all the efforts of transforming Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) into a moving picture, will it satisfy readers' imaginations? Laskar Pelangi, the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on the writer's own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 500,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nation's bookshops and media review pages. It finally overcame the domination of teen-lit, chick-lit and even religious novels, the popular theme of today. Andrea entrusted the filming of the story to respected figures in the film industry, Mira Lesmana and Riri Reza, as producer and film director, respectively. â€Å"Mira and Riri are two people with high integrity in the movie-making industry in Indonesia. I believe they have a unique perspective in creating their work,†says Andrea. Mira, who made a record at the Indonesian box office with teen flick Ada Apa Dengan Cinta and children's adventure movie Petualangan Sherina, says â€Å"(After reading the novel) I felt like being slammed and was so ashamed of myself. How could I complain about our movie's poor condition, while far away in Belitong there are 10 children and a teacher whose lives are far worse than mine. But they still dare to have hopes and dreams. They struggle to overcome all obstacles with a smile. Riri makes a similar comment. â€Å"I think the novel is very interesting and it is important it be filmed. Interesting because it consists of many aspects such as educational, social and political issues. It is also important because it has an inspiring effect of hope and not giving up, while living a very hard life. †In July 2007, Mira and Riri started pre-production, which took a year to finish. Together wit h scriptwriter Salman Aristo they decided to create a different scenario for the film. â€Å"Novels and movies are two different things. Each has its own specialties and limits. It is very natural for the movie to have a slightly different content than the novel,†says Riri, who won a Citra film award for his movie Eliana Eliana in 2005. Mira admits she has no worries about the possibility of negative responses from adapting the novel into a film. â€Å"The film will eventually bring in our audience, whether they have read the book or not, just to relax, enjoy and be ready to be affected by different experiences,†she explains. The film was shot on location on Belitong Island, the setting of the novel. Twelve of the roles were played by local children. In my opinion, there won't be any actors with a deeper connection to the roles than those who were born and lived in Belitong their entire life,†Riri says to explain his reasons for pursuing authenticity. Some veteran actors such as Ikranegara, Slamet Rahardjo, Alex Komang, Jajang C Noer, Mathias Muchus and Robbie Tumewu will appear. And there is also fresh blood to satisfy youngsters, such as Tora Sudiro, Rieke Dyah Pitaloka and Cut Mini. Cut Mini (playing the central character, the teacher Muslimah) admits she found it challenging to play Miss Muslimah, described as a loving, tender, patient and smart fighter. It is simply a character that differs from any other role she has ever taken. â€Å"That's why, when I got the role, I was soooo happy. I kept on practicing and memorizing the script three hours a day and got acting tutoring directly from Riri himself. I also got the chance to meet Miss Muslimah in person, to get to know and learn more of her real character directly,†she says, admitting there is also a great expectation from the audience (especially the readers of the book) to see the Miss Muslimah character in the movie. I've given my best and I hope the audience can accept it,†she adds. Film is an form of art with a multidimensional influence. It has the ability to influence, move and change point of view, behavior, situation and society. Being aware of the power of film, many of those involved in making the costly Laskar Pelangi are committed to its success. Behind the scenes Mira and Riri wish the message is accepted by the audience. They hope it will stir the emot ions of all those who watch it. Please don't boast out about how great your country is, when you're still ignoring the education aspect of it,†Mira says. LASKAR PELANGI adalah adaptasi dari novel terkenal karya Andrea Hirata. Novel yang awalnya didedikasikan untuk sang ibunda guru tercinta, kemudian meledak menjadi bestseller, dan kini hadir dilayar lebar. Dua sineas muda, Mira lesmana dan Riri Reza adalah orang yang berhasil mewujudkanya. Naskah lengkap pelangi di tulis oleh Salman Aristo. Film Laskar Pelangi merupakan produksi ke-9 Milles Films dan Mizan production. Seprti di novelnya, Cerita LASKAR PELANGI berlatar belakang kehidupan di pulou bangka belitong pada pertengahan tahun 1970 an Hari pertama tahun ajaran baru kali ini sangat menegangkan bagi kedua guru SD Muhammadiyah, Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Kranagara), beserta 9 orang murid dan orang tua mnereka. Pasalnya, jika tidak mencapai 10 orang, maka sekolah akan di tutup. Adalah Harun orang yang kesepuluh menyelamatkan mereka. The first day in â€Å"tahun ajaran baru†this time is tighten for two teachers in Muhammadiyah elementary school, Muslimah and Mr Harfan, with 9 students and their parents. Because, if the school doesn’t have 10 students, the school has to be close. Harun is the 10 syudents who save them. Bu M us pun menjuluki kesepuluh anak dengan keunikan dan keistimewaannya masing masing itu dengan nama Laskar Pelangi. Selama lima tahun bersama, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan dan kesepuluh murid, berjuang untuk terus bisa sekolah meski mereka harus menghadapi beragam tantangan serta tekanan untuk menyerah. Di tengah upaya untuk tetap mempertahankan sekolah, mereka kehilangan sosok yang mereka cintai. Ms Mus named the ten students with their uniqueness and their speciality with â€Å"Laskar Pelangi†. For 5 years, Ms Mus, Mr Harfan and the ten students, struggle hard to defend their school altough they have to face a lot of challenge and pressure to give up. In the middle to defend their school, they lose someone who they loved Film ini dipenuhi kisah tentang tantangan kalangan pinggiran, dan kisah penuh haru tentang perjuangan hidup menggapai mimpi, serta keindahan persahabatan yang menyelamatkan hidup manusia, dengan latar belakang sebuah pulau indah yang pernah menjadi salah satu pulau terkaya di Indonesia. This film full with story about â€Å"kalangan pinggiran†, and touch story about â€Å"perjuangan†live to reach their dream, and the beautiful of friendship that save a people live, with background in a beautiful island that ever been one of the richest island ind indonesia Novel itu mungkin dapat menyadarkan kita terutama pelajar akan penting arti bersyukur. Saya mungkin termasuk anak yang beruntung karena saya masih memiliki kedua orang tua yang masih mampu bekerja banting tulang sehingga dapat menyekolahkan saya di sekolah yang cukup bagus, membelikan saya peralatan sekolah yang lengkap, dan menyediakan sarana prasarana yang saya butuhkan dengan cukup lengkap. Padahal dalam novel itu anak-anak yang bersekolah di SD Muhammadiyah sangat serba kekurangan. Sekolah yang bisa dibilang sangat tidak layak dipakai, pengajar yang hanya berjumlah dua orang, kelas yang dipakai harus berganti-gantian, sungguh menyedihkan sekali sekolah itu. Namun dengan keadaan yang seperti itu para pengajar beserta murid-murid masih dapat melakukan proses belajar mengajar dengan baik. Mereka masih dapat menikmati kegiatan mereka dengan baik. Saya sangat suka sekali dengan tokoh Lintang, ia adalah sosok yang patut dicontoh. Kegigihan dia untuk menempuh jarak 80 km bolak-balik rumah dengan sekolah selain tiu ia harus menempuh bahaya bertemu buaya tidak menggoyahkan niatnya untuk belajar. Padahal kalau saya menjadi Lintang saya belum tentu mau melakukan hal itu, karena jarak 40 km untuk ke sekolah idaklah dekat apalagi ada buaya. Bukankah lebih baik saya di rumah saja dan belajar di rumah atau membantu orang tua bekerja. This novel maybe can â€Å"menyadarkan†us, especially student about the importance to be grateful. Maybe we also the lucky child, because we still have parents who still can work hard, so theyt can â€Å"menyekolahkan†us in good school, buy us â€Å"peralatan sekolah yg lengkap†, etc. in fact, in th is novel, the children who go to school in Muhammadiyah elementary school is very â€Å"kekurangan†. Semangat tidak mudah putus asa mungkin saat ini sudah jarang, padahal sebagai generasi muda harusnya kita punya semangat pantang menyerah seperti tokoh-tokoh laskar pelangi tersebut. Sebab dengan tidak mudah pantang menyerah segala sesuatu yang kita inginkan akan lebih mudah tercapai. Sebagai bukti Ikal dengan segala kekurangan baik materi dan keadaan sekolah yang tidak memadai akhirnya dapat melanjutkan sekolah hingga ke perguruan tinggi, bahkan ia dapat bersekolah di luar negeri. Hal di atas merupakan sesuatu yang dapat saya temukan setelah membaca laskar Pelangi walaupun masih banyak lagi. Mungkin sebaiknya yang belum membaca Laskar Pelangi dapat segera membacanya atau menonton di bioskop untuk dapat memahami dan merefleksikan apa yang dibaca ke dalam kehidupan kita masing-masing. This article will mark my first Indonesian movie coverage, and the film that had moved my interest this time is â€Å"Laskar Pelangi†which literally in English can be describe as â€Å"Rainbow Troops. †What I can say about this film when I formerly seen the preview was this is a film about minorities life in majorities of narrative, acting and cinematography. Based on a best seller novel that sold more than 500. 00 copies in Indonesia, â€Å"Laskas Pelangi†authored by Andrea Hirata has told about the struggling of teacher and 10 students for education in a remote place called Belitong. The beautiful views of Belitong that located on Bangka Belitong province in Indonesia, like you can observes it below by the film images, yet one reason that keep intriguing my mind. Ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s a place that able to bring some of my childhood memories back, a memory of that striking blue beach view decorated by snow white sands and big coral reef, along with it outstanding sight of sunset. Almost 100% shoots of the production were truly taken in Belitong island with real native Belitong children who’s all was the first-timer in acting had involved as the main casts. What the film producers Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza who’s also in charge as the director wanted with performing these native Belitong children is to build naturally chemistry between the story and actors. â€Å"From the beginning we did not think about using outside actor for playing as â€Å"Laskar Pelangi†children figure. So, actor hunting and casting process already we did from the beginning of production,†Riri said. Even these children have no experiences with acting world, but they are very talented children, have courage, no shy to try, and the most important, they could presented main figure at this film†, Mira continued. After hunting and casting process in Belitong, finally 12 Belitong have chosen to play the students character and in spite of that, they also not forgetting to cast the professional actor for the film. 12 big name Indonesian actors also have presence, they are Cut Mini, Ikranegara, Lukman Sardi, Ario Baru, Tora Sudiro, Slamet Raharjo, Alex Komang, Mathias Muchus, Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Robbie Tumewu, Jajang C. Noer and Teuku Rifnu Wikana. As Laskar Pelangi producer, Riri Riza said: â€Å"Laskar Pelangi has unique story, fully dynamic life with appeareance of 10 strong character students and an ambitius teacher which has big and noble wishes. And Andrea Hirata is very important factor why we would make film based on this book. First time meet with Andrea, there is enthusiasm shown at himself. Meet him like watching bright shining sunny, very inspiring†. This film has been scheduled to be release on this 25 September in Indonesia. Laskar Pelangi,†the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on the writer's own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitong. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen their high spirits and hopes for a better future. Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 5 00,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nation's bookshops and media review pages. Actually, this was the first book and the global description of his 3 other books on the tetralogy included Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. The story which taken place in a small village called Gantung in East Belitong is about the childhood of ten young Malay race children who all of them has a different story and personality but they all have the same condition in live that is poverty. They all join together in a poor school that in a threshold to be closed down if the school can not collect 10 or more new students. Meanwhile in tit there was just only 9 children, then suddenly a child named Harun at the age of 15th with mentally disorder (retarded) sign in, which then just solve the school problem by accepting 10 student in that time. Since that time the entire 10 student has join together in a lifetime bonding and make a group of â€Å"LASKAR PELANGI†. Ikal (the main character), Lintang (the science genius boy), Mahar (the art genius boy), A kiong (the kind heart Chinese boy), Syahdan (who wants to be an actor), Kucai (the head of the class for all the time), Borek a. . a Samson (the muscle boy), Trapani ( the handsome boy who can not be apart from her mother to long, later on he was diagnose as â€Å"heavy mother complex†), and Sahara (the only girl in the group before Flo come). The laskar pelangi all have a deep fondness to pelangi (rainbow) and every time after raining, they all get together in a filicium tree and stared on the rainbow with story from the art master Mahar. It helped a lot that their teachers were very dedicated and willing to sacrifice their own wellbeing for the sake of the kids. Though they are not gifted in the mind, they are very gifted in the way of the spirit and always talked in a very uplifting way. They symbolize patience, hard work and perseverance. Though they were trained only to teach a certain subject area, the impoverished state of the school has forced them to teach the kids everything from singing to physics. Fortunately, through the grace of God, two of these 10 were born geniuses and managed to teach the other kids things of the mind that the teachers can only be amazed about. All of these kids’ childhood is full with happiness although poverty was always be around them, but they manage to find their happiness in it, with high educational spirit they all fight for their future and hoping it will be better than the present that they live on. Initially, Andrea Hirata was trying only to reconcile himself with his bitter past when he decided to write about the earliest fragments of his life. One thing in his mind was to share his manuscripts with childhood friends who had been in the same boat. Living with a lack of almost everything is traumatic, especially for children, he said recently. â€Å"It's a real struggle to go back in time to growing up in a poor neighborhood (in Belitung), while next to our place was a giant state mining company that had all the luxuries in the world to offer its staff and their families,†said Andrea. An economics graduate of the University of Indonesia, Andrea received a scholarship from the European Union, which allowed him to take his master's degree at the Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, and at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. (But) my childhood period lingers within me. My memories of that period of my life are the fondest. I learned then about sincerity, friendship and the many virtues that perhaps today's children cannot learn from their environments the way I did. †Andrea seemed to find his panacea when he decided to write. He could not stop. This debut novel was completed in less than six months. Here, I will not tr y to compare the film with the novel version because in actually I still haven’t read it yet, but I hope this big screen version will be resulting as good as the novel version had done.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Rethinking the Quebec Act
Rethinking the Quebec Act The article â€Å"No King unless It Be a Constitutional King: Rethinking the Place of the Quebec Act in the Coming of the American Revolution†by Vernon Creviston published in the Fall of 2011 in Historian discusses the implications of the Quebec Act of 1774 for the American colonies and the impact of this legislation upon the American revolution.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rethinking the Quebec Act specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Discussing the main components of the Quebec Act, including those of restrictions of the civil and religious liberties and reorganization of the local government, the author places a special emphasis upon the changes in the public attitude towards George III and the British Empire in general. The author of the article provides specific examples of the open letters criticizing the tyranny of the monarch and the system of government. Moreover, Creviston viewed the Quebec Act as a tool used by American patriots for determining the loyalty of their compatriots (Creviston 477). Drawing the conclusion that the monarchy was transferred to villainy, the Americans argued that the actions of the British monarch in general and the Quebec Act in particular were a threat to American liberty. Going even further, the reaction to the Quebec Act led to considering the previously unthinkable idea of complete separation from the British Empire. The issues raised in this article are relevant to the class discussion and valuable for understanding the wide range of implications of the Quebec Act for the colonial territories and their role in strengthening the patriotic movements among Americans. Viewing the implications of the Quebec Act in their historical context, the author analyzes the consequences of restricting the civil, economical and religious liberties of Americans. Discussing the cases of Marylander William Edminston and New Yorker John, Creviston provides historica l evidence to demonstrate the development and growth of the patriotic movement which was not limited by territorial boundaries and spread throughout the American colonies. Therefore, Creviston concluded that the Quebec Act was an important predictor of American Revolution. Creviston, Vernon. â€Å"No King unless It Be a Constitutional King: Rethinking the Place of the Quebec Act in the Coming of the American Revolution.†Historian 73.3 (2011): 463 – 479. Web.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Grapes of Wrath and Fiesta Essays
The Grapes of Wrath and Fiesta Essays The Grapes of Wrath and Fiesta Paper The Grapes of Wrath and Fiesta Paper Essay Topic: A Woman Killed With Kindness Literature The Grapes Of Wrath In Ernest Hemingways Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises) we are given an account of life in Europe, after the devastation of World War I. The main characters are expatriates living in Europe after all suffering through the War. Both their identity and their lives have been affected; consequently forcing them to be categorised as the lost generation1. In John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath we follow the Joad family as they travel west in search of a new, more prosperous life. The journey reveals the difficulties of creating an ordered, fully functioning society. In contrast to the expatriates in Fiesta; the Joads migration can be categorised as an establishment of a new generation. That is to say, a new society built on ideals of individual success and prosperity, in western America. By exploring the major themes in both novels, we can see exactly what effects the First World War and westward migration have upon the main characters. Additionally, we can see how this relates to individual actions, and American society as a whole. In Fiesta, Hemingway presents us with a series of characters whose lives have been tragically altered by the effects of the First World War. The characters are described as expatriates by Hemingway. An expatriate is defined as a person who lives outside their native country. This term usually applies to people who have fled from their home nation for particular reasons. The characters in Fiesta have taken refuge in Paris and Hemingway focuses upon their exploits in the city. The war has affected each of the main characters uniquely and significantly. Our protagonist is Jake Barnes. He was tragically wounded in the War; which has left him impotent. Then we have our second main character, Brett Ashley, a member of the English aristocracy. She was a nurse during the war and her first love was killed. These two characters propel the novels main themes. Theyre losses have significantly affected the way they live their lives in Paris. In Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath the Joad family leave their home in Oklahoma behind to fulfil their dreams of prosperity in the west. The Joad family suffers greatly during their search for happiness. The novel reveals the difficulties and corruption that existed during the formation of a western society. The Joads represent the innocent migrants, who were persecuted by a new, evolving society that expanded over the Great Plains. Halliday makes the link of the expatriates in Fiesta to the experiences of the Joad family: There are plains in many countries that could well serve as symbols of emptiness, desolation, disaster, and death- we have some in the American west. 2 Steinbeck criticises the glamorised perception that financial success is easily achievable in the west. For Steinbeck, only way you can achieve satisfaction in all areas, is after struggle and conflict. The Joads cope with their discrimination throughout by remaining united as a family. It is this method of survival and kindness that Steinbeck praises during the novel. The effects of the War have lead critics to label the main characters in Fiesta as members of a lost generation. Their losses are significant in influencing the way they lead their lives in Paris. Being members of a lost generation, suggests that they have actually lost their sense of identity. This means that their lives no longer have any direction. The novel concentrates on the meaningless excess the main characters associate themselves with in Paris. Their lavish lifestyles lead us to believe that there is no moral boundaries in the world Hemingway has created here. This is where we notice that gender roles have also been reversed. This is most evident with Jake and Brett. Jakes wound, has in a sense removed his masculinity. He cannot maintain a relationship because of his impotence. This makes him feel less of a man; Jakes impotence gives way to a society of sexual promiscuity where they live. There does not seem to be one successful relationship; even Robert Cohns relationship with Frances is spoiled. What Jake is left with, are the personal qualities of a woman. He becomes more interested in not being alone and has lost his control over his life and others. It is his inevitable frustration that makes us pity him: We thus find Jake Barness war-wound impotence a kind of metaphor for the whole atmosphere of sterility and frustration 3 Hemingway then uses Brett to show how gender roles are reversed in Fiesta. Brett also lost something during the war; Her own true love had just kicked off with dysentery. (p48) This is the only time that Brett has been in a meaningful relationship. With the loss of her fist love, Brett is no longer able to sustain a relationship built on love and trust. Hemingway reveals this by portraying Brett as a very masculine woman. Her hair is short, she is boyish and she refers to the men as chaps. She is the promiscuous character in the novel; and behaves like a man, intimidating others and playing with the opposite sex. Spilka claims that this is the reason why love is not evident in the novel: when men no longer command respect, and women replace their natural warmth with masculine freedom and mobility, there can be no serious love. 4 The exchange in gender roles creates an additional misdirection in the lives of the main characters; without a sense of their own sexuality, theyre can be no internal identification of self. By viewing the Joad family as the new generation, we can understand the significance of their rites of passage to the west. They are in a sense, on a pilgrimage to the Promised Land. It is necessary that tests must be passed during a pilgrimage; in order to achieve success and fulfilment. The entire journey is a search for new identity. They are no longer from Oklahoma; they have left it behind. Steinbeck has characters referring to the Joads as Okies throughout; nevertheless, all the migrants are united in the search for land and prosperity. They labour on the land but it is never fully theirs. We recognize that the Joads will only feel like westerners when theyre blood and sweat has spilled onto their own land. For a new generation to be born, the older generation must give way. This is indicated with the death of both grandparents during the journey to the west. The grandparents are unable in making the transition to a new area or identification of self. They are tied to the land in Oklahoma; it is particularly significant that Grandma dies on the border to the west. She knows she cannot survive the difficulties that will face the rest of the family. Her own death is the beginning of the Joads progression into a new generation. It is apparent throughout the novel, that the characters in Fiesta have no meaning or direction in their lives. Their days are filled with drinking, eating and dancing. Their lavish lifestyles have no structure, and they respect wealth. Count Mippipopolous is admired for his generosity and wealth. Brett only remains friends with him because of his generosity. His wealth represents his masculinity; Brett therefore admires him, while Jake cannot help but feel threatened: Isnt it wonderful, said Brett. We all have titles. Why havent you a title, Jake? (p68) The Count also comments on Bretts lifestyle: Youre always drinking my dear. (p70) Hemingway emphasises the extravagance of Brett and Jakes lifestyle, through the outside characters. Robert Cohn is the prime example; he wants to escape it all and go to South America. Jake does not want to join him and we get the sense that he is afraid to start his life over again after the life he leads created by the aftermath of the war. The fact that Jake is hesitant in going also represents his dependence on a life with no structure or direction. In The Grapes of Wrath the only figures who experience excess and luxury, are the wealthy farm owners. Steinbeck intentionally makes these characters anonymous; they are myths among the poor, oppressed workers in the west. Their wealth is in direct contrast to the poverty of the workers. The wealth of the farm owners is further increased due to the oppression of the labourers. Steinbeck makes a direct insult towards the wealthy who exploited the unskilled, western workforce. The Joads suffer to feed themselves and the feeling of injustice and subordination is reiterated during the Joads stay in the camps. The injustice of worker exploitation is linked with the theme of the overall lack of justice in The Grapes of Wrath. The government run camps are personifications of injustice. There seems to be no structure of law or moral order. Steinbeck reveals that those who control the social and economic structures of the west are the complete antithesis of legality and order. This is the cause of the Joads persecution. Wealth and injustice also link into the Joads conversion into a new genera tion. Chapter 7 is the most effective example in revealing how the Joads have not yet crossed over into a modern lifestyle. The car salesmen, however, are fast talking opportunists. They are out to exploit theyre customers; and the Joads are exploited throughout the text. Steinbeck is making the point that the modern, capitalist economy is dominated by greed and corruption: Watch the womans face. If the woman likes it we can screw the old man. (p68) It is a main theme throughout the novel that the Joads are representing the traditional, family values that Steinbeck believes America was built on. As the Joads struggle to survive in the exploitation and corruption of western capitalism; they are also struggling to promote their traditional values of kindness and togetherness: wenty families became one family, the children were the children of all. (p206) In Fiesta none of the characters offer any meaningful advice to each other. They are blunt and sometimes extremely cruel during their conversations. The only person who does not retaliate is Robert: I do not know how people could say such terrible things to Robert Cohn. (p59) Robert is different to the other char acters in the novel. He accepts the way the war has affected the others. He understands that they are incapable of being considerate to other peoples feelings. That is why he suffers so much humiliation. His life has not been so drastically been poisoned by the aftermath of the war. As Spilka reveals, Robert has been affected in a different way: it turns him into an armed romantic, a man who can damage others in defense of his own beliefs. 5 By distinguishing the difference between Robert and the other characters, we understand his role in the novel. He is envied by all the men, except Romero. When he is introduced it is always under formal circumstances; either as Robert Cohn or simply just Cohn. Jake especially admires his stubborn moral values and his ability to have an affectionate relationship with Frances. Linked to the exchange of gender roles in Fiesta; we see the effects this has on the characters sexually. For example, Jake Barnes picks up a prostitute early on in the novel. He does not intend to sleep with her because he is impotent; instead he takes her out to dinner and dancing. The fact that he is impotent is the most relevant here, he says he feels sick: She looked up to be kissed. She touched me with one hand and I put her hand away Whats the matter? You sick? Yes. (p21) His impotence has distanced him from women; therefore, rendering him unable to sustain a relationship or even feel sexually close to a woman ever again. The only woman he can clearly show his affections to is Brett. Unfortunately, Jake cannot rescue her from her promiscuity, because theyre relationship can never be sexual. Leslie Fielder argues that Brett can never be saved because of Jakes wound: In the end, not only are her physical lovers unmanned and degraded, but even Jake, who is her priest and is protected by his terrible wound, is humiliated. 6 The only man capable of redeeming Brett is Romero the bullfighter. This is because he is different to every man in the rest of the novel. He has not lost his masculinity in any way shape or form. He is respected as an aficionado and as a man. His relationship with Brett threatens her independent sexuality: He wanted me to grow my hair out. Me, with long hair He said it would make me more womanly. (p280) Romero is in a sense nai ve that he thinks he can change Brett; however, Brett is also unwilling to be freed from her sexual confinement into a meaningful relationship. In The Grapes of Wrath the mother is the leader of the family. She takes the role of the father as he gradually fades away into insignificance, to direct and inspire her family into persevering against discrimination. She is the foundation of the family; without her, we get the feeling that the family would not survive through its journey. Steinbeck describes her as a strong, muscular woman. As previously identified, both grandparents died before the family got to the west. There are many examples of death in the novel, yet there is only one distinct example of birth. Tied into the theme of birth, is the theme of motherhood. The only woman capable of both is Rose of Sharon. Towards the end of the novel, she gives birth to a stillborn child. This is extremely significant to the novels overall theme of the new generation. The birth of the child represents the familys success in converting to a new generation of westerners. The death of the old generation gives way for the new. Nevertheless, Steinbeck has the birth of the baby result in a death. This paradox reveals that the family has still not fully made its pilgrimage into the new generation. Rather than deal with the death as a disaster, the family continue on their journey, confident they will prevail. Steinbeck is showing the reader that even in death, there is hope; again linked with the death of the grandparents before the Joads reach the west. The ending of the novel has Rose of Sharon acting like a mother, sustaining life with her body. Our final thought is that the family will be sustained by the land, like Rose of Sharon preserving life with her natural instinct as a mother. In Fiesta and The Grapes of Wrath we are presented with two distinct generations struggling to define each other. To fully integrate the texts into one identification of self; we must look at the basis of each novel. In the epigraph to Fiesta Hemingway uses two phrases; one from Gertrude Stein and an extract from Ecclesiastes, in the Bible. Stein called the expatriates of the First World War the lost generation. While in Ecclesiastes, Hemingway uses the quote: One generation passeth away, and another generation commeth. The epigraph is important in revealing how Hemingway still believes there is hope for mans salvation and that the lost generation will be replaced. Similarly, in The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck insisted on including the full version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic in its first edition: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming Lord/ He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored 7 Steinbeck believed it had great significance and portrayed all types of American identity. Both authors used these sources for the original titles of both novels. Fiesta is also known as The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway and Steinbeck are both making the point that man will find salvation against the persecution of society; and that the only form of life that will always remain is the earth. To conclude , we can see how both novels are linked in the search for identity and the salvation of man. Hemingway and Steinbeck criticise extravagance, because it fuels greed and corruption. It is the traditional values portrayed by Romero and the Joads, which will save mankind. This is shown in Fiesta, when during the mens fishing trip, Wilson-Harris confesses that Ive not had so much fun since the war Their break from the city into a rural setting; away from the excess and greed of Paris convinces them that they can still escape from the effects of the war. In The Grapes of Wrath the Joads search for their identity as a family, trampling out the seeds of wrath planted by the corruption of man in the west. We get the sense that all the characters will be saved from their oppression and that man will always have hope.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business continuity, backup and disaster recovery plan Research Paper
Business continuity, backup and disaster recovery plan - Research Paper Example The purpose of this research paper is to define what this plan is, analyze its components and effectively see its overall success and limitations. Business Continuity is a planning process that provides a framework to ensure survival of a business at any presenting risk. It insures the future of the business with respect to key customers, business reputation and suppliers. (Bell. J., June 2000). The components of the business continuity life cycle include; Analysis, Solution design, Implementation, Testing & acceptance and Maintenance. Business continuity plans need to be clear and concise. They should clarify all the protocol and procedures to be followed in the event of a disaster. It should be part and parcel of any business. (Harney, J., 2004). We will consider the above five steps in coming up with an effective business continuity plan. Analysis Here, we formulate a list of potential vulnerabilities within the business. That is, whether risk pose within the resource department, or systems, processes, or suppliers. Therefore, it implies a consideration of each department separately. We analyze the overall performance of each department with regards to its input in the business. ... Business-driven risks include application outages, or surplus from marketing demand-generation campaigns. They may cause business-wide ramifications that result in breaches in compliance, governance, availability, security and performance. (IBM Global, June 2011). If left unattended, they may cause concern to the top management and stakeholders. Data-driven risks focus on a wide range of factors such as disk failure, corruption, viruses or exponential data growth. This impacts negatively on the business. Event-driven risks disrupt the company’s personnel, processes, applications and infrastructure. They present as power outages, natural disasters, pandemics, fires, and thefts. (IBM Global, June 2011) Solution design Once we have identified potential risks after a rigorous analytical method. Then we strategize on the solution design process. (Dimattia, S., November 15, 2000). We customize the solution to the risks. A robust resilience solution for business-driven risks goes bey ond simply restoring the business IT infrastructure, to keeping the business continuously operating and easing management of compliance with industry regulations. It calls for the provision of virtually anytime, anywhere accessibility to approved users. To protect against data-driven risks, the business solution will focus on a delivery of an efficient backup and quick retrieval of critical data and information. It requires an indexing method with efficient search capabilities. The data also needs to be managed continuously and kept safe from viruses, thefts and other forms of loss. To mitigate the Event-driven risks, the business must be able to distribute operations beyond the area of immediate impact. (IBM Global, June 2011). This implies business
Friday, November 1, 2019
Second Balkan War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Second Balkan War - Essay Example It is always possible to look at past conflicts in detached and scientific spirit to arrive at objective lessens. The warning given by Toynbee (1948), civilizations die from suicide, not by murder is alarmingly relevant today. The Second Balkan War, which erupted in 1913, has been massive in its destruction, not only when the actual war took place, but also in the later conflicts triggered by the fragile nature of the peace treaties. The present day world torn between conflicting interests is on the brink of war all the time. The study of the strength and weakness of the strategies of Conflict Management of the Second Balkan war would aid our understanding of the present day conflict zones and might satisfactory solutions for managing conflict across the globe. Conflict management is as old as man. However, the false ideals of patriotism, unhealthy way of releasing it in war with other countries and pernicious theories of superiority of races helped only to whip up sentiments against the enemy and there was no attempt in scholarly circles to study the psychological springs of conflict. However, it is only recently that it has become a branch of academic discipline, which attracted serious scholarly pursuit across the globe. The early attempts in the 1960s were to explore the psychological aspects of conflict. The pioneering work some psychologists in fact offered a critique to the American theory of deterrence against the Soviet Union (Russell, 1961). The attention of the psychologists was shifting from rousing the feelings of people for war to raising their mind to explore the possibility for peace. As Morawski and Goldstein (1985) observed, these Cold War writings contrasted sharply with earlier publications on war and peace in several w ays: psychologists began to emphasize the prevention of war rather than preparations for war whereas previous research had attempted to document or generate public consensus with government policy, the new work was critical of U.S. foreign policies (p. 280). In the past there was a tendency to eulogize war even though it was negative in its destructive nature. More and more psychologists started exploring the possibility of peace. This resulted in the study of promotion of peace (Wagner, de Rivera, & Watkins, 1988). Peace was defined as an active construct, characterized by the co-operation between peoples and nations springing from the desire to satisfy the needs of the entire humanity. There is increasing number of different types of conflict like, ethnic (Sri Lanka), religious (Northern Ireland), and territory linked (India-Pakistan, Arab-Israeli) and political (Nepal). International conflicts have different dimensions and varying degrees of amiability to conflict management. Some conflicts are protracted (Azar, 1986). One of the unique features of these conflicts is the difficulty of managing them peacefully. The Second Balkan Wars The Second Balkan War was fought in 1913 between Bulgaria and its former allies in the First Balkan war, Greece and Serbia. Romania and the Ottoman Empire intervened against Bulgaria. The outcome of the war made Serbia, an ally of the Russian Empire, an important
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