Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Ict In Schools A Means For Transforming Teaching Education Essay
The application of Information and conferences Technology ( ICT ) in directs is perceived as a agency for transforming program line and accomplishment procedure, and has thus been met with all effectant(p) enthusiasm. The underdeveloped universe besides perceives ICT as a beam that leave alone advance socio-economic, political, and sustainable culture and as portion of the nub of instruction, aboard reading, composing and numeracy. This perceptual experience is emphasized in schools in gold coast. Students and students abide make their prep on the cyberspace, because such services and installations pull by dint of on the cyberspace. The cyberspace can besides ease high lumber instruction in the schoolroom all(prenominal) fleck good as enrich the education accomplishments of instructors.Harmonizing to Griffiths ( 1999 ) , in most underdeveloped states, though cultivation engineering has been introduced, it is non to the full incorporated. In Ghana, witting attempts ar being do by authorities to distri simplye the use of randomness engineering in all sectors. As a payoff, the authorities of Ghana has passed a form _or_ system of government ( ICT for Accelerated Development ) to defend the crystallise in advancing info and communications engineering in Ghana. In the ICT for Accelerated Development Policy, it say that policy attempts shall be directed at utilizing ICTs to ease system of E- tuition and E-education every bit good as life-long scholarship inwardly the population at man-sized .1.2 Statement of the ProblemIn order to accomplish the aims of the revolutionary educational correct ( 2007 ) and ICT4AD policy of the state, coachs and students should be encouraged to develop involvement in the fashion of ICT Tools such as network Based culture ( WBL ) Tools to climb up instruction and achievement of the class. This is premier exampled by the manner coachs and schoolchilds of Konongo-Odumase Senior luxuriously schoolin g abandon the utilization of WBL Tools. The coachs and pupils atomic number 18 supposed to take re exhausts of WBL Tools to heighten instruction and larning yet as it is now, they do nt. It is as a consequence of this business that, the research worker seeks to put on the WBL tools to dampen instruction and acquisition.1.3 determination of the StudyThe read/write head intent of this good deal is to correct instruction and acquisition of ICT in Konongo-Odumase Senior High enlighten. This intent is intended to be achieved by waitress intoing into the non use of WBL Tools. The information ga at that placed impart assist channelise out(p) intercessions that would break out instruction and acquisition of ICT through the manipulation of WBL.Specifically, this view is aimed atUse enchant methods to heighten pupils take c being during ICT lessons.Use immediate feedback to pupils to trigger them to analyze the topic.Monitoring pupil s worldly concern presentation throu gh WBL Tools.Keeping the involvement of both coachs and pupils in the instruction and larning procedure by utilizing an favorable manner of accessing information.1.4 Research QuestionsHow leave alone you utilize WBL to assist dispose pupils to go active in the flock of ICT?What method of learning depart outdo aid to better instruction and acquisition?To what extent would the apt(p) of immediate feedback to pupils inspire them to analyze ICT?Is it utile for instructors to utilize WBL Tools to learn?How will the pupils develop involvement in the class?1.5 Significance of the StudyThe result of this review would convey to bare the importance of WBL to schools and other affected establishments in general. It will assist make a more efficient mechanization for the present-day(a) coach to student instruction and acquisition procedure. It is hoped that this survey will convey to bare the demand for WBL Tools and sharing of resources with the schools with connectivity.1.6 Restricti on of the StudyIn malice of all the attempts grade into the survey by the research worker, the research was saddled with the hobby jobs, which were contingent reverse that influenced the concluding consequence.Not all the questionnaires administered were responded and returned.Time restraints in footings of peculiar(a) periods to subject the long essay and other immaterial factors urged the choosing of Konongo-Odumase Senior High School. nearly respondent intentionally or out ignorance gave inaccurate responses.Some respondents were hard to be interviewed due to their heavy agendas therefore the physique interviewed was petty(a) than anticipated.1.7 Boundary line of the StudyAll pupils in all secondary schools in Ghana offer ICT as a topic. However, this survey is narrowed down in range to fiscal and arrange restraints. It hence confined itself to save rootage twelvemonth pupils and a few coachs.Chapter TwoLiterature ReviewDefinition of Web-Based DirectionKhan ( 1997 ) de fines Web-Based Instruction ( WBI ) as a hypermedia-based instructional plan which utilizes the properties and resources of the World Wide Web to make a meaning(prenominal) acquisition environment where acquisition is fostered and supported. Relan and Gillami ( 1997a ) define WBI as the application of a repertory of cognitively oriented instructional schemes within a constructivist and cooperative acquisition environment, using the properties and resources of the World Wide Web. Web-Based Instruction, besides called Web-Based Training, is defined by Clark ( 1996 ) as Individualized direction delivered over public or secret reckoning machine wind vanes and displayed by a Web browser. WBT is non downloaded CBT, but sort of on-demand homework stored in a waiter and accessed across a web. Web-based homework can be updated really quickly, and entree to developing controlled by the eagerness supplier. Though the above definitions are non indistinguishable, there is a common su bject, which is that WBI takes advantage of the Internet and World Wide Web to present information.Importance of Web-Based DirectionWBI, which is an emerging cogitation in instruction, is however, a portion of the rapid growing that is the Internet. Reasons for the growing of WBI let in promotes growing of distance instruction economically ( dependable and cheap starting ) as compared to figure machine based preparation, unrecorded longcasts, picture tapes, and so on, ( Relan and Gillani, 1997b and Santi, 1997 ) , enables scholars who prefer or are required to larn outside traditional schoolrooms to go to categories at their places or offices, ( Bannan and Milheim, 1997 ) , and provides speech culture medium, capacity supplier, and capable intimacy in one bundle, un resembling other mediums, such as computing machine based preparation, that require a separate bringing implement ( McManus, 1996 ) .Nichols ( 1995 ) predicts that The possible benefit from explicating rating met hodological analysiss for the Web for instructional stuffs depends on whether or non the Web will go a lasting medium or a passing craze? In fact, the Web will probably shortly go the most popular medium for the bringing of distance instruction type stuffs. The development of information engineering has unaccented changed the manner people interact with computing machines. This rewrite has besides reached the learning procedure distance acquisition, where pupil and instructor are connected by engineering alternatively of a schoolroom, is going a feasible option to traditional instruction methods, and is poised for major growing over the following several old ages. However, understanding how to utilize the World Wide Web ( WWW ) to back up preparation and acquisition activities presents a square challenge for the interior decorators and judges of this emerging engineering. Particularly they arrest to understand how communicating and interaction, two cardinal characteristics o f the acquisition procedure, are changed by the computing machine engineering. Furthermore, they have to research the possibilities of successfully teaching via webs while turn outing the acquisition and cost effectivity of these advanced systems. Get bolt down from the theoretical background presented in Chapter 2 and 3, we present a stupefy for thedevelopment of web-based acquisition environments. These tools can be considered a peculiar human body of interactive mul perioddia computer-stored information, which is connected and retrieved via links. An interesting development of interactive multimedia analyzed by the text are shared interactive multimedias, new Internet tools in which different exploiters, who are at the same time shoping the same web site, can pass on with each other.The usage of computing machine engineerings to heighten larning began in late 60s with the attempts of innovators such as Atkinson and Suppes 1, 2 . Since that cartridge holder the presence of computing machine engineering in schools has increased dramatically, and anticipations are that this tendency will go on to urge up. In peculiar, the visual aspect of Internet-based information and communicating engineerings is altering how preparation is being conducted in m some(prenominal) colleges, universities and private companies. As noted by Federico 3 we are in the thick of a paradigm fault in instruction and preparation from schoolroom central to web centric ( p.653 ) .On one side the development of information engineering has easy changed the manner people interact with computing machines. Technological progresss have bit by bit shifted the focal point off from computing machines as such, and toward what people really do with them. The most apparent mark of this alteration has been the creative activity of wholly new interactive communicating environments like Computer Mediated Communication and Computer Supported Collaborative institute made possible by the incre asing power and flexibleness of today s information engineering 4 .In fact non merely does the usage of the World Wide Web non vouch effectual larning 6 . Inappropriate utilizations of engineering whitethorn impede acquisition. For illustration, it is good known that pupils can blow a batch of clip surfing the Internet.The first studies of Web-based Learning appear in the early 1990s edifice on 30 old ages of computer-assisted direction. Advocates claimed computer-assisted direction is superior to text-based, talk, and traditional educational methods for grounds that complicate control by the scholar over content, clip, and topographic point of acquisition sweetening of acquisition, logical thinking, and efficiency and cost nest eggs. Many surveies that report advantages contained methodological defects and report advantages unrelated to computer- ad hoc characteristics.Web-based acquisition ( WBL ) represents a farther development of computer-assisted direction. Technical a dvantages of WBL include cosmopolitan handiness, easiness in updating content, and hyperlink maps that appropriate cross-referencing to other resources. These proficient progresss, specifically hyperlink and seeking capablenesss, fit the constructivist larning theory, where scholars search out and make their ain cognition bases. However, as was apparent with computer-assisted direction, possible advantages may non interpret into important betterments in educational results.Web-based larning environments can function as motivational, instructional, mold, feedback, and estimation tools. These environments besides can refer the cognitive and societal behaviours of pupils ( Mayer 2001 Wallace 2001 ) .What is web-based acquisition?Web-based acquisition encompasses all educational intercessions that make usage of the cyberspace ( or a local intranet ) . There are presently 3 gigantic categorizations or constellations within WBL tutorials, on-line discussion hosts, and practical sc hoolrooms. The differentiations betwixt these constellations are frequently blurred, and in fact a contactn WBL intercession top executive utilize a combination of two or three, but the deductions for learning warrant a conceptual, albeit at times arbitrary, separation. On-line tutorials are homogeneous to face-to-face talks. They by and large consist of information structured by the instructor in a manner that will ( hopefully ) facilitate acquisition. Tutorials are frequently enhanced by characteristics such as multimedia ( sound, images, films, and lifes ) , links to online resources ( full-text diary articles or related web sites ) and other countries within the class, and self-assessment tools. Effective online tutorials frequently besides make usage of schoolroom instances. Online treatment is similar to the face-to-face little group session. As with any little group, there may be an component of didactic instruction from the instructor ( eg a brief tutorial ) but the bos om of the instruction lies in group treatment. Teachers take on the function of facilitators specifying the range of the treatment, monitoring and guide the treatment as take ined, and supplying or assisting pupils to happen extra resources. Communication among group members can be asynchronous ( tie down between guiding a message and having the response ) or synchronal ( unrecorded ) . realistic schoolrooms are computer-based simulations of schoolroom brushs. It is besides deserving observing what WBL is non. The cyberspace has tack together many maps in ICT instruction in which the primary purpose is non an educational intercession designed for web-based bringing. These include archives of face-to-face talks ( eg Power- address slides or word picturetaped talks ) and class course of study, on-line disposal of trials and class ratings, and administrative communications. While surely utile, these maps do non represent WBL.The Role of WBLTsWeb-based acquisition tools ( WBLTs ) , besides referred to as larning objects in the literature, are definedin this survey as synergistic web-based tools that support larning by heightening, amplifying,and steering the cognitive procedures of scholars ( Agostinho, Bennett, Lockyer, &038 A Harper, 2004 Butson, 2003 McGreal, 2004 Parrish, 2004 Wiley, et Al. 2004 ) . WBLTs offer two notablecharacteristics that can cut down the impact of possible obstructions instructors face when utilizing engineering.First, typical WBLTs are designed to slim down on specific constructs, doing them easy to larn, easyto utilize, and more attractive to busy pedagogues who have small clip to larn more complex, advancedpackage bundles ( Gadanidis, Gadanidis, &038 A Schindler, 2003 ) . Ease of usage besides makesWBLTs more toothsome to instructors who are knowing about utilizing engineering ( Kay, Knaack,&038 A Muirhead, in imperativeness ) .Second, a ample scope of WBLTs exist including drill-and-practice idea tools ( Adams, Lube ga,Walmsley, &038 A Williams, 2004 ) or tutorials ( Nurmi &038 A Jaakkola, 2006 ) , video instance surveies orsupports ( Kenny, Andrews, Vignola, Schilz, &038 A Covert, 1999 MacDonald et al. , 2005 ) , generalweb-based multimedia resources ( Van Zele, Vandaele, Botteldooren, &038 A Lenaerts, 2003 ) , and selfcontainedsynergistic tools in a specific content country ( Bradley &038 A Boyle, 2004 Cochrane, 2005 ) .Furthermore, in contrast to other larning engineerings burdened with execution challengesand costs, WBLTs are quick accessible over the Internet and instructors need non worry about overweeningcosts or non holding the latest version ( Wiley, 2000 ) . It is speculated that the wide pickaxof readily accessible WBLTs will do it easier for instructors to incorporate WBLTs into a schoolroomenvironment.In drumhead, barriers to utilizing engineering reported by instructors such as clip, circumscribed accomplishment, fright ofengineering, and limited entree to engineering a re partly communicate by easy-to-use WBLTs thatare readily accessible in a broad assortment of pedagogical formats.WBLT Research in Middle and Secondary School ClassroomsExisting WBLT or larning object research is limited to the sphere of higher instruction. pop out ofthe 41 empirical surveies reviewed for this paper, 29 ( 70 % ) focussed on WBLT usage in higher instruction,whereas merely eight ( 20 % ) examined WBLT usage in center or secondary school schoolrooms( Brush &038 A Saye, 2001 Ilomaki, Lakkala, &038 A Paavola, 2006 Kay &038 A Knaack, 2007a Kong &038 A Kwok,2005 Liu &038 A Bera, 2005 Lopez-Morteo &038 A Lopez, 2007 McCormick &038 A Li, 2006 Nurmi &038 A Jaakkola,2006 ) . quadruplet surveies examined in-between school pupils usage of WBLTs. Kong &038 A Kwok ( 2005 ) looked atnine-year-old pupils independent usage of WBLTs for 15-20 hours while trying to larnabout fractions. Students who used WBLTs significantly outperformed pupils who did non utilizeWB LTs. Ilomaki et Al. ( 2006 ) examined 11 and 12 twelvemonth old pupils utilizing WBLTs to analyze eatingwonts. Teachers and pupils did non footfall the effectivity of the five hebdomad, WBLT unit,but the pedagogical schemes used by the teachers were set forth in item. Liu &038 A Bera ( 2005 )examined in-between school pupils usage forms with regard to a scope of WBLTs. Eighty-twoper centum of the pupils generated successful solutions utilizing WBLTs. Finally, Nurmi &038 A Jaakkola( 2006 ) reported that synergistic, simulation-based WBLTs produced significantly better consequencesthan drill-and pattern WBLTs.Five surveies looked at the usage of WBLTs in the secondary school schoolroom. Brush &038 A Saye( 2001 ) reported that pupils tended to look at superficial content in a WBLT when left to theirain devices and that more active centering and construction was needed when utilizing informationbased WBLTs. Ilomaki et Al. ( 2006 ) explored the pedagogical affordances of WBLTs in threecountries nutrition, sense of the encephalon, and multiple intelligences. Kay &038 A Knaack ( 2007b ) used acomprehensive appraisal tool to measure the usage of WBLTs and found that overall utility,clear instructions, organize layout, and good theme/motivation were peculiarly of import topupils. Lopez-Morteo &038 A Lopez ( 2007 ) reported that pupils perceived synergistic, recreationbased,collaborative WBLTs positively.Finally, McCormick &038 A Li ( 2006 ) completed an extended survey analyzing the attitudes of 770secondary schools instructors from six different European states toward utilizing WBLTs from theCELEBRATE accrual. Overall, 70 % of the instructors conception WBLTs were utile. Just overhalf the instructors tangle WBLTs were good designed, although this was clearly dependent on the typeof WBLT chosen. Over 50 % of instructors experient Internet jobs while utilizing WBLTs. Inadd-on, approximately 60 % of all teachers thought WBLTs improved their instruction and felt thatpupils were more engaged.Overall, WBLT-use research is positive, albeit slightly ad hoc and in uniform in informations aggregationschemes. Two surveies gathered drug user public presentation informations, ( Kong &038 A Kwok, 2005 Nurmi &038 A Jaakkola, 2006 ) , four surveies collected descriptive informations ( Brush &038 A Saye, 2001 Ilomaki et al. , 2006 Liu &038 A Bera, 2005 McCormick &038 A Li, 2006 ) , one survey implemented a formal study ( Kay &038 A Knaack, 2007a, 2007b ) , and one survey accumulated anecdotal studies ( Lopez-Morteo &038 A Lopez,2007 ) . With the exclusion of McCormick and Li s ( 2006 ) paper, all eight old surveies lookedat pupil perceptual experiences entirely teacher feelings of how good the WBLTs worked were nonexamined.Feedback in web-based acquisition applicationsTesting and appraisal are widely used in web-based acquisition applications, and e-learningSystems. Computer-based testing has a figure of advantages, viz. facilitation of i nformations analysiscoevals of speedy or sometimes level off immediate consequencesdecrease of clip for trials developmentaddition in user motive in the instance of frequent quantitypossibilities of proving at any clipentreaty to a great figure of users/respondents with a big assortment of penchants, features, instruction, ends, etc.By and large, there exist many types of jobs of proving and appraisal in web-based larning systems, including both more proficient 1s such as user individuality confirmation and security issues and more general facets such as personalisation and version of assessment procedure.Lack of interaction between pupils and instructors is one of the headsman jobs in web-based acquisition applications ( Mory, 2003 ) . During the acquisition procedure a pupil performs a figure of actions where feedback is important, for illustration in appraisals or in feedback chiefly consists of information about the trials consequences presented to a user.In web-based larning systems feedback presented by computing machine is usually aimed to replace feedback given to the pupil by the instructor and to better pupil public presentation ( Mory, 2003 ) . The chief function of feedback in web-based systems is to inform and to actuate the user to increase his or her attempt and attending.In web-based larning systems feedback plays a important function in interaction. The feedback is particularly of import in proving and appraisal that is nonionized within the learning procedure. Harmonizing to Brusilovsky and Miller ( 1999 ) proving constituents are the best developed synergistic constituents in web-based instruction. However, we consider these constituents as being ill designed still. most of the current testing constituents in e-learning and other web-based applications do non back up feedback version.They do non give information about the user s public presentation in the most suited clip and signifier for him or her.In traditional distance acquisition ( external, but non computer-based acquisition ) feedback has been examined from a figure of different positions ( Hyland, 2001 ) . The surveies have shown that pupils particularly wanted elaborate feedback and remarks.The feedback was evaluate to supply positive remarks on strengths, non obscure generalizations. It is recommended that unfavorable judgment in feedback be constructive and that pupils should hold a opportunity to react to remarks ( Hyland, 2001 ) .Harmonizing to Mory ( 2003 ) the feedback mechanisms that are used by pupils have changed with the progresss and growing of web-based larning systems. The usage of student-centred and constructivist attack in larning system supposes the usage of learner-to-learner interaction and provides meaningful equal and teacher feedback ( Dabbagh,2002 ) .Harmonizing to Bischoff ( 2000 ) pupils need regular feedback in order to cognize how their public presentation was evaluated, how they could better it, and how their classs are calcu lated. The effectual elements of on-line learning include frequent and consistent online feedback, diplomatic online feedback, and appraising online feedback.Based on qualities of on-line feedback ( multidimensional, nonevaluative, supportive, pupil controlled, seasonably, and specific ) outlined by Schwartz and White ( 2000 ) and Mory ( 2003 ) has suggested that feedback in the web-based acquisition system should hold the undermentioned qualitiesprompt, seasonably, and thorough online feedbackongoing formative feedback about on-line group treatmentsongoing summational feedback about classsconstructive, supportive, and substantial online feedbackspecific, nonsubjective, and single online feedbackconsistent online feedback.In web-based acquisition applications the chief maps of the testing constituent are to measure the users, to give the user information about his or her public presentation, to actuate the user, and to concentrate the user s attending on farther interaction with the system. Feedback differs from rating, where the chief end is to rate and enter the consequence of the testing for the intent of measuring the user. There are several chief jobs with feedback in web-based applications. First of wholly, there is the job of feedback representation. It is widely argued in favor of expressed presentation of feedback, but there are excessively few thoughts about what should be include into feedback and what sort of construction it should hold. Naturally, the feedback should match to the undertakings and to the single features of the user.The effectivity of different types of feedback in web-based acquisition system has been by experimentation studied by Mandernach ( 2005 ) , who evaluated the educational impact of showing assorted degrees of computer-based, on-line feedback ( no-feedback, knowledge-of-response, knowledge-of-correct-response, topic-contingent, and response contingent ) . The consequences of this survey have shown that the type of computer -based feedback did non hold any influence on pupil acquisition, but at the same clip the pupils reported distinguishable penchants for knowledge-of-response and response-contingent computer-based feedback. This allowed to suit that the pupils prefer feedback that is direct and clearly addresses the rightness of their response. The other job of feedback is the clip of its presentation. The user could be provided either with immediate or with delayed feedback. Harmonizing to Mathan ( 2003 ) the job of feedback timing is of important importance for tutoring systems. He argued about the tradeoff between the benefits of immediate and delayed feedback while immediate feedback is more effectual, delayed feedback supports better transportation and keeping. The advantages and disadvantages of immediate and delayed feedback can alter with different larning ends and scenes. The of import inquiry of feedback is that it can pull attending off from the undertakings increasing the clip required to put to death them. Harmonizing to Oulasvirta and Saariluoma ( 2004 ) disrupting messages such as feedback in human-computer interaction influence the extent and type of mistakes in retrieving. We argue that the jobs of feedback discussed could be partly solved by version of feedback to the undertakings and to the features of an single user. Feedback version in web based applications can supply a user with feedback that is the most appropriate for his or her personal features, existent temper, behavior, and heed ( Choe et al. , 2004 ) .
Interest Groups Essay
Are come to groups useful or harmful? sp atomic number 18-time activity groups, also referred to as special absorbs, pressure groups, nonionised interests, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), semipolitical groups, lobby groups and public interest groups, atomic number 18 organized collections of population or organizations whose goal is to influence public policy (511). touch groups is a term that encompasses a variety of organized groups including public interest groups, stock and economic groups, governmental unites, and political action committees(512). Through lobbying, interest groups read useful in increasing public aw arness active consequential issues, availing to frame the public agenda, and monitor programs to guarantee effective implementation. Interest groups exist for nearly every type of person who is allowing to endure together with others who sh are their goals. Interest groups that define themselves as public interest groups seek a collective good, th e achievement of which will not selectively and materially benefit the membership or activists of the organization(512). Today we see examples of this in civil liberties groups, environmental groups, and groups that speak for those who jakesnisternot (children, the mentally ill, or animals (512). Economic interest groups have the goal of promoting the economic interest of their members, for example, trade and professional groups (513). governmental units are the claim and local governments that lobby the national government to develop decisions in their favor. Mostly, these state and local governments are lobbying to attain earmarks or accompaniment from the federal budget that an appropriations bill designates for specific projects within a state or congressional district (513). In 1974, after amendments to the Federal option Campaign Act, it became legal for these interest groups to form political action committees (PACs), or officially registered fund raising organization that represents interest groups in the political process. Unlike interest groups, PACs do not have formal members they scarcely have contributors who seek to influence public policy by electing legislators eleemosynary to their aims. By having so m both different kinds of interest groups and PACs, we see that everyones opinion comes into consideration politically. Although members of interest groups do not run candidates for office, they plough politically active when their members believe that a government policy threatens or affects the groups goals. Lobbying is quintessential of interest groups. The term lobbying is used to attract the activities of a group or organization that seek to persuade political leaders to support the groups decision (521).When interest groups acquire active politically, they use the technique lobbying to make their interests heard and understood by those who are in a position to influence or endeavor change in governmental policies, usually by testifying at hearings or contacting legislators directly(521). Interest groups often lobby congress by make a congressional testimony on behalf of the group, writing letters from interested constitutes and making campaign contributions. It is no surprise that some of the most effective lobbyists are former members of Congress, staff aides, and other Washington insiders. Lobbying in Congress, as in all lobbying is successful when the lobbyist has a good reputation for fair athletics and provides the people they are trying to persuade with accurate information (522). Interest groups can lobby one or more levels of the executive appendage of government to influence policy by, again, providing accurate information and a faint sense of where the public stands(522). Interest groups also lobby the courts. When interest groups are lobbying the courts, they either use the form of direct sponsorship or the filing of amicus curiae briefs. convey sponsorship is when the lobbyist provides resources to direct a miscue through the judicial system. If a case comes up that an interest group is interested in, but not sponsoring, they can file an amicus brief to inform the justices of the groups policy preferences (523). No matter who is being lobbied, most interest groups have found that they are most successful when grassroots lobbying is put into play, where the masses are certain as to what the interest groups goal is and there is luxuriously public awareness of the issue. In addition to lobbying, interest groups play a key role in the electoral process. Interest groups will recruit, endorse, and/ or provide financial or other support for political candidates to localize voters attention on candidates who advocate policies that will help achieve the interest groups goals. Some ideological groups will go as far as to rate the candidates to provide a clear guide for their members and the general public as to how they feel about the candidate. In addition to simply e ndorsing the candidates of their choices, there have been many get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts. PACs are allowed to raise money to contribute directly to political candidates in bailiwick elections. Interest groups are essential during an election because they do the research on candidates for people who would normally not do so(525).Like in any type of group, there have been some cases of corruption among interest groups. In 2006, Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to corruption charges which led to the passing of the Honest lead and Open Government Act in 2007. The act restricted and better a lot of the practices that had been going on. It banned gifts to members of Congress and their staffs, made lengthened disclosure requirements, and increased the time limit on moving from the federal government to the private sector (529). Interest groups are essential to U.S. government activity in that, through their influence, they enhance political participation by motivation like- mind ed individuals to work toward a common goal. When the right leaders, funding, and members interest groups can take pride when they know they have made a going in election outcomes.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Summary of Autobiography of a Yogi
India, an ancient civilization is considerably k directn to be the cradle of a rich and perpetual heritage. The pristine land has unceasingly throbbed with the vibrancy of the originality, creativity and self motivated activities of its illumined intelligences. Their deep, original and rarified thoughts bind pre moveed to the world, distinctive gifts of knowledge, be it be in language, values, religion, philosophy, art, business, mathematics, astrology, medicine, surgery much to a greater extent and beyond a unique universal heritage, and an eternal formulae to a lull way of life.The master have successfully sought to give answers to all the queries that are bound to pop up in the mind of all human cosmos at some point of time in their life on earth. They have unraveled the ultimate mysteries that surround life, death and afterlife. The unrivalled Vedas, the Vedanta i. e. the Upanishads and the Puranas are a trea certain trove of great learning and uncover deep secrets. Th ey have provided Godly guidance to human life at every moment in time and space ever since they were number one recorded, centuries ago.These texts contain the essential summaries that form the doctrinal al-Qaeda of Hindu religion. In the league of such a legacy, modern India continues to produce spiritual masters as was done so in every era. Their role on earth is to guide the not so enlightened souls who often lightheaded their way in the mayhems of the day to day worldly activities. The spiritual livelyity offered by their worshipful presence and golden words the ever certain messages expounded by illumined Bhaagwat Gita, has eternally held the power to rejuvenate India century after century.One such celebrated and illumined soul is Paramahansa Yoganandji. His life-story is referred to as a modern spiritual classic. It is an excite chronicle of the life of a true yogi, a glimpse into the development years in the hermitage of his God realized guru, and his startling descri ption of cosmic consciousness reached on the upper levels of yogic practice. His teachings are interpreted and are now creatively applied to endeavors such as education, psychology, management, and business. Our conscious and unconscious being is crowned by superconsciousness, Rabbi Israel H. Lavinthal pointed out in a lecture in New York. Many years ago the English psychologist F. W. H Myers, suggested that unsung in the deep of our beings is a rubbish heap as well as the treasure provide. In contrast to the psychology that centers all its researches on the subconscious in the mans nature, the new psychology of the superconscious focuses its attention upon the treasure house the region that alone can explain the great, unselfish, heroic deeds of men. It has been experient that knowledge, skill or even any relationship that is not back up by the undercurrents of spirituality has found to ultimately go defunct, obsolete and sometimes lost. The active expression of intelligence by great men finds its basis on the foundations of genuine virtues. Softskill training programs entrusted to maintain the morale and vigor of employees in the complexities of work environment find much success when they are enriched with sublime religious and philosophical concepts.One can not expect lasting vicissitude in a person until and unless the concept has touched the chord of his soul and awakened his spirit. Work and workplace become blissful, and interrelationships become softened with complaisant patience, forbearance and wisdom when people acknowledge their inherent animal instincts of vanity, rapaciousness and jealousy as the suicide bombs that are the mother of stress and an ultimate self destruction. The life story is also exemplary because of the comparative notes it has wasted from the divine Hindu texts and the holy Bible.The master has expounded the deathless essence of Christian Bible with pulchritudinous clarity and the truth in Christs assertion promis ed land and Earth shall pass away(predicate), but my words shall not pass away-Matthew 2435 (Bible) His Pearls of Wisdom and its easy application in unremarkable human life Impartiality The execution of the trait of impartiality i. e. the cogency to perceive all men in striking similarity is root into wisdom. A self realized person does not subject to the likes and dislikes that embarrass the judgment of unenlightened men. Conserve your powers. Be like the capacious ocean, entrancing quietly all the tributaries of the senses. Daily renewed sense yearning consume the inner peace they are like openings in the reservoirs that permit vital waters to be wasted in the desert of materialism. The forceful and activation impulse of the wrong desire is the greatest enemy to the happiness of man. wheel in the world as the lion of self-control dont let the frogs of clean senses kick around you Man has the natural privilege of roaming secretly in his thoughts.Manage your thoughts judi ciously destroy the wrong thoughts as soon as possible. A thought is a force, as electricity and gravitation. Thoughts should be weighed in a delicate balance of discrimination before permitting them outward garb of speech. luxuriate in Auto-suggestion and self dialogue for self correction from time to time. Be your best friend. As Lord Buddha remarked Atm deepam bhawam i. e. be your own light. reckon that and tell yourself what you need to accomplish and it shall be done.Your accomplishments often follow your subconscious expectations. The human mind is capable of accomplishing what ever it feels intensely. The world does not replace for anyone. Leverage your accommodative capacity in accordance with the requirements of the world. Our behaviors are our admission to the society. Good manners without sincerity are like beautiful on the spur of the moment lady. Straightforwardness without civility is like a surgeons knife, effective but unpleasant.Candor with address is hel pful and admirable. The lives of all men are dark with many shames. piece conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the divine. The only sure shot to rosy future is when we make spiritual efforts now. Keen intelligence is dickens edged. It can be used constructively and destructively, like a knife, every to cut the boil of ignorance or to decapitate oneself. Intelligence is rightly maneuver only after mind has acknowledged the inescapably of spiritual laws.The plant life of the yogi has helped the world understand that distinctions by race or nations are unimportant in the realm of truth, where the only qualification is the fitness to receive. Every shrine who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy. The human entity composed of the tangible physical personify and the nonvisual spirit secretly desires not only the nourishment of the body with well food but it also seeks nour ishment of the spirit with soulful meditations and cosmic encounters.The purpose of each life is to meet God in his lifetime. The latter(prenominal) requires conscious effort on the part of the individual. Each of us is sent to earth to undertake a separate journey which is unique, and not a copy of another, even if it is a prophet or a saint, though to seek motivation from their lives is a much welcome step in the journey of stretching over cosmogonic abysses even while the body performs its daily duties. Article Source http//EzineArticles. com/4946654
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Cash flow stream Essay
?1. What is the present value of the following uneven cash flow stream ?$50, $100, $75, and $50 at the end of Years 0 through 3? The appropriate beguile wander is 10%, intensify annually. PV=190.46 (SEE EXCEL single file ATTACHED)2. We sometimes need to find out how long it testament cause a sum of money (or something else, such as earnings, population, or prices) to fester to some specified amount. For example, if a companys sales atomic number 18 growing at a rate of 20% per year, how long will it take sales to double? It would take about 3.801784 years sooner the sales double. (SEE EXCEL commove ATTACHED)3. Will the future value be larger or smaller if we compound an initial amount to a greater extent often than annually for example, every 6 months, or semiannually holding the stated interest rate constant? Why? It will be larger because its basically like adding on interest on top of interest as the frequency increases.4. What is the effective annual rate (EAR or EFF %) for a nominal rate of 12%, compounded semiannually? Compounded quarterly? Compounded monthly? Compounded insouciant? EAR = (1 + Nominal Interest/Number of Period) Number of Period -1 trucking rig ANNUALLY= (1+.12/2)2-1=12.36%QUARTERLY= (1+.12/4)4-1=12.55%MONTHLY= (1+.12/12)12-1=12.68%DAILY= (1+.12/365)365-1=12.75%5. Suppose that on January 1 you deposit $100 in an bank bill that pays a nominal (or quoted) interest rate of 11.33463%, with interest added (compounded) daily. How much will you have in your account on October 1, or 9 months later? OCT 1ST= 100*(1+.1133463/365) (365*.75) = $108.876. What would be the value of the confiscate described above if, just after it had been issued, the expect inflation rate rose by 3 percentage points, create investors to require a 13% return? Would we now have a usher out or a premium draw? PV= $837.21 (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED)It would be considered a discounted trammel net because the present value is less than its fountain value.7. W hat would happen to the bonds value if inflation fell and rd declined to 7%? Would we now have a premium or a discount bond? PV= $1210.71 (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED) It would be considered a premium bond because the present value is more than the face value.8. What is the yield to maturity on a 10-year, 9% annual coupon, $1,000 par value bond that sells for $887.00? That sells for $1,134.20? What does a bond selling at a discount or at a premium tell you about the relationship between rd and the bonds coupon rate? RATE = 11% for a bond that sells for $887 and the RATE = 7% for a bond selling for $1134.209. What are the kernel return, the current yield, and the capital gains yield for the discount bond in headway 8 at $887.00? At $1,134.20? (Assume the bond is held to maturity and the company does non default on the bond.) The return for the $887 bond is 11% and the yield is 90/887 which equals 10.15%. The capital gain would be 11% 10.15%= .85% The return for the $1134.20 bond is 7% and the yield is 90/1134.20 which equals 7.9%. The capital gain would be 7% 7.9%= -.9%
Friday, January 25, 2019
Urban Growth During the Gilded Age: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Changes
Rodrigo Sanchez Urban Growth during the lucky term Social, Cultural, Political, and sparing Changes One of the most not adapted clippings during the late 19th ascorbic acid was the florid Age. This is a term often used to describe this m period since from the outside looking in urban life in the States seemed perfect, just now in reality, many citizens did not want the interchanges that were occurring. Since the verb order of magnitude means to cover with or as if with a thin practical application of gold1, historians often refer to this time period as the Gilded Age. tonic ideals about meagreness, hearty clean ups, different political checkmentes, and a red-hot womens culture brought forth political, stinting, social, and cultural changes in urban egress during the Gilded Age. Some were mostly beneficial, but others were not. The Gilded Age was a time of political relation, and new forms of it influenced urban gain during this time period. Campaigning was no coa rseer luxuriant to keep voters on your side. George Washington Plunkitt recognized this and changed their approach toward politics. you have to go among the slew, see them and be seenI know what they like and what they dont like says Plunkitt as he describes his new strategies ( account E). He goes on to explain how he helps masses follow their passion, I muster upon of a young feller thats proud of his voiceI ask him to join our Glee Club, (written document E). This new form of politics and obtaining votes faithfully resembles the strategies political bosses used during this time period. Via favors and help, political bosses secured votes for their political parties.This new way of life of getting votes, both from politicians and political bosses, changed the way people viewed politics. Politics became a new interest for many, since now they were personally affected by it. non exclusively that, but people now saw politics as a means of getting what they cherished. Some, much(prenominal) as old immigrants, wanted everything to be closed on Sundays. New immigrants wanted to be able to relax and be able to enjoy their day off on Sundays (Book). Minor things like this got people interested in politics. They now tangle they had a voice, and with the new methods of getting votes they were instantly rewarded through favors.Politics during the Gilded age also stirred raw emotions and anger among citizens. The Spoils System was ripe for many people who were looking for jobs and had made monetary contributions to political campaigns. The people who were on the other side of the spectrum did not like the Spoils System. Ultimately, this system entrust qualified people out of jobs and replaced them with unqualified people (Book). Those lucky enough to not be affected by the Spoils System who had jobs often suffered corky buy the farming conditions in the workplace and low wages.In an effort to reform these conditions unions sprung up throughout the States n cities. Government oftentimes kept unions down, hangdog self-aggrandizing companies and factory owners would grade them look bad in court. Document C clearly points a finger toward the government. mans liberties ar trampled underfoot at the bidding of corporations and trust, republics a letter on labor, as it then explains how tyrants have always found a allow foring judge to clothe that tyranny in the robes of legality (Document C). With unions down, entrepreneurs kept getting richer and richer.The riches amounted by these entrepreneurs would be the new political standard. William Graham Sumner stated that America was turning over a new political system, plutocracy. Plutocracy, as be by Sumner, is a political system in which the ruling event is wealth (Document I). This was in fact true as the rich controlled government, as it is made clear when judges put unions down. All these bad aspects of politics during the Gilded Age were a set back. Regardless, they contributed to the urban growth in the forms of reform movements, and activism by individuals to try to change what they didnt like.It is clear that on that point were different views regarding politics during this time period, but thither was also a difference in views regarding economics. Different views on poverty altered urban life as well. Those who were better off economically saw poverty as a weakness. They believed the unforesightful were poor because of a lack of work ethic and determination, this theory was known as Social Darwinism. This theory is exclamatory by Andrew Carnegie who, in his book Wealth, states that it is much better great diversity than universal squalor (Document A).Not only are those his thoughts about poverty, but he also finds it essential for the future progress of the race (Document A). This stamp was parcel outd by many undefeated entrepreneurs. at that place were, however, those who did not share this idea. There were those who believed the poor were p oor due to their surroundings and the lack of opportunities they had. much(prenominal) individuals include Jacob A. Riis. In his book, How the Other Half Lives, Riis says, If it shall appear that the sufferings and the sins of the other half(prenominal), and the evil they breed, are but as just punishment upon the residential district that gave it no other choice, it will be because that is he truth (Document H). Riis puts the piece on the community, not on people themselves. This belief is also share by Jane Addams, who after helping out a German immigrant recognize that she didnt need charity, since she had an immense capacity, but the service of the states attorney (Document J). These different views on poverty ultimately changed urban life by starting a social reform movement, which will further be discussed later on. Though poverty was an economic predicament, the Gilded Age also brought economic kick upman for other social groups.New immigrants were one of these groups . Document B provides a story of the struggles two immigrants from Italy approach as they arrived to America. They arrive to Brooklyn, move to Newark, and finally moved back to Brooklyn where they colonized in Hamilton Avenue. They go through this hassle in an effort to make money, and pursue a better a better life. But in the end their plans change as one of them states, we had verbalize that when we saved $1,000 apiece we would go back to Italy to buy a farm, but now the time is coming we are so busy and do money that we mobilize we will stay (Document B).This clearly depicts the economic opportunities immigrants had. But immigrants werent the only one benefited, so we middle syllabus Americans. The Gilded Age was gold times for middle class Americans, who wanted to appear wealthier than what they were. Thorstein Veblen noticed this style among middle class Americans, who conspicuously acquired luxuries to appear richer (Document F). The fact that middle class citizens wer e able to buy these luxuries leads one to believe that they were economically stable.This economic relief helped along urbanisation by giving new immigrants opportunities, which brought more immigrants into America, and by giving middle class Americans several(prenominal)thing to aspire to. There were new social developments during the Gilded Age, as well? which helped urbanization along. Due to poverty, many people sometimes lived under harsh conditions. Such were cramped housing. Document C provides a blueprint of a dumbbell tenement. This building was 50 feet long and in that span thither were seven entourage, think of how small the rooms wereNot only that, but there were only two fire escapes, and the blueprint lacks essentials, such as a bathroom. Riis then states that three-fourths of New Yorks universe used to live in tenements similar to the one shown in Document D (Document H). Needless to say, these were unfit living conditions for any human being. In an effort to fix, or at least improve this, social reforms were started. Organizations such as the Hull House started going into these communities to better understand the conditions poor people lived under.Jane Addams narrates the story of her helping out and going into the community in Document J. This social reform helped the growth of urbanization by lending out a helping hand to the poor. During this time period there was also more social interaction. Due to the touristyization of croquet and cycle young men and women now socialized more (Book). Women were also making social changes during the Gilded Age. Education is a tool and weapon to better ourselves, and during the Gilded Age women were now given a fair education.M. Carey doubting Thomas argues that women should have the same education men have (Document G). There is no reason to believe that typhoid or scarlet fever or phthisis can be successfully treated by a woman physician in one way and by a man physician in another way, argued Thomas (Document G). Thomas exactly said that whatever a man can do a woman can do it too, and it can be done in the same fashion. This academic reform for women would lead to more and more successful women. With the rising women came the women suffrage.Organizations such as the National Woman Suffrage knowledge (NWSA), and the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) fought for allude voting effective for women. All these social changes helped in developing a more equal and fair society for men and women alike. A final part of the growth in urbanization during the Gilded Age includes the cultural changes that occurred. As said before, the economic opportunities during the Gilded Age attracted many immigrants. All immigrants did not come from one place the new immigrants came primarily from southern and eastern Europe, with some immigrants from other parts of the world as well.With so many cultures together, America became a melting pot of cultures where European food was cooked wit h American products, polka bands entertained at Polish gatherings, and Mexican ballads acquired new themes (Book). These are provable cultural changes. America was now a nation where immigrant cultures met and were redefined. Entertainment was a culture in its own. Sports were now a big thing. Baseball and football game gained popularity as many more people were able to engage in the sport. Circuses provided families good, healthy entertainment. Everyone was bewildered by the trapeze artists, lion tamers, acrobats, and clowns.Vaudeville was the most popular form of entertainment, it in included jugglers, dancing bears, magicians, and puppeteers. Movies also were a big hit. The fact that the image was moving provided people with amazement and entertainment. This cultural change in particular helped give cities their edge. Where else could people find sports, circuses, vaudevilles, and movies within close proximity? During the Gilded Age urbanization grew due to political, economic, social, and cultural changes. Politically, there were new approaches to getting votes and people got more involved in politics.There were many poor people, and they were viewed differently, but there were also many economic opportunities to succeed. Women also were allowed to succeed, and the poor were given a helping hand. Culture changes redefined American society. All the changes, in one way or another, helped move urbanization along. Some changes were good and some were not as beneficial, but in the end they all contributed to the urban growth during the Gilded Age. &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 1 Merriam-Websters inculcate Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Inc, Springfield (1999). Gild, 373.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
How to support positive outcomes for young people Essay
If children atomic number 18 to achieve positive outcomes in life, it is essential that their rights are promoted are protected, they are entitled to Equality, Inclusion and transmutation. The Definitions of the avocation areEquality opportunities to develop and learn, while their physical and emotional golosh and well being are protected. Inclusion access to appropriate settings and the experiences they offer. Diversity acknowledgement of and respect for their individuality. Promoting positive outcomes for children depends on promoting Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in appearances which are appropriate to their individual characters and requirements. Each school essential produce a range of policies which formally set out the guidelines & adenosine monophosphate procedures for ensuring equality.These must take account of the rights of all individuals & groups within the school. When considering the way policies work to ensure equality & inclusion, we often just recko n of the teaching & learning that is happening within the classroom. Policies must withal pay regard to the values & practice which are patch of all aspects of school life. The rights of all children & young people are stated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The UK government activity ratified the treaty in 1991 & must ensure that the rights of children in the UK are protected through law.Two examples of different policies are particular(a) Educational Needs &Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational choose or a check.Disability DiscriminationAct 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) & an access plan. Schools must advocate participation in all aspectsof school life & egest harassment & unlawful discrimination.I have chosen to let in these two policies as I agree with them for a start and it gives chil dren so many more opportunities to learn normally without being discriminated or bullied. Children need stability within their working area especially those with a disability or impairment. And with these policies in place it will help schools to achieve this to the best of their ability therefore helping the children achieve to high standards.
Monday, January 21, 2019
From Gas To Rust
Attach a vertical strip of masking tapeline to the side of individually of your poppouring tubes for marking the urine train)and using the perpetual marker, coif a mark on the tape about 1 CM cut from the mom the of the runnel tube. This will be the outdoors water take. 4. Tear off enough steel sheepskin to make a ball about 2. 5 CM in diameter. consumption a p encircle to push the steel fleece down to the bottom of a test tube. Repeat for a total of 3 test tubes with steel wool. 5. Rinse all of the test tubes (three with steel wool and three without) by filling the test tubes with water, allowing the water to sit thither for 1 minute, and then pouring the water out.This step will choke the tell wool in the three tubes that have it thus qualification sure there is enough water present for the oxidation reaction. Treating the the ere test tubes without steel wool the aforementioned(prenominal) way ensures that all variables are controlled. 6. fleck all six of the t est tubes (three with steel wool and three without) peak e down and mount them over the jars so that the water aim is at the starting mark you made in step 3 on from distributively one test tube. 7. You may want to cover your full setup with a big plastic bag to minimize evaporation. Be careful not to knock the test tubes when covering and uncovering. Check at least daily, and write your observations down in your lab notebook k. cautiously mark the water level on the tape on each test tube. 9. When the water level is no longer changing in the test tubes, youre ready t o analyze your results. 10. Measure the divergency in water level between the open end of the test TU be and the water height inside the test tube at the end of the taste. For how many tubes did the water level change? For t irrigate that did Calculate the hoi polloi that corresponds 2 to this difference the total starting volume of air in each test tube.Volume of a cylinder V=nor h Remember, for tubes contain ing steel wool, the wool will displace most of the air. plant sure your amount rod ants and calculations take this into account. 1 1 . Calculate the comparison of oxygen in each test tube. Average the proportion on of oxygen from all the test tubes with steel wool. How does this compare with the value for component part of oxygen in the air that you open up in your background enquiry? Background Information The goal of this experiment is to measure the percentage of oxygen in air Sam peels and this reject will show an provoke way of doing that.The method depends on at mesospheric pressure and a chemic reaction that removes oxygen from the air. I will find out what build 0 f chemical reaction can remove oxygen from the air. Oxidation of campaign, also known as rusting, will do t he trick. Exposed iron will rust in the posture of oxygen and water. I will study this chemical reaction a ND Ill see that oxygen becomes combined with the iron atoms and water to give rise iro n oxides. I thin k this meets middle school level level expectations beca employment it enables me to understand the term s and concepts atmospheric pressure, oxidation of iron and the layers of the atmosphere.The question I am asking is why does the water level eventually stop rising? I wanted to know how overmuch oxygen is in the air and how much of it we consume when we bread the either day. Well this project shows an interesting way of finding out. The atmosphere contains the oxygen we need to breathe to support cellular respiration, the metabolic process that provides the e chemical energy necessary for life. This makes my project possible and yet at the same time ca vitiating. Im going to SE test tubes to measure the percentage of oxygen in my air sample.This is what gave me the idea to do this information experiment. Variables The independent variable was the varying types of metal steel, copper, and iron. The dependent variable was the step on rust on each sample. The c ontrol fifths experiment is the contact air. The constants in this experiment are the type of test tubes used, the time each metal spent submerged in water, the water in each bottle/jar, and the temperature of the surrounding air. Graph Data Table Types of Metal psychometric test 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average squealer ml ml mm 21. Ml ml gorgon ml 28. Ml Steel Wool ml mm mm L 34. Ml Hypothesis If the metal rusts, then the level of the water in the measuring beaker will decrease. Conclusion My guessing was if the metal rusts, then the amount of water in the measuring beaker will decrease and it was correct. My data supported my hypothesis because as the metals developed rust, the amount of water in the measuring beakers rock-bottom. The middling for the copper was 21. 3. The average for the iron was 28. 7 and the average for the steel wool was 33. 7. The copped water level decreased the most and the steel wool decreased the least.My question, why does the water eventually stop risin g was answered. I found out that the water level decreased because of evaporation. Reflection loved working(a) on the project but what I enjoyed the most about it was reservation g the test tubes. My data made sense because its shows the water level decreasing for each metal like I said it would in my hypothesis. Now that I have finished my experiment have brand-new questions such h as what would happen if collected air samples at high altitude, and then tested them at low altitude or vice versa).If I ever took a vacation in the mountains, I can use this method to compare oxygen el veils in the air at high and low altitude. I could try doing this experiment at high altitude and comparing t he results with same experiment done at a lower altitude. Can use this procedure to detect decree seed oxygen content in exhaled air. Then I could do background information and find out how much oxygen we consume when we breathe. I think this method is excellent enough to detect the difference an d would provide me with more entire data.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Purpose, Audience and Tone
This essay offers explanation to Mahmoud Darwishs, A Gentle rain in a Distant declension. We will go through and through analysis on what hes trying to tell us, who he is trying to lecture to and how hes delivering this message. A Gentle Rain in a Distant Autumn is mainly about three matters. The Poets feelings and emotions towards the situation in paradise and how he relates to it, the actual situation in heaven and his one and only desire. The poets pop the question is to take us on an emotional move around of his melancholy apply simple terms intertwined together to form metaphors and imagery hat dress hat portrait the morbid and sad image of Palestine.He is addressing anyone who has affinity towards the subject of Palestine or otherwise. First, he talks about a major wo in his meter A gentle Rain in a distant autumn (01 which symbolizes the death of nature, the death of his own clownish. A attentive sadness, mourning and sorrow through the loss of Palestine dominate. Palestine trunk a memory for the author, a distant memory, a cause that is losing, because of the address he uses running away (14), the birds have flown to lime which will not give in (35),A kiss sent in the post (40).He even goes advertise to Express the beauty of his hometown birds are blue, blue (2), windows are snow-white, are white (11) still in a sad manner followed by how demolish it is now my country is the Joy of being in chains (39). in that respect is a sense of imprisonment and lost lives in the poem that describes Palestine today as a country in chains(39), trafficker of aspirin and death(24YSlaughtered (42). He mentioned his dead a fetus (26) which heart and soul he is dead before having the chance to live because of his sadness to his ountry.Throughout his poem the poets repetition of metaphors is not for poetrys sake only. It is for us to understand how persistent he is, and what he re entirelyy wants. He mentions his only desire or all that he wants now is his mothers handkerchief. A mother could never impeach anything that is not positive. A mother is another symbol of home and security. He only wants to live through this. He doesnt want anything else. He realizes that his country is in chains and he might not be capable to help given that is country doesnt listen to him from the country thats forgotten the address of the distant ones (28).Darwishs imagery and tone are so sizable he was able to make the reader see eye-to-eye what he wants us to live. one time you go through the poem, you are already in a farming of surrender and silence. You appreciate the severity of the situation and his emotional set book binding towards it. Its not one that is calling for all people to stand up and fght. It is rather the acceptance of what is with a great deal of nostalgia to the past. It is also powerful because I was able to live his experience y Just practice session his manner of speaking.His words were simple but they went beyond it s evident simplicity to distribute the poet a favor to deliver his message easily but with a lot of power because his images resonate. In conclusion, the poet took us on a Journey of emotions. We felt the highs and lows. We were able to see through his commitment to be authorized to form, to share with us his own perception of reality with a paramount surge of sad imagery. His world will always be his words tn best describe his images and the Palestine ne will always love. at
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Symbols and Motifs in King Lear
The issue of artificeness is associated most obviously with Gloucester, who is blinded in the course of the play. It is peculiarly right for Gloucesters eyes to be the organs through which he is tortured. Gloucester image he adage the truth most his countersigns, plainly was in fact blind. With his eyes put out he does indeed see the truth. Gloucester before he lost his eyes was spiritu both in entirelyy blind, and could non tell the difference between a good son and a bad (Muir, lx). It is this physical measly that brings out the long asthenic moral stamina that has underlain his sympathy. Losing his eyes enables him to reach heroic and tragic proportions. He indisputablely has the right to say, All dark and comfortless (III, vii, 84). thither is no irritating shadow of egotism on his accounts of his predicament. And when he learns that Edmund has blackleged him, his response is astounding and wonderful O my follies Then Edgar was abused. / Kind gods, forgive me that and prosper him (III, vii, 90-1). He knows that his injury to Edgar can never be forgivenYou cannot see your way.I have no way, and t here(predicate)fore want no eyesI stumbled when I saw.(IV, i, 17-19).Gloucesters blindness is also a reflection of the unreformed Lears supreme folly, and his inability to tell a good daughter from a bad, until he has been through his own ordeal.The StormIn III, i, the Gentleman gives us an account of Lears doings which shows him as, in a way, indulging in a word form of mental representation display, enjoying the spectacle of himself suffering in the storm. The storm seems to appeal to Lear as a sort of melodramatic setting for a display of what is at this point his m machinationyr-like self-pity. snap his white hair/ Strives in his little world of man to out-storm / The to-and-fro-conflicting pencil lead and rain (III, i, 6-10). But Lear has not yet reached the truth about himself. This is weighty because it is tempting to see the storm as a sym bolic event, and Lear as man in the abstract contending with the forces of ugliness. Shakespe be makes us stem back from Lear still, and not identify with him. The real meaning of the storm lies in the thought that it was in military manly atrocious of the daughters to shut him out on such a night.Certainly Kents verbal exposition of the peculiar severity of the storm prompts one to see it as more than than merely a physical event. He has never in his lifespan seen such sheets of fire, such bursts of horrid thunder (III, ii, 46) etc., and the implication is that the storm has more than natural causes. This leads Lear to his reflection on the power of the storm to purge evil and crime Let the Great Gods, / That keep this dreadful pudder oer our heads, / Find out their enemies now (IV, ii, 49-51). His growing madness takes the form an obsessional interpretation of all ills in terms of his own personal sufferings. Shakespe are makes sure we see the point this tempest in my mind / Doth from my senses take all feeling else / Save what beats there (III, iv, 12-14).It is the internal tempest that matters in the drama, and the way it brings Lear to some sort of wisdom. The wildness of the elements leads him to a great approaching when he sees Edgar as elemental man. Here real truth starts to egress to him Is man no more than this? unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal as thou art (III, iv, 105-111). He sees, for the first time, beyond the surface of things, and understands the folly of snobbery and blind selfishness in kind-hearted life. His own trappings of pomp are vain, he sees himself as deluded, and Edgar as the truth.MadnessLears collapse into madness is his way to transformation. whiz of his mad notions is to imagine the mock trial of the sisters. The symbolic force of this is apparent(To Edgar) Thou, robed man of justice, take thy place.(To the Fool) And thou, his yoke fellow of equity,Bench by his side. (To Kent) You are othcommissionSit you too. (III, vi, 37-40).Here is a Christian eversion of the social order a mad beggar, a fool, and an exiled man are set up over the mighty to sit in shrewdness on them. It is a mad fancy of Lears, but it has a indistinct significance in the criticism of false sophistication that the play poses. An raw society has helped Lear to be an egotist and to do evil, as Kent said in the first scene. Now Lear is learning and regrets his own sophistication in the face of Edgar, the thing itself. What he is learning is the need for humility, and respect for others, and the brilliance of setting ones eyes on the real truths of human existence if one is to live decently and with meaning. The knowledge Lear gains is percolated through his madness.But Gloucester does not go mad. He endures everything. As he learns from Edgars lesson on the driblet, it is not mans right to choose his end. The point of that eery scene seems to be summarised at the end by Gloucesters desc ription of their relative fatesThe poove is mad how stiff is my vile senseThat I stand up, and have ingenious feelingOf my huge sorrows Better I were distractSo should my thoughts be severd from my griefs,And woes by wrong imaginations loseThe knowledge of themselves. (IV, vi, 28106)I suggest that through him we grasp the central thread, which has to do with love and suffering and sticking it out to the end Lear is spared the worst. Gloucester gets it (Mason, 1970, p.200).In Lears crazed mind all authority is in the hands of those who are unworthy. It is only their established power, their tramp and ceremonial clothes that distinguish the judges from the accused. Morality is cynically ignored. hardly selfishness rules. Let copulation thrive and the world in Lears depraved mind looks very like that presupposed by Edmunds view of nature, a sort of jungle of self-interest, power and lust.BetrayalWhen Cordelia refuses to do what her foolish father wants in the first scene she invok es the idea of the bond. I love your majesty / jibe to my bond (I, i, 92-3) And by bond she means something quite different from the gyves that he interprets it as. The question of the bonds of human relationships is central to the play why human beings fail in their bonds, as the daughters do with Lear, and Edmund does with his father is the horrific conundrum that Shakespeare cannot solve. Cordelia goes on to spell out, in an embarrassed way she had always thought it was obvious what she means by bond.It is the natural range of duties and centre that exist between children and parents. Kent too speaks of another bond, the sacred responsibilities of service. Royal Lear, / Whom I have ever honourd as my King, / Lovd as my father, as my master followd (I, i, 139-141). It is the betrayal of these bonds that causes such topsy-turvyness in the moral world of King Lear, of which Jan Kott says There is neither Christian heaven, nor the heaven predicted by humanists. King Lear makes a tragic mockery of all eschatologies (Kott, 1967, p.116).Edmunds speech in I, ii is plain because his thought is plain. There is no hesitation in him because there are no doubts, and no traces of decent feeling in him at all. He is utterly conscienceless. nought in him works to check the urge of ruthlessness. His closeness to the sisters is clear. His Nature, it is jolly obvious, is a different concept from that assumed in Cordelias explanation of the natural bonds of feeling and duty which underlie decent society. It is, for him, nature as expressed in the law of the jungle naked self-interest and the seeking of power. He is appalling in his plainness. The sisters are equally ready to betray normal ties. It is astonishing to hear Regans total failure to react to Lears appeals for sympathy. After all, however absurd his selfishness, he is her father. But she responds, as does Goneril, like a machine, with an icy formality of tone which is the voice of ice-cold reason.O, Sir you are old,Nature in you stands on the very vergeOf her confine you should be ruld and ledBy some discretion that discerns your stateBetter then you yourself. (II, iv, 147-151).We might be tempted to agree with Bradley that in that dark cold world some fateful malignant determine is abroad, turning the hearts of the fathers against their children and of the children against their fathers (Bradley, 214). But the bonds are not always betrayed. A notable incident in III, vii, the scene in which Gloucester is blinded, is the intervention of the servant. He acts purely on a humane instinct of decency, knowing in his soul that such conduct as Cornwalls is not resistant in a human world. He invokes the sacred bond of service, just as Kent did to Lear Hold your hand, my lord / I have served you ever since I was a child / But better service have I never done you / Than now to bid you hold (III, vii, 71-4). The point here the infinitely blessed and optimistic point is that this man is no t a hero, but simply a decent human being. But he is ready to die in defense of a tolerable worldWorks CitedBradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy. London Macmillan, Second edition, 1905.Kott, Jan, Shakespeare Our Contemporary, translated by Boleslaw Taborski, London, Methuen, 2nd edition 1967.Mason, H.A., Shakespeares Tragedies of Love, London, Chatto and Windus, 1970.Shakespeare, W. The Arden Shakespeare King Lear. Ed. Kenneth Muir. London Methuen, 1980.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Go To Meeting
Given the situation and assumptive that the use of the supervisory programs login certification to host the GoToMeeting violates the GoToMeeting license, still the employer is not liable or did not commit an offense chthonian the cultivation processing system craft and Abuse turning. In this case, the employee was given a log-in credentials which WebEx issued to the supervisor. There was an indicate instruction to use the credentials from the political party-issued desktop computer.The employee is under obligation to follow or obey the order of his superior, the companys supervisor. Accordingly, the order or instruction of the supervisor was that anyone in the company seat use the login credentials for that web application. This was the express instructions by the supervisor to the employee, to use the credentials from the company-issued desktop computer.In this case, the files were already in the computer of the company whereas in the Therapeutic Research Faculty case ther e was an express prohibition or limitation to access the site to obtain the information from any protected computer because defendant NBTY chose the first type of subscription that is for annual single user that limits access to one and only one mortal either accessing information for personal use or for the benefit of an single patient or as part of an educational exercise.The electronic computer Fraud and Abuse Act is not applicable in this situation because the Act deals with the intentional felony, that is by knowingly and intentionally committing the offense and causing cost to the conduct that involves an inter raise or foreign communication. Nothing is mentioned in this case.Primarily, the tint of the Statute is more on the protection of the employee against the employer who will make, adopt, or visit any rule, regulation or policy, as well as the revenge of an employer to the employee whenever the latter discloses information to the government or law enforcing agency if the employee has fair(a) cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of a state or federal law, rule or regulation.Therefore, the Illinois whistle blower Statute has no application in this case. References Therapeutic Research Faculty v. NBTY, Inc. , Rexall Sundown, Inc. , and LE NATURISTE J. M. B. Inc. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Retrieved from Cornell Law School. Web site http/www4. law. cornell. edu/uscode/html/uscode18 Illinois Whistleblower Statute. Retrieved from Illimois General Assembly. Web site www. ilga. gov/legislation/billstatus. asp
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
How to Write a Bad Essay Essay
It is real easy to find both sort of selective information in the books or internet sites, which tummy be helpful for those students, who involve to write a good endeavor. Our professors explain us how to organize our move on the essays, how to do a good research or how to bring in a clear thesis statement. From our friends or classmates we can get a good piece of advice on how to plan, reference and format our indite correctly. However, it is authentically actually difficult to find some useful information for those students, who stand for to write a in truth noxious essay. There are no good books or articles, which can help or at least give some ideas for such students. That is why those students, who want to make their essays really bad and unusable, have to spend a lot of efforts and be very(prenominal) creative.In order to write a bad essay, the first and very important steps are to turn away touch sensationing for any pertinent information and not to do any so rt of academic research. It is recommended in addition not to visit any lectures and not to use any notes of the classmates on the subject. Second, for producing a bad essay it is absolutely essential to spend as less time as possible for your writing. It is good to start industrial plant on the essay right before the deadline this will help you to turn away the temptation to go to a library, consult your professor or look for some reputable scholar sources. The third step is not to do any planning of the writing, especially not to write any insinuate or summary.The next step of producing a terrible essay is to avoid coming up with any idea or point of the writing. It is alike important to keep away from answering the questions of the essay clearly and concisely. Instead, you can write down everything which is unrelated or is currently in your mind. The go on step for those students, who want to write a terrible essay, is to be incontestable that it has no certain clear thesi s statement or correct structure, as well as no such components as an introduction, personify paragraphs and conclusion.The next essential step is not to be concerned some any plagiarism and stealing someone elses ideas or thoughts for your essay. frequent copy-paste from an internet source, from a magazine or a book, incorporated into your writing without any citing or referencing, is one of the massiveest ways to produce a bad essay. More to the point, it is essential to remember that a bad essay never has anything like a reference page or works cited page.At last, the next stage is to ignore any rules and standards of formatting and steer your text randomly on the pages. Further more(prenominal), for making your essay as worsened as possible, it is crucial not to spend time for revising or re-reading your writing and ignore all possible rules of English grammar, errors, typos, run-on sentences and otherwise imperfections. It is effective to use wrong words and numerous rep etitions in the essay. As a final stage, it is very important not to allow any of your friends or classmates to help you and check out your essay for clarity and content. Finally, the very last idea is to print out your essay on ill-scented or used paper and be sure that it is late for submission.The volume of people are convinced that it is very easy to write a bad essay, because no special skills or talents are required. Nevertheless, taking into circular everything mentioned above, it must be clear for every student that producing a bad writing is, actually, very hard and exhausting job. It takes a lot of guardianship and a lot of hard work, therefore, not everyone can complete this appellation successfully. In my opinion, writing a bad essay definitely takes more efforts than writing a good essay. Maybe that is why a great deal of students prefer not to get into a trouble and make not to deal with bad essays. Therefore, I am sure that it is perpetually safer, more interes ting and challenging to write good, readable, clear, laconic and fully write essays.Works CitedHow to Write a Bad History Essay. Keele University. History crop of Humanities. 19 Apr. 2008 <http// >.
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincolns Killer by James L. Swanson.
A pictorial matter hero became the locomote hero after he assassinated death chair Abraham capital of Nebraska. For once, he shoot not the dummy shots, but the ones that will give him fame and place in World History in general and American History in particular. The entire Nation was the audience for this movie. bath Wilkes Booth knew that death was sideline him perhaps his final acting assignment came to the end, on the 12th twenty-four hour period of the shootingThe authors thesis in his hold up is child kindred and direct Why John Wilkes Booth did what he did? Was it the spontaneous run of his deep anguish over the policies of the President? The assassin had just cardinal days to live after he shot the President the security department forces chasing did shoot him but before that they burnt he bacillus in which he was hidingThe authors perspectiveThe author pack L. Swanson, will not get another subject matter like this, may God forbid The man who was eradicateed and the man who killed him, both shit well known personalities in their respective areas. The statesman-politician versus the versatile movie-man The assassin was a famous, handsome actor, who otherwise commanded lots of respect. The Booth Capturing ordeal lasted for 12 days, from April 14 to 26, 1865. The chase was a thriller it would beat the best stunt and war movie as for the sequence of events The author describes how the sympathetic individuals tried to save the orca and how he was finally outsmarted by the security forcesSwanson has written the book with a terrific sense of involvement. He has given a very evoke book and from the point of view of writing style, he gives total justness to the tragic subject. Why not He is a member of the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, and must have sieved through the vast literature visible(prenominal) on the life, death and after -death sequence of events tie in to the greatest President of USA, Abraham Lincoln. The man who initiated the Civil War for a great cause, and the man who rejoiced and applauded with clean-cut heart, its conclusionThe Nation then must have waited with bated speck as for the day to day hunt for the killer and heaved the sigh of relief pitcher when the assassin met with the gory end. On April 26, when Booth refused to surrender, troops set the barn in which he was hiding, on fire. Sergeant Boston Corbett shot the assassin. afterwards a few hours at sunrise, Booth died.April 26-27 Booths body was brought back to Washington, autopsied, photographed, and interred in a secret grave. He got what he merit. Lincoln meritd more to enjoy the fructification of his ideals. But destiny played its part. They say, It is better to deserve without receiving, than to receive without deservingThe rootage of the novel is great How the author handles the theme is even greater, which evokes unending curiosity. The level of detachment achieved by the author in handling a highly sensitive action-packed sub ject is commendable. Without giving mode for too much sentimentalism, the various grim situations manifest clearly, grow and break new dimensions. The book deserves an outstanding position and grade on poster of this approach. It is not a book it is the triumphConclusionThe action of John Wilkes Booth can not be termed as spontaneous. He wished to visit the defeat of the South. His heart was the abode of racial hatred. On April 14, 1865 around noon Booth got the information that Lincoln was coming to Fords sign of the zodiac that night. Within eight hours he had prepared his plan of assassination. This shows that the decision to kill Lincoln was not spontaneous. He was mentally prepared for that, much earlier. The book is the story of the manhunt, but in a book of about cd pages, Lincolns death occurs in page 139. Lots of related backgrounder information is provided in the book. It has all the qualities of mystery, history, detective story and tragedy. It is the delight of th e psycho-analyst.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Ballet or Football
Ashley Barnes Allie D. Rogers Engl 1010- 431 October 1, 2012 crackpotet or Foot cluster? ballet and football game game atomic number 18 both difficult athleticss to master however, some wholeness erst said, If ballet were each easier, theyd call it football. What gear ups for a good play? all feature has rules and regulations that champion essential follow in hostelry to play. The sport requires specific skills such as susceptibility, coordination, and run. A good sport has a certain level of safety to keep the participants safe and requires a lot of teamwork so that ein truth is playing to rideher. I personally theorize ballet is the more technical of the two.Ballet is much more complex than football. Every sport requires you to follow certain guidelines. In football, the player cant grab the opponent in certain ways or a yellow flag will be thrown on the found to indicate holding or some penalty that no one has even heard of before. Football has rules that the team must obey. On the another(prenominal)wise hand, ballet is less restricted than football. They are no rules in ballet. Ballet is a form of art there are no limitations on art. Ballet is not about winning or following any rules it is about expression through movement.Although there is more freedom in ballet, there is a lot of technique requisite. You must hold your accouterments a certain way so that they do not droop, and you must always remember the turn out of your thigh when you tendu. Ballet w contactethorn not require rules, but there are still stilt of little details to remember. Strength is a major component of most any sport. In football, the quarterback relies on two hundred and fifty dollar bill pound linemen to block so that he can get the ball in the end zone. The defensive linemen convey to intention their upper embody strength to hold the opposing team and keep them from getting to the ball.They use their lower body to stand strong to hold their ground ilk grabbing a bull by the horns. Ballet requires a totally polar kind of strength than football does. jumprs use their upper bodies to hold their armor above their heads in a perfect beach ball wrought fifth position while still keeping their shoulders mass for thirty minutes at a time. They use their lower body strength to push out of a plie to a pique turn and have to maintain the core strength, so they do not wobble as well much. Football does not require much coordination.It wasnt a sport that was meant to be pretty. It was meant to be rough and rugged for the manliest of men. While watching the game, half(a) of the time you applyt even know if they meant to smoothen down or if they just happen to be clumsy enough to fall over their own two feet. It tends to be one big tail pile play after play. In ballet, coordination is eachthing. Dancers must make forkingitimate they are in the exact spot that they are supposed to be at and be in sync with every other terpsichor ean on the stage. Pierce Brosnan said, Love is a lot like dance you just surrender to the euphony (Willcutt).Every beat must be a white flag waving and show complete dedication to the music. Dancers have to be coordinated enough to do long elaborate pieces of stage dancing while still maintaining a smile on their faces. Ballerinas must make every single movement appear effortless. In football, drive on is very important when a wide receiver is trying to run the ball down the field. It is his speed that helps him to pass by the other players in lightning speed so fast that they do not even know what hit them. I know what youre thinking. why would you need speed in ballet?However, not one ballerina would ever envisage of doing a slow fouette, a move in which you whip your leg around to spin. It would be a disaster. Fouettes are meant to be fast to get your body around faster to make your pirouettes prettier. Speed and extreme steering is what makes a ballerina capable of turning. Although countless football players get price yearly, they have equipment that is specifically designed to keep them from serious injury. Football players find injury every time they step foot out on that field, but if they fall down, their equipment is there to take the majority of the impact.Safety is important in any sport you play that is why in football the players bore pads and helmets for protection. However, dancers must maintain a flawless posture to keep from injuring themselves. there is no special equipment for a dancer to use to keep themselves to safe. A dancer must rely on stretching to warm up his or her muscles. Dancers have to take every good care of their ankles and knees because they are constantly at risk of injury. If a dancer twists her ankle on stage during a performance, she doesnt call in the second string.She sucks it up, puts on a brave face, and keeps on dancing. Teamwork is important in football because if you dont read your guards, then you are li able to screw the inherent play up. The player must know what the play is and what exact piece everyone is going to play. The players huddle up before each play to strategize against the other team. They break off and have to rely on their teammates to do what is required of them. Vince Lombardi said, People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society (Family of Vince).When you think of the word team, you dont exactly picture a group of ballerinas dancing on a shiny hardwood stage. You stereotypically think of the Pittsburg Steelers or some other NFL team. However, in ballet, every dancer is part of a team. You have to be so in tune with one another that as soon as the music begins, everyone begins to dance as if a bunch of puppets moving on strings. If one teammate loses rhythm then the whole performance suffers. Dancers rehearse with their laddie dancers for weeks and weeks to perfect their dance so that it will be flawless.In the end, ballet and football require a great amount of passion and determination. If you do not have the heart, you will not be willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears that it takes to pursue the sport whole-heartedly. Although football may be a little easier, both sports demand a lot of hard work. full treatment Cited Family of Vince Lombardi c/o Luminary Group LLC. Famous Quotes by Vince Lombardi. Vince Lombardi. 2010. Web. October 4, 2012. Willcutt, Sara. Dance Quotes 3. Ascending Star Dance- An Internet Dance Magazine. 2007. Web. October 4, 2012.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Food Preservation Essay
Men involve preserved their foods from ancient times in order to keep the results of harvesting for overwinter months, for resale, for storage, and for transporting from sea to inland, overseas, or cross-country. To do so, they mostly utilize natures methods, which ar drying, parching and fermenting. Parching is the most natural method, but for galore(postnominal) thousands of years, others have likewise been use. Direct tempestuousness of liquids, usually by the introduction of yeast, has non only preserved liquids but also enhanced their quality, the same of course applying to salting. roll of tobacco has preserved, and sometimes improved both lean and meat. Hickory wood is generally used for the fires, and natural juices argon contained by a slight coating of wood creosote. It was not until recently that the causes of rottenness were understood, these being the contradictions of bacterium, m sometime(a)s, yeasts and micro-organisms. few fermentation and molds ar, of course, necessary in the issue of food and drink molds, for example, being used in cheese-making.But the real find in preservation against the causes of rottenness came, when it was learnt how to overlay with the micro-organisms present in all foods and drinks, and which react chemically over a decimal point to produce unpalatable or baneful food or drink. There are three basic methods. Firstly, food whitethorn be preserved by temperature reduction or freezing, to a very funky temperature when long-term preservation is required.This was originally do by packing in a mixture of salt and ice today, frosty storage is big business and infrigidation is a highly-developed science. Dehydration may be bracketed with this method, as the principle elusive is the same, namely to suspend the operation of bacterium which requires normal temperatures for chemical reaction. This is why reconstituted testicle cannot against dehydrated, and melted ice-cream refrozen. The second method o f wipeout is by heat- soures, which terminate all the bacteria present in food and drink.This process is used out front canning foods in hermetically-sealed containers, with child(p) care being taken not to allow the foods or drink s to become re-infested after cooling and before canning. The third method is to preserve by the addition of chemicals, which control or destroy bacteria. This is merely a follow-up of the old systems of salting, smoking and candling. Eventually, the method of cold sterilization is expected to supersede most of the others this amounts to exposing the food-stuffs to ionizing radiation. nowadays more than mere food-preservation is sought-after(a) by the consumer, and for this reason, processes are becoming more and more sophisticated. Quality, economy and convenience are sought by modern man particularly modern woman convenience is important, the ready-cooked meal is popular, while, in Western, or Westernized communities, goods do not sell easily if they lack color, a good appearance, natural flavor, the right texture, and are free from defects.
Death of a Salesman Comparisson
death of a Salesman After adaptation and watching Arthur Millers demise of a Salesman, it was clear that at that place were many a(prenominal) similarities and differences between the icon and the text. Many of the actors elect for roles in the cinema seemed to have run across Millers portrayal of the characters. Between Willy feeling intricate and lost to Lindas vivid use up for Willy they altogether were presented genuinely well. However, in the add, Willy Loman is visualised as a man of huge size while in the image he is much petty(a)er.Although Dustin Hoffman depicts the character of Willy Loman well, he gets so enthralled in the foment of the scene that it sometimes makes the audience respect if Miller intended for Willy to be so dramatic and emotional. At times its overpowering and even difficult to understand what Hoffman is saying. A problem with converting plays or books to motion prospect is one cant see pictures that go on with text. The top dog must create its consume pictures of what is cosmos described.The portrayal of Linda Loman on privacy was completely different than what I had imagined her to be as while I was reading. I envisioned her to be a petty(a) younger and a lot more than(prenominal) than run-down and tired from dealing with not only Willy and his lost life nevertheless to her two sons and the social issues they have as well. I precept her to be more distressed. As far as game goes, the storyline was almost exactly the same in the movie and the play. Some scenes were interchanged, still not so much as to disrupt the development or anatomical structure of the story.It also looks as though the manager of the film purposely made it out like the movie was taking rate on a stage, probably to anticipate true to the fact that above all, Death of a Salesman is a play. I matte like the flashbacks were complete and in the film it visually helped the audience to understand what was release on. In the t ext on the separate hand, it was up to the reader to understand when they happened and who all were part of them. I think the movie adaption of this was done rattling well wake how Ben wasnt really there and it was bonnie Willys imagination when it came time for a flashback.The writers of the film script did a very good job with keeping peculiar(prenominal) lines clear and understandable, keeping in mind that they had to most likely change small things here and there. Overall I set up most of the movie compared to the play a success. Between choosing actors who fit their parts as though they actually were Willy Loman, sack Loman, Bernard and so forth, to being spot on with the maculation for the most part they were two very similar. Some failures in my opinion existed in the movie when comparing to the text as well.Read also Realism and Expressionism in Death of a SalesmanWhen reading the play I didnt see Willy and Linda being so touchy feely, as in the kissing and hugging that went on. Also the charr that Willy cheats on Linda with is much younger than I imagined. She is much more annoying oddly with her laughing than as I saw her to be in the play itself. Lastly, toward the end, Biff seemed in my eyes much more emotional than I saw him to be through the text. I saw more anger and distress instead of care about willy and crying that happened in the movie. Overall, yes there were successes and failures when comparing the film to the actual play, but I must say both were quite similar.
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